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Everything posted by rjkishida

  1. Let's face it the Alderaan Warzone is broken. Why else do you think they introduced Novare Coast? That's probably what they wanted Alderaan to be like in the first place. Alderaan is over as soon as the other team has double your Fleet HP, because at that point unless you can take and HOLD all 3 cannon sites you can't win. I guess Bioware never thought about that. I guess they never imagined that most people would quit rather than stay for a loss. I guess they didn't adequately TEST the warzone.
  2. Yet another good-bye thread. How many more of these before Bioware will own up that the game isn't doing well?
  3. This is a common problem. Bioware says the RE chance for Blue schematics is 20%. Most crafters call that ********. Fanboi defenders say that statistics sometimes suck. No Mr Fanboi, Bioware's RE system sucks.
  4. Sorry dead topic. This has been brought up so many times it's a joke. Bioware has never given any answer about rateds. They don't want to. Their attitude toward their customers sucks!
  5. Bioware's attitude is you either: 1. wait for character transfers (only a month or more away!!!) 2. re-roll (thus wasting all your time thus far) Don't you just love their friendly customer attitude?!
  6. Bioware can't get rid of Expertise. They need a stat to justify the grind. Otherwise you wouldn't need to waste time in PVP and keep your subscription. They also won't EVER get rid of expertise because it forces you to get 2 sets of gear thus doubling your grinding time. Without Expertise, you would be able to have only 1 set of armor for PVP and PVE instead of 1 set for PVP and 1 set for PVE. The Expertise stat exists SOLELY for the benefit of Bioware. They will NEVER get rid of it.
  7. whenever Bioware decides to tell us. that's their attitude. "we tell you what we WANT to tell you" "behind the scenes" problems caused the matrix cube errors they were fixing something the DIDN'T tell us about and it went wrong. the PVP daily changes? did anyone else see them in the patch notes? oh they FORGOT?! of course! just like they forget to mention so much else.
  8. how long should they have to fix bugs that were noticed in beta? how long should they have to fix problems that were there since launch? I'm all for giving them new time to introduce new content. No one with a reasonable mindframe expect to have a full on endgame system implemented at launch. I'm all for patience with letting the game develop. I'm not thrilled with crashing 3 times a night. I'm not thrilled with bugs that have been around since beta. I'm not thrilled with patch, patch again, and then patch a third time. I'm not thrilled with the fanbois who scream at anyone who complains about the game (NOT saying the OP is one of those). Bioware HAS had time to show us what they are like and how they will run the game. They have had 5 months to show us. And many of us have been disappointed and lost confidence in what they have shown us. The loss of 25% of subscriptions was just the start. Bioware is running OUT of time to fix this game because they have WASTED the time so far.
  9. There have been countless people who have posted the same thing as the OP and Bioware just keep ignoring them and the fanbois just scream that we are QQing. If you can't take it quit, Bioware ain't going to be changing their attitude anytime soon.
  10. most successful? ROFLMAO when the books close on swtor they will say it had a great launch but couldn't live up to its own hype. i hope you fanbois keep this rosy outlook when you realize that you are the only ones left and everyone else who got sick and tired of the crap ea/bioware was shoveling on us quit.
  11. Yeah and how many will quit after they figure out that the tool is bugged as hell and doesn't work right?
  12. the only solution is to re-roll on a populated server. just throw away all that hard work to get however many characters you have at 50 and all the time to get them geared and just forget about it. Because it will take Bioware forever to pull their thumb out and actually get server transfers working. They may say early summer but they will probably do something half-assed like with APAC transfers and only allow SOME people to transfer.
  13. no matter how you slice it, having about half the subscribers compared to units sold isn't good. HALF of the people who tried it didn't want to stay.
  14. the downtime is a joke. patch and then patch again because the 1st patch had bugs we didn't know about.
  15. what happened is that the dev team was in over their heads and had no real idea of what to do. they just cobbled together whatever they could think of that would be cool in an MMO and just prayed everyone would love it because it's star wars. well I love star wars but I hate badly put together and thought out garbage.
  16. I've already unsubbbed. all the bug and everything else drove me away. This game started out with high hopes and then everything just crashed and burned.
  17. If you are level 50, why do you need to make credits? Almost all your gear will come from drops and NPC vendors now. If you want to spend money of the Legacy garbage that's your business, but why do you need credits?
  18. Dude, they tried open world PVP. It was called Ilum. It was broken when released and they killed it with subsequent patches. Patch 1.2 was the final nail in the coffin, when Bioware removed the Daily/Weekly quests relating to Ilum and didn't bother to warn anyone beforehand. You have interesting ideas, but I'm sure Bioware would like to pretend Open World PVP doesn't exist after their failed experiment with Ilum.
  19. OP is right but Bioware would rather keep its head stuck in the sand.
  20. sorry OP you are WRONG. Sent/Mara are OP.
  21. I'm guessing you made the huge mistake of rolling on one of the dying/dead servers instead of on one of the actually full servers. If you actually want to do the multiplayer content then you need to be on a server that has a population as opposed to most of the servers now, which do not.
  22. "If wishes were fishes, no man would starve." Why not wish big? Nothing will come of it but you might as well have big dreams. I would like to see the dev team replaced by one with a clue about content and QA.
  23. I guess you haven't been looking at other threads on the Crew Skill Forum. This has been posted about many times. The RE chance does not seem to have been improved despite what patch 1.2 may say. Many of us can go for 30+ tries without getting a schematic on a 20% RE chance item. RE is still broken, don't let the devs tell you otherwise.
  24. There IS no economy in swtor. I don't know why people pretend otherwise. In MMOs there are generally speaking two phases to the economy: 1. The level up phase. This is where people on the path to cap buy the gear they want to help them with the grind. There are generally speaking holes in their equipment because they don't get enough from rewards/drops. Thus these players need to go to the player based market to fill these holes. This phase has failed in SWTOR because there are (generally speaking) very few or no holes in equipment while leveling up. Quest rewards along with drops from FPs and planetary commendation vendors supply virtually everything players need. Even companions have quest rewards to fill in their equipment slots. Another reason for the failure of this phase is the speed of leveling. Pre-25ish it is possible to get 3-4 levels for several hours of gameplay. Post26 to Pre50 it is possible to get 1 level (maybe more) for several hours of gameplay. This means that there is the potential to update equipment several times a day at lower levels. Most players do not have the money at lower levels to completely update equipment several times a day. At higher levels, updating equipment every other day is a joke. While leveling up players can get the equipment they need. 2. The endgame phase. This is where players at the endgame level buy rare/powerful equipment that they have not been able to acquire themselves. These items drop from powerful bosses or extremely rare spawn monsters. This phase has failed because at present the best equipment drops from Ops/HM FPs or is bought from vednors. There is nothing to get from other players. There is no economy in this game. There is no reason to buy or sell to other players at present. Bioware has failed at creating a player based economy. The economy is entirely based on NPCs at present.
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