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Everything posted by Celacia

  1. I was really disappointed that that option existed. It doesn't make sense.
  2. Honestly? Sometimes yes and sometimes no, but they were kind of supposed to be, so it was fine? As something to play through myself? Meh. I understand that it is a personal taste issue here, but I don't like the jedi, and never really have, so the more 'standard jedi' type of stories don't really appeal to me.
  3. If you let yourself get emotionally invested there is really no beating the agent story. It has some pretty difficult stuff in it. (Also, the most grown-up and interesting romance in the game, with one of the most interesting companions in the game.) The smuggler and BH stories kind of mirror each other, in that you are doing your own thing, for your own reasons and get sucked into working for your faction's government because of circumstances. They're both kind of lighter stories, I guess? I didn't care for what i have seen of the JK story, I found it to be really over the top and unbelievable, to the point where I thought it was a little absurd. SI starts out strong and then loses momentum after chapter 1, which was a shame, because I thought chapter 1 was pretty awesome. Inversely, SW ended up being interesting, and I think pretty well done, if a bit monotonous to begin with. (Things don't really seem to get interesting to me for the warrior until chapter 3.) I can't really speak for the trooper or consular lines, I haven't sen much of either, but the little I have seen of the consular hasn't impressed me.
  4. That is a really interesting line of thought.
  5. It lets you feel better about having people on your ship that you don't want there. My BH really wants one for Skadge.
  6. A good bit, unfortunately, but worth it? Maaaaaaaybe. It is a prisoner's collar.
  7. Belsavis social gear. Hat. That is all I am saying.
  8. Yeah, you didn't beat him, so much as keep him occupied so he could be trapped. Also,
  9. I have found turning slightly to be helpful there, so you aren't facing the ledge head on, but have a bit more of the ground in front of you.
  10. The point of being in the right place at the right time really happens before you have had a chance to prove that you are in fact really good at your job.
  11. Loved the agent story, but I think its awesome kind of depends on how much you let yourself get emotionally involved in it. I am surprised by this assessment of the Inquis, though - for me chapter 1 was pretty awesome and then after that it got very lame very fast, and I found the ending kind of meh.
  12. Not as much for the agent, who is just someone who is good at their job and happened to be in the right/wrong (depending on your perspective) place at the right/wrong time, and everything kind of follows from that. It's my favorite thing about the agent story.
  13. Ok, now I am actually sad that I missed that and not just kind of sad.
  14. And yeah, it's a bad idea to read this thread without having finished the story, given things that have been said about the end of Ch. 3.
  15. Wait, I could have slept with Skavik? I was too busy being pissed off at him to notice. I am kind of sad I didn't now, though.
  16. The impression that I got from his reaction to that though was that once he joined the hive it never occurred to him to go back to see his family or girlfriend - they just didn't register anymore, because he was part of the hive and they were not. He was genuinely surprised that people might miss the old him, or mourn him, or anything. So essentially, he just dropped off the face of the galaxy, and who knows what his family and friends were told by the authorities - did they say he was missing and presumed dead? Did they tell them he was a joiner? Like I said above, But, another way to look at it is this: he is what his experiences have made him, just like anyone else, even if those experiences were a little more extreme than most people's. No one is the same person today that they were five years ago, or ten years ago - our experiences change us, for good and for bad. It's unkind to not respect his right to be who he is, even if it isn't who he was.
  17. That's about how old I think mine is. It's a really interesting thing to think about. Who he was before versus who he is now. What the people who knew him would think. Heck, what I would think if he was someone I knew and loved beforehand. It was interesting when he said that given the choice he wouldn't undo it - I really wish that
  18. Eh. It's not game-breaking once you are aware of it and can work around it. It's just really, really annoying.
  19. Honestly, I think it would probably be very uncomfortable for him. Even if you do demonstrate that he's still good people, it's still going to hurt him to be rejected as a monster by his family, or even if they don't reject him, for them to view him as someone who now needs fixing or saving, like his ex does.
  20. So would mine. An educated gentleman who shares m..her interest in archaeology? Yes, please.
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