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Everything posted by SOULCASTER

  1. What dream is dead? The hope for cross server? I hope that wasn't your dream from bioware....
  2. Not sure how that's relevant but DF/DP nightmare is often regarded as one of the best operations in the game. Its old content and STILL is hard to complete. I think it's their best operation in the game. The new ToS/Ravagers is horrible.
  3. Gotta love them free-loaders. Wanting all the bells and whistles without paying.... Its $15 a month people. I legitimately feel bad for some of you that like the game enough to play it every month but refuse to pay a sub fee.
  4. Yes that fixes ONE aspect of solo rateds. A change which was needed like 3 seasons ago, if not more. But that still does not fully address server population and participating issues.
  5. I'm actually grinding one right now. It is the only classs I never played before. I did however know that the top two rated teams last season on two different servers had snipers on them. They were a good counter to the sin meta going on. Though I'm sure you are going to say they are bad because of solo rated pvp? Where you likely encounter 4dps vs 4dps matches? Yes, they under perform there (along with several other classes), as the game can't really be balanced around that situation. Sniper is good in regular warzones and PvE operations, under performing in solo rateds but strong in team rateds. I mean, it could be worse. Every class could use a tweak here or there. So I'm sure there are things I don't know about with sniper that you'd like fixed. But overall the class is solid. I know some very sick snipers in game.
  6. I guess you think sniper sucks right now huh.
  7. avoid pot5 at all costs. literally no one plays there anymore. Nor should anyone.
  8. Defeated Brontes a 2nd time now. Congrats to Bitter for the wings. Moved on to down 2/5 in Dread Palace as well now. May need a DPS for Monday.
  9. Running tonight @ 8:30pm Eastern. Might need a DPS that knows the fights to do Dread Fortress Nightmare with us.
  10. We just cleared the first boss of Dread Palace and we may need 1 to 2 DPS for clearing DF Nightmare again on Thursday night 6/11 @ 8:30pm EST. If you know the fights, can join us in StarParse and TeamSpeak3, hit me up and I'll see if I can fit you in to our team. We currently have a team of 7 with a list of alternates, trying to fill our last reliable dps spot, so far with no luck.
  11. We are always looking for alternates, as we are unable to get a consistent 8 each night. Hit up the names in my original post if you're interested in joining us.
  12. Hahaha look out for those serious lowbie/midbies guys!
  13. I just saw this post after reading through the other pages. This is gold. Guy makes a thread saving pot5 and in his own thread says he left and moved to Harb. HHAAHHAHAHAHa That's how dead pot5 is. HaHaHAHa
  14. You're playing the wrong faction on Shadowlands. All the pvp pops are imp side (mostly imp vs imp..but hey).
  15. I am from pot5. I have been playing on pot5 since they did the mass server mergers years ago. I will definitely vouch for that server being an utter piece of s**t. DO NOT waste your money transferring there. Take this time to grind toons or transfer off to literally any other server.
  16. Brontes dies! Congrats to Megatron for looting the wings! On to Dread Palace on Monday! The team that we used to beat brontes: TANK - Kryptis (My Assassin) TANK - Kanzibrix (Powertech) HEALER - Bodyguard (Mercenary) HEALER - Bitter'as'hell (Operative) D.P.S - Jannex (Mercenary) D.P.S - Xemnas (Sniper) D.P.S - Megatroñ (Marauder) D.P.S - AllenT (Assassin)
  17. The problem is most knowledgeable-daily-pvpers know that. However most knowledgeable-daily-pvpers are also like maybe 40% of the player pool participating in warzones. The other 60% are a combination of: new, don't care, don't understand or even know what bolster is and pve heroes that legitimately think their 192/198 gear is better. Uneducated people on the way in which pvp and bolster works in game is is probably THE leading cause of people coming to the forums spamming ''nerf X-class'' threads, as they have 300 expertise in warzones and ranked matches getting globalled. Making a new 'recruit gear' coupled with mandatory 2018 expertise in order to queue for warzones, will fix all of these problems as it leaves no doubt as to your team mates finally being properly geared to start pvping.
  18. I think we might finally have a full 8 man team set. Though the possibilities of alternates is never out of the question, as people can't always commit every single day. Our next run is Thursday June 4th at 8:30pm EST.
  19. Right, but there are a LOT of people that don't have full expertise that enter warzones. Some probably outright refuse to switch gear because they think it doesn't matter, or that bolster will carry them. What I was proposing with new 'recruit' gear would prevent these people from playing pvp unless they had full expertise. Which would be literally as easy as just putting on the freely given 'recruit gear' so they actually have a fighting chance. This also would make balancing 'bolster' much easier because then youd only need to worry about bolstering the Recruit Gear, the new gear, and the top end gear. There would be no more worry about bolstering pve gear because they wouldn't be allowed to queue with sub 2018 expertise.
  20. bump! Running tonight @ 8:30pm EST. Always looking to find more people interested in joining!
  21. Yes well if they implemented a mandatory 2018 expertise before queuing for warzones, they'd be forced to use it. And the new costume/outfit designer in game negates any worries about not looking good in pvp gear anymore.
  22. Yeah I find it amusing how many people on these forums are continually blaming their 3 other team mates for why their own ELO rating is bad each and every season. At least with this new system, even with bad team mates all season long, you can still grind out the rewards if you want them.
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