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Everything posted by ChaosKirin

  1. While I am always careful in my PUGs, I always worry about this 'accountability' thing. People don't seem to realize that the dynamic of online gaming has changed since the days of WoW, when a TRUE griefer would get called out on his mistakes. Since then, it seems like everyone is looking to call everyone else out for any reason. And this isn't a hyperbole, this is something I see happening every day. The other day, someone rolled for his companion after apparently asking if it was okay and getting a 'yes' from the leader of the group, only to have someone boil him alive all over general chat. This is the kind of accountability we have. As the poor guy was defending himself, people were jumping all over him for rolling need on Companion gear, even though he was told he could. And see, sometimes groups move so ********n fast through content, that all I can do is look at an item for 2 seconds to determine if it's a need for me or not. What if I roll wrong? Am I then crucified all over general for a mistake? I can't take it back, but it WAS an accident, and I will GLADLY help you run the content again if you want the item. But I'm sure if we had this 'accountability' you white knights so highly praise, I'd never get that chance. Give me anonymity all the way and cross-server queueing. At least that way if I err in a group, I'm not banned from ever grouping again.
  2. As a role-player, I'm concerned with making my own stories and having fun as many non-human species. The human-ness of all the species in the game is actually less appealing to me. So my question is, will we, despite what you've said previously, have some less-human species to choose from to play?
  3. I wasn't on the 'super server' bandwagon until someone associated with Bioware posted a link to the super-server discussion in the forum roundup. Quote from said official blog writer: "Origin poster, Pahomi, is excited about the new “super” servers that Daniel Erickson mentioned in an interview with PC Gamer. " If the quote was taken out of context by the original poster, would it have gotten a mention in the forum roundup? Would the description of the link have been worded as such? I really don't think so. Because of that, I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that servers with hugely increased populations are on their way, and those will be the ones that people can transfer to. IE: Super-servers. So yes, it was said.
  4. No solo queueing is very disappointing. :\ I understand why they did it, but instead of making your rank based on if you won/lost, why not make it based on other things? I'm not saying I can't get a group together to queue, but seriously, ***.
  5. I submitted a complaint about this a few days ago. I was playing with a ranged friend, and she was able to burn the enemies down when I couldn't kill them (in fact, it was her who killed all my bosses for me) anyway, 5 hours later, I hadn't even gotten the default response to my ticket. It was kind of depressing. I can't test the game and give feedback if I ... can't test the game.
  6. I dunno the whole story, or how code works or anything 'cuz I'm a lowly city inspector and un-ed-u-ma-cated, but doesn't something have to be finished before it's released?
  7. You know, my concern with this is... If they merge into super-servers, will they raise the character limit per server? 'cuz I play on all PvE and RP servers, and I have more than 8 characters. LOL.
  8. Oops, I apologize, I thought you were asking about the upcoming existence of super-servers. That's what I get for quickly sneak-reading posts at work.
  9. Is that how it works with other games? I was thinking that the highest level character would get the name. A lot of people make placeholder names, including me. Like, if I have a level 1 character named 'Joe' on one server, and someone has a level 50 character named Joe on another server, and those servers were merged, it would make more sense for the level 50 to get the name.
  10. Yep, that's why I said I'd hate to lose it, but I won't complain if I have to change it. I was just agreeing with the previous suggestion that each person would have a separate last name aside from their legacy name. If that were the case, each person would have a unique three-name character. A little excessive, though, I'm afraid.
  11. This is an excellent idea. I love my name, and I'd hate to lose it. XD
  12. Hey, I just saw that the 'forum roundup' gives the first forum official hint of a merge into super-servers. Anyone else see that?
  13. Judging by some dev posts lately, something big is in the plan for the transfers. I don't know what it is, but some people are speculating that the game will be divided into super-servers. If this is the case, then doing transfers to any server on the game, then transferring all those people to another server would just create more chaos. So they're waiting. I can't imagine they're holding back transfers for any other reason. And why hold back something that's done for something that isn't yet ready?
  14. As a name snob, if I have to play on a server called 'The Fatman,' I MIGHT QUIT. CHANGE THE SERVER'S NAME OR I QUIT, BIOWARE. (kidding, kidding. But seriously. How did THAT become the most populated server? XD)
  15. ROFL, there ARE 24 hours in a day. XD See, this is why Bioware says 'soon.' Because if they keep giving rough estimates of time, people insist that it must be the first instant that time hits. IE: dev blog Friday apparently must mean it's appearing at midnight on Friday and not one of the other 23 hours that Friday contains.
  16. Yeah, I know, no girls on the internets, ROFL. But really, I think BW is fixing the problems, or trying. It's the people who refuse to come back no matter what the devs do that are the problem. If you give feedback, stick around when it's fixed. I mean, there are problems with the game, but nothing that can't be repaired. Nothing that ISN'T being repaired.
  17. She, actually. And if they fix the problems, do you plan to keep playing? If so, I'm not describing you.
  18. I'm on Mind Trick and there are almost always more than 100 people on at a time.
  19. I think part of the problem is that so many people are worried about SWTOR failing that they're looking for ways that it IS failing. That is, they get so wrapped up in the what-ifs that they begin to convince themselves that the game is going to fail, and then, in leaving before it crashes, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. It's an interesting phenomenon. If this was the first MMO that ever came out, certain problems that exist for the game would not exist. Low server pop wouldn't be an issue because the creators wouldn't have had too many servers at launch. In anticipating large, steady populations, Bioware/EA created waaay too many servers that are now at low populations. If they'd only had ten to fifteen, everyone would be grouped together. Second, a lot of things people are missing from other games, like rated warzones and group finder, wouldn't be issues because they wouldn't have been invented yet. As people have had a taste of what is possible, they find themselves unable to judge a game on its own merits, and so they make comparisons to other games. SWTOR should have this. Or this. Or this. And then when BW finally says 'okay, we'll do this,' those people say that it's too little too late. It's that instant gratification mentality that is killing the game. SWTOR is a very fun game, and it is relatively successful compared to other MMOs. Its only problem is that it failed to bring in every mechanic from every other game ever made, either through conscious decision or because of technical impossibility. Most unfortunate is that when people scream that they want these mechanics, and then they're added to the game, the same people refuse to return. I wonder if some people just want to see something crash and burn. I feel like the doomsayers on this forum that keep stating that the game is failing only want to see it shut down. It's the only reason I can see for the negativity.
  20. Yeah, I want to know why there's no date for 2.4 yet. Or 2.5 for that matter. Slackers.
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