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Everything posted by Celacia

  1. Heh, my agent is not at all a good person (although her professionalism and practicality have meant that she trends pretty strongly light side), and even so Kaliyo was starting to wear on her. She was starting to sound reasonable. Her feelings for Vector (which were, on her part, completely unexpected) have had a remarkably good influence on her as a person, though.
  2. He's a little different, yes. But honestly, even if you don't like him (and I don't know how one could not like him) he is still such a breath of fresh air after all that time alone on your ship with a sociopath and a droid. (Not to say that my agent and Kaliyo aren't close, but she's still nuts.)
  3. I hadn't thought of that. He would probably be happy to do it, too.
  4. I took that to mean that all his bits still work in all the ways she would care about, which doesn't necessarily include children. (Doesn't necessarily preclude them though either, I guess.) My BH is the only one of my ladies really interested in children though.
  5. I also loved how happy he was to be told that I wanted him as arm candy. And he cooks? He is too cute.
  6. Not having the click-through on the chat window has killed me so many times. It's a bit better now that I have moved it, but it's still pretty awful.
  7. My inquis and my smuggler I play as myself only in their circumstances and with their talents and abilities, with the caveat that my smuggler has had the influence of good people in her life and my inquis has not. My inquis is the only one of my characters who pays attention to her alignment, staying as close to truly neutral as she can (although she manipulates it with diplomacy, and would probably trend slightly light otherwise). My agent and my BH I play as themselves. I think that I enjoy them more because of that (especially my agent, whom I love dearly). It was interesting to me to see they way her decision making changed as she fell in love with Vector, for example. They also both trend light side (my agent is somewhere in the middle of light 3 at 50), but not because they are good people. My agent is ruthlessly practical. My BH likes to bring people back alive because she thinks that that is usually more amusing, and she is totally a jerk like that. My consular will probably mostly be herself too, although I don't find her to be nearly as engaging.
  8. My BH wants nothing to do with Skadge, and yet there he is on her ship anyway, making creepy predatory comments at her. RP-wise there is no way in hell that she would have not shot him in the face on Belsavis rather than letting him on her ship. Given the casualty percentage of the teams he has led, I tend to think that he is helping the Republic by hanging out on your ship.
  9. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to find that Vector is sterile because of the joining. While I think he would be an awesome father, I also think my agent would be a terrible mother, so not such a big deal to me. It is important to me that my BH and her Torian can get to the making of little bluish mando babies, though.
  10. Darth Jadus wanting to make me "a vessel for his power." *shudder* Edit: Zash, to me, was much less frightening once she showed her "true face" than when she was being all sweetness and light.
  11. My Inquis is romancing the heck out of her pirate friend, but I don't know that she loves him. She is kind of emotionally stunted, which makes his kind of stand-offish-ness a pretty good match for her. Her fling with the poor sith on Alderaan might have blossomed into real love, given the chance, though. Poor Corso got the commitment-phobic character. My BH has issues with men (and other things), but a younger man who worships the ground she walks on is just what she needed to ground her. However, Torian and Corso are both sweet and pretty awesome in their own ways, but neither of them hold a candle to Vector. He has so much depth - even if he wasn't the kindest and most thoughtful man my agent has met he is just so interesting as a person. My husband is sad that his male IA can't romance him too.
  12. Honestly, I want to be able to hear other people's as well. I loved it when my husband's operative would laugh when healing me. Two toggles, one for your own and one for being able to hear others' if the players have them enabled.
  13. That is the part that makes it not ring true to me, really. Something about the tone seems off, when compared to the earlier posts. *shrug* I meant the Op when I was talking about not responding if she was done with the conversation.
  14. To me it reads like, "My attempt to stir up controversy instead sparked a reasonable, adult discussion. I couldn't bring myself to engage with the conversation any further, because much of what I had to say was fairly ill considered. Wow. I feel kind of embarrassed by the whole thing. I know, I shall pretend that I meant to do that and that everyone involved was just a puppet on my string." Honestly, it's pretty insulting, yes. Also? Childish. If you don't want to engage in the conversation anymore, just, you know, don't.
  15. It really ought to be toggleable.
  16. I would settle for knowing where my agent's phantom blaster pistol (that she wears and/or uses in conversations/cutscenes) keeps appearing from. She doesn't even own a blaster pistol.
  17. Honestly, I find having one's companion running around in public areas in the slave girl costume to be creepy. I have given this a lot of thought, actually, and I believe it's because we are encouraged to think of them as persons for the purpose of the game, but they don't have any agency: they can't refuse to wear it. What someone and their companion do in private is a whole different story, and not really one I care about.
  18. I am curious as to why you think that that is necessarily the case? The Agent storyline, for example, can be pretty brutal and traumatic, even without any reference to sexuality. Mmos are not really for children unless they are specifically designed to be. Again, children can't play this game without their parents' consent, and the decision of whether it is appropriate for them is their parents responsibility. I wouldn't let a child of mine play one unless they were old enough to deal with adult themes. I would also like to point out that I don't think that "women who prefer the more primal nature" (that's a nice phrase, btw, I like it ) are necessarily "exceptions" in the general female population and, in my experience, are even less likely to be so when you are considering the female gaming population.
  19. I am pretty sure my agent killed him anyway (after having her way with him, because she is like that). To be fair, she could have lured him to his room and then killed him without having her way with him too, not quite so likely for her in particular from an rp perspective. Just, you know, either way she did it quietly, in his room where it wouldn't attract attention, and yeah, I think that that is where the light side comes in for that choice.
  20. Speaking as a woman (but, you know, just as one individual one, because I can't speak for anyone else), I have to say that I could use more flirting/romance/sex in the game, because I, personally, enjoy it. Also, the lack of follow-through on the companion romances is kind of underwhelming. I do agree that there is a lack of parity in the skimpy clothing department, certainly. I would love to see that fixed by adding equally skimpy clothing options for males as well, though. I will agree that there should be options available to turn your companions down without them getting all pouty about it. As far as children playing, they do so with their parents' consent, and it's really up to the parents to decide if the game is appropriate for them. Personally, if they are too young to handle implied video game make-outs (not even necessarily sex, since it's left ambiguously 'fade-to'black') then they probably shouldn't be playing an mmo in general, because the things that other players will say are often far more explicit. Again, though,that decision is on their parents and not on anyone else.
  21. My merc lost her giggle as well, and it is very sad, since it was kind of integral to her personality. (Besides being useful for knowing when her free rail shot proc was up.) I think allowing it to be toggled off and on would be an excellent solution.
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