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Everything posted by dirtyboxer

  1. I hate it when people use the whole i pay to have fun, im not winning so it aint fun crap. You want a PT reroll one, you cant? Tough. This is an mmo.
  2. As an assault specced vanguard i have some success by semi kiting. Get in, hit hard with plastiq, hib, ss, and ion then get out and kite with ion, hib, and hammer shot to keep him snared. Use your CDs as needed and hess try to force camo when things go south. Pop scan and finish him off with an opening barrage. Needless to say you wont always win but i do alot of times. Your build and gear should be focussed around critting with hib and ss.
  3. Solos or broken teams shouldnt be allowed to enter because of the possibility for cheating ect. A 6 man group queue up, gets 2 pugs and one of those has an imp char or buddy also queued up. Could easiliy sabotage. Plus letting solos get in there skews the rankings cause your not facing teams.
  4. BS. I play assault specced vanguard, AM full bm with 2 WH peices, combat tech gear, with some eliminator pieces (all DPS) and I hit 400k on occassion. And that occassion is usualy voidstar, where there are other people either at or around my damage, namely knights. OP is trolling dont feed it.
  5. dirtyboxer

    I knew it!

    I think the multiple screenshots made them reconsider their stance. Theres no way they say in a previous post that they investigated every player and found nothing.
  6. Good players are good regardless. This is prime example of somone playing their class well. Vg couldnt pull off this kind of kiting.
  7. Consequencial pvp. Like EVE, if you lose youve lost something that sets yiu back. It could be gear, creds, or whatever you have in inventory at the time.
  8. Two different classes, not suppose to be the same. Id like to have some marauder abilities on my vanguard, throw in scoundrel healing to while your at it. Guys there are different classes that excel in different areas. Their not all going to be balanced around raw dps or heals. If you all had it your way we would all be playing one class with every ability. You want complete balance? Thats it. Learn to play your class or reroll simple as that.
  9. Vanguards are very killable, especialy the assault specced ones that your complaining about. However there is another DPS class that I wont mentions that has insane defensive cools downs and good burst. Vanguard doesnt enjoy these great defensive CDs, and has only burst with some minor utiltiy in the assault tree. I play a Vanguard as my main, but also have a Sage, Scoundrel, and will be rolling a Sentinel at some point. The game rewards alts, so people roll them. You cant say that because you see a PT being rolled "OMG PTs are OP and need to be brought in line cause someone rolled one!" People like to shake it up and play a different flavor every now and then. Have you even thought that the same people rolling PTs probably have Sorc, Marauders, Snipers ect, and once one gets nerfed they'll rotate to another? Or do you just not care so long and your own class is enjoying top dog status. PTs are fine, they DPS and thats it. Its not outrageous and they die pretty quickly. No problem.
  10. So, the marauder attention shift campaign begins...
  11. So i guess anyone playing a warrior, bh or operative are all fotm rerollers? Oh and shadows to i guess...
  12. This is a legit question, but why do you feel the need to let us know you' ve unsubbed? You know there are thousands of other people subbing and unsubbing all the time that dont come and post about it. I usualy dont reply to these sort of things, but Im really thinking to myself, who cares?
  13. dirtyboxer

    Good Changes.

    Nice job BW, the changes are all possitive ones that encourage more pvp. More people pvping is a good thing, regardless of what the whiners will say. Im enjoying the game and am very excited that the pvp team is pushing these pvp patches so quickly.
  14. Winners will try and win, losers will coast. Either way who cares? Get a premade together and mow faces until you run into another premade. Then get it on. Connon fodder is needed to practice strats in a low stress environ, use it dont abuse it.
  15. is there any other way to PVP?
  16. Sounds like your complaining about teamwork and strategy, and the the claasses compliment each other. Everyone is given an 8 or 4 man team with the same classes to choose from. How you make use of that is up to you.
  17. If they dont fix it, they'll end up with Sentinal vs Marauder WZs. Because everyone and their brother is rerolling one of these two classes for good reason. Which brings me to another point, if anyone is looking to start an alt, Marauder/Sent is a very good choice. If thats where they want these 2 classes to be, damage wise, everyone needs to have one.
  18. dirtyboxer


    has anyone played GW2 yet? If you had you wouldnt be thinking its a saving grace. A good time filler at best but in no way will it be a full-time MMO for most people.
  19. I dont know where your seeing those damage numbers, cause I dont see them. Mercs didnt get a 10% nerf, more like 50%. The 1.5s cast time was increased to 2.5s. Meaning you cant cast as often, equating to a DPS nerf of WAY more than 10%. Plus their whole tree revolves around it, so no they cant 'adjust' and cast something else, they just have to eat it and still cast it. Mauraders are OP and everyone knows it atm. Trying to defend what they have is futile. We all play the game, we see what they are capable of and KNOW that no other class is even close.
  20. I think it will accept the bm shell. So yank all your mods and trade the shell. Someone correct me if im wrong.
  21. dirtyboxer

    Huttball Vent Jump

    working as intended.. you werent suppose to be able to jump up there, hence the air vent. Walk around, hit the vent or pass.
  22. I average 80-90 per win... and 30-50 per loss. Fair enough imo.
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