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Everything posted by Celacia

  1. Seriously. I could talk about this for days. (Wait, we have been, haven't we?) My male agent, Antinous, has that face. He is waiting oh, so patiently to get to come out and play. I love her for that consistency. She's nuts, but you can count on her completely, within her limits. Excellent. Thank-you, I can't wait to watch.
  2. Oh, yes. But Livia was throwing herself at him from the moment she saw him. Before he had even opened that damned mouth of his.
  3. Yeah, I was kind of like your friend, to be honest. I love that face.
  4. Yeah, he's pretty swell. Didn't give me any useful feedback, though. (Edit: On this little bit, at least.)
  5. I am usually the one doing the biting, though.
  6. I was. Edit: I am pretty sure he was at least somewhat flirty with my husband's male agent, too.
  7. I want to seeeeeee! (I understand though - today I finished up the scene of the last fleshed out Livia/Vector interaction that's in mine. It was literally just an extra 12 lines, and I just about died of embarrassment when I let my husband read it.)
  8. I use 5. He's a little the worse for wear, scarring-wise, but... eyepatch. So sexy.
  9. Bahahahaha. I am sorry. That is kind of awesome, in an awful way. My husband and I made the same choice as each other at that point:
  10. He started his agent before mine - we duoed him and my Inquisitor. I finished mine before his. (But only by a couple of hours, because I made him wait, and he was gracious enough to do so.) We have another guildie who just started one, and it is killing me (just like it did with the last friend who did one) because I want to talk about it so much. He ended up romancing Mako, and it was cute. His agent took Ensign Temple out once or twice and then he let her down gently, because she was too crazy for him. He would totally romance Vector given the chance, though.
  11. My husband's characters generally don't make moral choices that he wouldn't. Neither do mine, mostly - my SW is likely to be my darkest (withe the potential exception of my boys once I roll them out) - although their decisions are often more dictated by their personality than my own. The thing about his characters that makes me crazy is that his characters don't get enough lovin'. Super sexy spy man? Did not, in fact sleep his way around the galaxy. So sad. (Ahem. Husband, if you read this: They are your characters and you can play them however you want and I respect that. I am just whining. Really. You play them for you, and not for my vicarious amusement. I get enough of that with my own characters.)
  12. Am I like the only person who convinced Ashara that she wasn't a Jedi anymore, and that she could be an awesome neutrally aligned Sith like me? I mean, she didn't get any less stupid, and she still had issues with Jedi-logic, but she at least stopped claiming to be one. Was I hallucinating? (To be fair, I never take her anywhere because she is a joyless harpy, so I don't know what she says when she is fighting.)
  13. I am so very glad it was not just me. My friend finished the story a week or so ago, and we were very careful to not spoil anything for her
  14. I, um, am replaying Livia on the server we play our Republic characters on. Exactly the same, except for one fairly minor decision. Because I am crazy (but also, mostly because I want to record the conversations as well as unlock Chiss on that server, to see if I can manage to make someone who fits with the JK's voice for me). I also have a male agent who is waiting for SGRs to go in.
  15. Solanae was an officer in the CEDF, in one of the more clandestine units. She was not a very nice person - a little cold, a little cruel. She was the only person in Livia's family that had understood her at all. She disappeared when Livia was still quite young. While out doing recon with her partner they encountered a small freighter that had no business being there. Officially, there was an accident and their scout ship blew up. In reality, they boarded it, and found it to be manned by a man by the name of Raif. Something about him captivated Solanae, and something about her captivated him - they killed her partner, stripped everything useful from her ship, and then destroyed it. No one would ever have known anything different happened, except that in a fit of homesickness she once sent a message to her family telling them she was alive, and married to a human, no less. They were not pleased. Livia managed to overhear it being mentioned, and was secretly pretty happy about it. Solanae and Raif were each other's entire world. The had a daughter, Thanys, who was bright blue and freckled, and adorable. They were a picture perfect family, barring the slightly shady nature of their work, dealing mostly in illegal cargo and substances. When Thanys was about 2 and a half, there was an 'accident' during a delivery - nothing was ever proven, but it was suspected that one of their rivals had rigged the airlock they were supposed to use. Solanae was killed, and Raif was seriously injured. Thanys, asleep, safely strapped in her bunk, was unharmed. Raif was never the same after the accident - he had suffered a severe head injury, and spent a long time recovering. He never got over the loss of his wife, however, and as he started to recover he turned to drink and spice to numb his pain. This made him a less than successful father for his little girl, who seemed to be growing up so very fast. And she was, too - her mixed blood meant she was growing much faster than a human child would, although slightly slower than a Chiss. Unfortunately, her mental and emotional growth was more in tune with her human side, leaving her unprepared to deal with her father's issues. It seemed to Raif that every day she looked more and more like her mother (except for the freckles, which she got from him), and in his confused state he eventually became convinced that she was Solanae come back to life. Only for some reason she kept refusing his advances. Sometimes that just confused him and made him sad (and left Thanys feeling guilty and confused), sometimes it made him violent. When she was 14 he refused to take no for an answer any longer - and she killed him - with one of her mother's blaster pistols. It was easier than she had thought it would be. She knew nothing of her mother's family, and Raif's sister, who had taken care of them after the accident while he was recovering had washed her hands of them after he turned to spice. She was alone, and she was very young, although she (luckily for her, for once) looked older. She had a ship and weapons, and a little money. She had to get away from places where people knew her father - they might wonder what had happened to him. This meant that the fringes of Republic space, when she had grown up were no longer home. She didn't want to haul cargo for a living like her father, but she knew that she was going to have to do something to make her way. She thought about how easy it had been to kill her father, and how good it had felt - empowering, exhilarating. She knew that there were places where one could make a pretty decent living as a mercenary or a bounty hunter - even as an independent contractor, without the sort of semiofficial status that say, the Mandalorians had - and that seemed vastly preferable to the other options that presented themselves. She took her mother's guns and started practicing. She was on her way. Years passed. She always brought in her targets - more often alive than not, although it was mostly because she enjoyed how angry they got about it. She loved her work - it turned out that she really, really enjoyed shooting people - and setting them on fire? Priceless. It gave her the giggles. Every time. Sometimes she thought that people seemed a little nervous around her - she couldn't tell if it was because there was something wrong with her or if it was just her growing reputation. By the time she was 21 she had started to make a name for herself, in a small kind of way, but she wanted more. She heard rumors that the Mandalorians were going to be holding a Great Hunt. She made some inquiries and found a team that was interested in working with her. We all know how that worked out. Later, when she was given the option to be adopted into Mandalore's clan, she accepted. The idea of having a family - one not tied to her by blood (because that hadn't worked out well for her) but by choice, was appealing. She thought it might ground her. Also, it would be good for business. A girl's got to eat - and she had promised Gault that he could have frilly curtains for his room if he really wanted them. She met the boything on her first hunt as a Mandaloian and Great Hunt winner - she was after his father. When she was sent to find him, she realized that she had met him, briefly on Dromund Kaas during a ritual hunt. She had thought his defensiveness about his age was cute. He seemed to be only a few years younger than she was anyway, and it had been fun to tease him about it. She walked into his camp, and he attacked her, but ended up disarmed by her charm, flat on his back, with her boot on his chest and her gun pointed at his face. She was annoyed by the welcome, but she warmed to him when he gamely admitted that he had deserved what he got there. She decided that working with him would be fun. He did seem a little put out when she declined to give his plan to avoid attracting the rakghouls a shot, but really. A girl has to have standards. Also, she was confident that she could take them. They tracked down his father, who was shocked to meet his son, whom he had believed to be dead. She insisted that Torian listen to what his father had to tell him before they froze him and took him in - she thought he would regret it if he let the chance pass. She was glad when he asked to come with her, because she had started to become quite fond of him - his earnestness, the serious way he had about him, the way he seemed to hold her in awe, his gentle sense of humor. She found the respectful, quiet way that he flirted with her to be kind of intoxicating. She hadn't thought she could love a man - she had some serious issues because of her father, and she tended to get panicky when older men showed her attention, but with her boything it was different. It may have been because he was younger than she was. It may have been the way he respected her. It may have been the way he was completely happy to be her 'arm candy' for the night. It was at least partially because she knew she could take him easily in a fight, and because he knew it too. He treasured her, and it was just what she needed. She was beyond happy when he told her he loved her, even though he brought it up as a potential problem because of the bad blood between their clans. She couldn't say yes fast enough when he asked her to marry him. After a certain incident that made her very, very angry (and certain other people very, very sorry) she decided that she couldn't let him out of her sight, and now brings him with her everywhere. She's pretty happy with the arrangement, since her work often gets her all excited, and there he is, ready to be grabbed for big sloppy make-outs, right there in the field. She is surprisingly delighted at the thought of making little bluish Mando babies with him. Given her childhood, she didn't think she would want to have kids - but she wants to have his kids. Back on Hutta, someone had asked her how a Chiss had ended up being a bounty hunter, and she had told them it was because of some really bad luck. At the time that is what she had thought. Looking back at it though, safe and happy with her husband and her crew, she thinks that it turned out to have been really good luck, after all.
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