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Everything posted by Onyx

  1. I'd be quite shocked if they were leasing the server farms however it is also true that the costs to keep the old ones running is negligible in the grand scheme of things. Bandwidth probably takes up the larger portion of the on-going costs and that figure won't really change much in terms of cost. Rack-space fees for the collocated server farms in the various data centers would be another but it's doubtful that they are paying that on a per-machine basis.
  2. There is another way And no, I do not mean a bugged way.
  3. LMAO!! Too perfect:D To the OP: Yes, looks bugged to me. Is your character male or female? I think the options might be different and I've only seen the female ones. I did video that conversation and will try to look it up tomorrow to see what the options were lol.
  4. I too have pretty much worked out what happened as well as the time frame--there are enough hints in the game to push one in a reasonable direction though open-ended enough to lend flexibility. I'd love to have a part of that come back in a future chapter though--whether to "bite you" or not, it would make for some interesting continuity.
  5. I'm like you in that I tend to do well with bosses others do not for some reason. For this fight, my T7 was partially geared--I did get the five items from the puzzle chest and had added a couple others a few days before though. For myself, I was level 47, combat/watchman hybrid, and was disappointed with the fight as well. As with a few of our bosses there are some key strategies needed. In this one I saw what needed to be done fairly quickly and it ended much more easily than I'd have liked. I won't share that unless you really want to read it (though it has been shared in a few other threads on this topic and within spoiler tags usually). Note that there is a bug with the puzzle on ATI cards. A few have posted workarounds for this, and I can find my detailed write-up for it if needed as well.
  6. LOL, so very true. Hmm well this thread is about as meaningful and useful as one of the ones that says the opposite by some hater with a massive sense of entitlement. Constructive chat is gonna be by definition negative as it will be critical of some aspect of the game and suggesting (hopefully) the reason and an alternative. Quite the contrary. There is a tremendous difference between constructive criticism/chat and whining and complaining. Just because a comment is negative or positive doesn't just make it constructive criticism.
  7. This game is no different in the way it is installed. Adding additional accounts is simply adding the ability to log in additional accounts. Yes, you need to have an active account but no you do not have to install another copy of the game in order to use that newly activated account. The key code is attached to the account and not the computer or copy of the game--whether you see the actual code or not, just like with SWG. Ah, here we have one of the abusers of the trial system. Of course they fixed the glitch that allowed people to log in old trial accounts during free game-time weeks/months back in December of 2009 so you could no longer collect those unintended rewards. But even with that glitch in place you could only log in those expired 10-day/14-day trial accounts during "free time" periods which varied in frequency from a few months to nearly a year. Converting a trial account did have a fee until fairly late in the game's life. It was 19.99 to add the registration code to an account and although you didn't see the key or have it mailed to you, it was added to your account just the same. And by the way, the free trial account offer didn't exist until after the NGE. So yea, most of what you've posted is likely just due to remembering things incorrectly.
  8. Interesting, because I paid for each and every one of my nine SWG account codes.
  9. How could Luke's speeder exist 3000 years before ANH and also Ewoks haven't been discovered yet... This screams fake, would you kindly post why we are wrong in believe this is fake? As stated, it's been explained in a number of threads already but I'll humor you That page was part of a MARKETING survey. Several variations and pricing schemes were presented to a focus group to gauge their responses, reactions and preferential choices. No, the content itself is not being added but neither was the survey fake. The survey was done by a third-party firm under the direction of EA/Bioware.
  10. Im sure this somehow makes sense to you, but not anyone else. Seriously? Read the quoted comments. Or, think of it this way. A cross-section of 200 million people eat vegetables. Break that down into how many eat carrots compared to how many eat beans. And how many eat both. Sorry, your comment was ridiculous and simply illustrated the lack of comprehension which too many on this forum display.
  11. It's all about strategy. In this particular fight, you need to use your interrupts as much as possible and ignore his clones. Target the emperor at the beginning of the fight and make sure it doesn't change. I am like you. Won't "take a friend" for class missions. This one is very beatable, and actually is easier than some of the other fights you encounter along the way. I took him down at 47 on my watchman/combat hybrid sentinal and was somewhat disappointed that the fight wasn't on par with bosses such as Hareth, Angral, Valis, etc.
  12. I can't even count how many days I spent interacting while tending vendors, crafting, organizing items or decorating. Of course that sometimes melded into leading/running a group through heroics or other quests, but the flexibility of that choice was one of the features that kept me playing all the way to the end.
  13. Meh, was trying to send you a PM but you've got that blocked lol. Who were you back on Kette?
  14. Good grief, buying into hype much? My first-gen MacBook Pro has the specs to run this game. That's from 2006. I can even run it with graphics on high if I want to but I do suffer some in performance. How many PCs of that generation are able to? BTW, EA has pretty decent mac support and has for years. It's why I expect to see a Mac-native client for this game,
  15. Metrics of subscribers /=/ subscription numbers
  16. Gosh, that would all those people who purchased it so that they can sell it on eBay later on . . . you know, the ones who will capitalize on reselling it for major bucks down the road.
  17. Most of the actual romance options with Doc are darkside.
  18. Even near the end it was higher than 10k lol. Not sure where that number came from. Estimates were somewhere around 40-50k and steady for the games final two years, though some estimates put it as low as 25k.
  19. Sure they could--and except for a very shrewd group in one key company and a _____ (the word I'd use isn't nice lol) exec of another key company (who later left), it's likely both games would be co-existing right now. Somedays I wish my NDA's weren't there. The games are quite different and cater to different audiences. In fact, they likely would have complimented each other by bringing subs from one to the other. LA would be getting more cash now, however it's likely EA might have forfeited some. I'm one of those who intended to play both. TOR would/will never get more than one sub from me, but my multiple subs for SWG would all still be active in addition to that one TOR sub.
  20. More people doesn't change the "lifelessness" of the environment. I think most folks who've come from SWG understand what the OP is trying to say. It has to do with the overall interaction with the environment and the variety of different types of activities. Sure, more people can enhance the overall experience but that doesn't change the overall tone nor does it provide the variation that a sandbox game can offer. No, this game was never intended to be sandbox, and I don't expect them to change it to be such. But from a pure stand-point of immersing one's self in the world of Star Wars, TOR falls far short of what SWG offered in that regard.
  21. Yep, you hit that one directly on the head. When I commented on whether folks had read the article or not, I really meant the original source article--my bad for not being clearer on that lol. Short-version is that it was a marketing-speak, "politically correct", response within the constraints of his disclosure ability.
  22. I'm curious how many people who've responded in this thread actually read the article. It isn't about calculating the subscription number (i.e. the total number of subscribers). It's about analyzing the various metrics of subscriber numbers--i.e. how many converted sales vs. how many total boxes sold, how many subscribed players logged in during a specific time-frame, how many subscribers from a specific geographical area, and so forth.
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