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Everything posted by rjkishida

  1. I might not mind all the zone changes if they DIDN'T TAKE SO LONG or CRASH MY COMPUTER. I can see some logic in moving through areas and theoretically that adds to immersion. Fact is with all the zone changes and annoying routes for movement, players spend more time moving from point A to point B than actually doing anything. Booring.
  2. D3 did NOT kill the PVP queue. Bioware did that. If Bioware had put together a decent PVP environment, then people would still be playing regardless of what came out (sure there would be less people, but still enough to play warzones). Instead Bioware made a joke of a PVP system, screwed up open world PVP then just got rid of all the related quests for it, and they canceled rated WZs with no news about when we can expect them. Bioware killed PVP not any other game.
  3. It really shows you where Bioware's priorities are doesn't it? No news on rateds, tons of bugs screwing up every aspect of the game from crafting to PVE to PVP and what do they fix? No pets in warzones..... God knows my Tauntaun pet has owned so many Marauders that they were unsubbing because of it....
  4. I'm sure Bioware WANTS to. But this is a matter of ability not desire. Bioware has proven over and over again that they don't really know what they are doing with this game, so expecting them to actually be able to detect and stop hackers is out of their league.
  5. Shows how much Bioware understand PVP doesn't it. No wonder they lost so many PVPers.
  6. Of course the problem isn't casual players. Well part of the problem is casual players on dead servers so they quit. Most of the problem is experienced MMO players who look at what SWTOR offers and go "meh." Because once you reach 50, "meh" pretty much sums it up perfectly. There is nothing to go "wow" or "gosh" over. There is nothing to go "did you see that?!" over. There are just the same boring limited number of raids and the EXACT same instances that were there for the last 49 levels. And PVP is exactly the same as from level 10 to 49. Apathy would be the most logical reaction really. Nope, it's people who know what MMOs should be like that are unsubing.
  7. Bioware seems to think that adding new bugs is better than fixing old ones. I don't know how that works, but that seems to be their worldview. Maybe they think they are increasing job security by ensuring they are always needed...
  8. A cap raise would be nice, but there is no way Bioware is ready for that. Look at the endgame content now... it's a joke. They will need to add new areas, new abilities, new endgame content to match the new cap, modify old endgame content so it is still challenging to players at the new cap but still doable for players who just reached 50. There is no way Bioware can handle that. I want to see new endgame content, but I don't want to see more bug infested poorly programed trash.
  9. What would make me keep playing? Bioware owning up that they released the game in a poor state (10/10) Bioware admitting that they've screwed many players with their poor decisions (10/10) Fixing all the CTD and FPS and Lag problems (10/10) Changing the CS service so it actually gives answers, admits problems, and fixes things (9/10) New content for endame (8/10) Balance classes in PVP (8/10) Making ALL crew skills relevant after reaching 50 (8/10) Fixing all the problems in crafting (7/10) Really what I want is impossible, so there is nothing that will make me keep playing. Bioware will NEVER own up to their mistakes in this game.
  10. Dead topic. Countless threads have already been posted about this. Bioware doesn't want to fix it. Cue: fanbois claiming that 20% doesn't mean you will succeed. Waste of time. BTDT
  11. What have you done to deserve this? You bought into the SWTOR hype. You kept playing a game after it has proven to be a crock of excrement. Any frustrations you get while playing SWTOR are deserved. If you want to avoid these frustrations, do what many have already done: UNSUB.
  12. Tons of healers (as well as others) unsubbed after trying to play though the PVP changes that 1.2 brought. They decided it wasn't worth their time. They were right. PVP is a joke in SWTOR.
  13. PVPers sticking around? Are you kidding me? Most of them already left. At least the smart ones.
  14. Look at how Bioware handles PVP. Is it any wonder PVPers are unsubbing like mad?
  15. OK Mr Math genius. Calculate the odds of failing 30 times to get a schematic that you have a 20% chance to get. Then multiply that by the 30+ people who have posted threads about them doing 30+ tries without getting succeeding. What would the odds be of the 30 people having that failure rate? Try and get out of that one.
  16. a dying game doesn't generate buzz unless it is flaming out spectacularly. STWOR is just going out with a whimper.
  17. You forgot the part about SWTOR losing 25% of their subs because the devs don't have a clue.
  18. DCUO has about the same amount of endgame content as SWTOR, is more stable, has more people playing. Yeah it's been around longer, but they figured out a niche and survived. Which is better than the direction SWTOR is going.
  19. WHY do people think this is a new idea? There have been countless threads like this and they have all been ignored by the Devs. It's nothing new that the servers are terribly underpopulated. Bioware refuses to do anything about it except offer character transfers "next month."
  20. I don't think they are hiding under their desks but I am sure they are ignoring us and praying that we would just shut up and pay them money. The Devs make a good show of answering questions, but fact is little to no information is actually given and many issues are ignored entirely. The Q&A sessions are a joke. Getting a Dev to reply on a thread is about as easy as pulling teeth. Yeah this is a community friendly game alright. The Devs sure listen and respect the community. Yeah and if you believe that one I have a bridge I can sell you. Or maybe you would prefer beach front property in Nevada.
  21. Bioware doesn't care. There have been enough threads about it and no news or comment from any devs. Just forget about it.
  22. rjkishida

    *** is this

    I crashed to desktop enough times in warzones that I just canceled my sub finally. Bioware doesn't understand PVP, doesn't know how to run PVP, and can't keep the game stable enough for us to play PVP. What a joke. What a waste of our time and money.
  23. I hope that you are including the monthly fee for the right to be a beta tester for SWTOR. It's great isn't it? Bioware gets US to pay THEM for beta testing! I wish I could come up with a scam like that.
  24. Unfortunately since players chose which side they are on, there isn't much Bioware can to do balance things. I suppose more creative people will have ideas, but since it is a matter of choice I'm not sure what would work. NOT a Bioware fan at all btw. They have handled this poorly. I used to play a Republic character, but I was on a dead server so I rerolled on a different server. I decided to play Empire since I hadn't seen the story before. It was MUCH easier to get into PVP matches.
  25. You can get better armoring, mods, and enhancements if you strip them off the endame gear you can get from NPCs as rewards for doing PVP and endgame content. This is proof that Bioware hates crafters because nothing we make can compare with those items.
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