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Everything posted by SOULCASTER

  1. We will be looking for Republic Guilds interested in organizing some Open World PvP against us on the weekends for fun and legacy achievement completion. Win trading is efficient, but ideally looking to do things the old fashioned way. In the future, as we expand more, we would also be interested in setting up organized 8v8 Guild Challenge Warzone battles. If you’d like to coordinate something, please message me or join our discord, and we can see about setting things up.
  2. <Dual Sun Shadows/Brigands> is a good group of people. Can confirm =)
  3. Pretty sure Tal'Ajax#2856 on discord runs Republic VM/HM ops on Friday and Saturday nights and is recruiting for his team.
  4. Thank you to those that joined us for the 10 stack dreadtooth kill. And earlier in the week, i think it was <Orden Lotus> (republic) for the fun open world pvp. We were just open world PvPing again on Illum. Now, currently forming a group for World Boss Achievements.
  5. Has anyone else been able to confirm this or other (2 piece) set bonuses not working?
  6. Yes that talent is bugged, and I think has been for a while it seems.
  7. It would appear that mixing a 4 piece set bonus with the 2 piece Preserver's (+2% shielding) bonus is not working. Taking my Preserver gloves on and off (activating/deactivating) for the set bonus is not changing my shielding numbers at all. I am at 49.50% shielding on my Juggernaut with or without that 2 piece bonus it seems. I'm not sure if this is because the set bonus doesn't work, or there is a hard cap of diminishing returns worked in. Which if there is, there shouldn't be.
  8. Our 8M progression team is full, but we will look to form 16Ms in the near future.
  9. Hey bud, what faction are you looking to raid on and what class you play?
  10. You may want to transfer to Satele Shan, which is the 'west coast' server.
  11. This thread is old, so I updated the 1st post. /bumping.
  12. I noticed this yesterday too. Can confirm Force Push doesn't reset leap cooldown anymore.
  13. I just spent my Rakghoul DNA Tokens to get Rakghoul DNA canisters and it appears they are not in my inventory, but instead in my currency tab (only). Perhaps the Gray Helix components just changed visual texture? I can't remember how many of each I had before 6.0. Can anyone else confirm?
  14. It seems my gray helix components have merged and have taken on the appearance of the blue rakghoul DNA canisters in my legacy bank, yet retain the name "gray helix components". This happening to anyone else? I was specifically saving both types of currency for an item to buy and now they merged... https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/586330260749156367/638394343677231120/unknown.png
  15. They dont have a significant skin-whitening affect, but they DO have dark side corruption. Mostly in the eyes. With DS corruption on, their eyes are always red, with it off they are then slightly moddable from a dark blue to black.
  16. /bumping thread. I also hate these and a toggle-OFF button was the first thing I looked for when logging into the game. =(
  17. If you use a fresh renown boost (purple, that lasts 3 hours) and then log out, the boost will deteriorate while logged out. I can log in the next day to find it gone and then and have to re-apply it. Before 6.0 (when they were command boosts) if you had any amount of time left on a consumed boost, you could log out and still retain that remaining time when you logged in next time. It appears now that is not that case. Working as intended or bugged?
  18. /bumping this Because the most iconic, expensive and hardest to obtain light saber in the game shouldn't be a giant glowing beach ball from an EDM concert. Other posts on this as well: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=970286 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=969819
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