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Everything posted by iCanUseTheForce

  1. I understand Bio's idea of playing each planet stuck in a moment of your story. However, sometimes I spend quite some time on a planet (Balmorra for instance) where I'm helping a resistance win a war. I highly doubt I did all that in 1 day. I'd like to see day/night cycles (Tatooine sunset!!) but not 24hr cycles. And weather, that'd be nice on certain planets. Obviously no rain on Tatooine, but Taris would be great with rain or Balmorra with wartime fog. Perhaps a cloud-covered on Alderaan?
  2. I'm sure guildies & friends have given you stuff, but what's the nicest thing a stranger has done for you in SWTOR? Personally, I got in-game mail from a stranger who deletetd their toon and sent me all their stuff 1st. credits & items.
  3. Absolutely! I still love this game, it's addicting, I'm an altoholic and this game is catered to me, and I don't even have a 50 yet. Why wouldn't I sub?
  4. The only F2P game I've played that was successful and awesome was Guild Wars. The graphics were pretty great too. But...there was almost no end-game content. There was no established in-game market. There was no community forum. There were no weekly updates, bug fixes, or balancing. Patches were very few & far between, and usually UI and quality of life based, rather than additional content. All in all, I'm much happier with P2P MMOs thanks.
  5. It's not a robe, but bad***** looking: Aspiring Knight's Vest. It's moddable and made by Synthweavers. I picked one up on the GTN for 2.5k i think. If you want to preview it, it has the same skin as the Temple Watchman's Vest, which is available from the Tython Commendation Vendor.
  6. I don't PvP so I don't know the bracket level range that you're in. But as level 13, you have almost no skill pts and you're missing a lot of key abilities. Focus buildup is rough until you get Zealous Strike anyway. But for now, as Combat try Leap + Strike + Slash + Slash. Don't remember when you get Cauterize but if you have it, as Watchman try Leap + Cauterize + Strike + Slash. At that point, you're outa focus and probably wondering what to do. I'll be honest, at that level, so am I. Lol, good luck and don't worry...it gets way better and destructive as you level.
  7. I went Biochem with my Assassin because without self-heals or major defensive CDs (especially low level) it can be hard to stay alive if you pull aggro from Khem. Synth is ok, but will ultimately get replaced end-game (at least pre-1.2). Artifice is good, but I find Biochem more uselful whilst leveling.
  8. Ok, you guys are talking about trailers, movies (Hope, Return) and books about Sateille....what are they? Cuz I must see/read them!
  9. Ok, you guys are talking about trailers, movies (Hope, Return) and books about Sateille....what are they? Cuz I must see/read them!
  10. Born in 1981, a fan of Star Wars as soon as I was old enough for dad to put the CED of ANH in. I had all the toys...still do actually. Didn't get into the books until this year though. Addicted.
  11. I was under the impression that passion fueled a Sith. Therefor, love, hate, anger, fear...they all add to a Sith's power. It's not a weakness, but another source of potential rage or focus or purpose. In the game, my Sith shags whenever he can and will eventually have a relationship. A sadistic one, but a relationship nonetheless.
  12. I've read the Thrawn Trilogy, as well as the 2-part Zahn "Thrawn" set. What next? I'd like to continue the stories of Mara & Luke. Also, that 2-part set mentions things that occur between Zahn's 2 Thrawn sets. Where can I find those stories (ie - the Jedi Academy, Exar Kuhn reborn, Mara with Kataarn, etc)?
  13. My Jedi Sentinel is a noble fighter, eager to help, merciful, but enjoys a good fight. Not the diplomat, she'll give someone a fair shot to give up, but if you push her she'll smack you down hard. Once she gets access to Doc, she's gonna use that physicality to work out pent up energy on him...sexually.... My Sith Assassin is narcissistic, arrogant, sadistic, merciless, impatient, and a pervert. My Jedi Sage is a goody-goody. A genuine diplomat. Won't touch a man because it's against the Jedi code. Brown-noser...
  14. Not there yet, but the same thing happened to me at the end of act 1 when I was forced to use Kira, having used T7 the whole time as a Sentinel. Thankfully, she was somehow up to the task.
  15. I have to agree, and not just for JKs. My Sage didn't get her 2nd (not incl ship droid) until the end of Nar Shad. It seems that every class is stuck with 2 companions for the majority of their time leveling, and then the last couple are just thrown on you near the end. After 20-30+ levels with Kira and T7, I've formed a bond and a fondness for them. My new crewmates are just there...
  16. That is weird. I've noticed that when I preview those outifts on my Twi'lek my body is invisible. But if I remove my chest armor there is a body. I'm sure there is on Ashara too if you remove her chest armor altogether. So why the bug?
  17. Consular is a diplomat. Plain and simple, regardless of being a healing Sage or letal Shadow. I've heard Dark Consulars find the story a bit silly and awkward. The Conuslar story is very personal and political, while (for instance) the Knight story I feel is more epic. Consulars race around the galaxy saving Jedi. Knights race around the galaxy saving civilizations. Also, I am not a fan of the Consular companions. And (from what I've heard) the romantic arcs are a bit lacking. The male romantic interest is a wuss and the female is a sadistic tart. The Knight companions have more personality and you'll like them more.
  18. Ok, this thread pretty much answered my question of rolling a Dark Shadow or an evil Sith Assassin. Sith here I come...
  19. That's rather disappointing. I was hoping for a Dark Jedi Shadow and have fun with that but it sounds like, unless I really want Theran, go Sith Assassin.
  20. I just rolled a brand new (soon-to-be) Shadow and will be taking Biochem. I've also been bouncing back and forth with Diplomacy or Slicing. I don't see me needing the Dip items till later in the Biochem leveling, and so I'm thinking of taking Slicing for a while, earning money with it, then dropping it for Dip maybe around 35-40. Course, since I'm going to make a dark Jedi, the dark side pts from Dip might be nice... Thoughts?
  21. I'm actually looking forward to picking up Doc. I just hit Balmora and I'll admit, Act II is harder than Act I (as obvious as that sounds). Angral?...no problem. Sith guarding a downed ship on Tatooine?...hey ouch! T7 just can't hang anymore it seems. How far into Balmora until I get Doc?
  22. I want to roll an assassin/shadow. I have a 30 Jedi Conselar and I'm not very thrilled with the companions and the story is starting to drag. So, how are the Inquisiter companions and story? Are they better than Conselar? Which would you recommend?
  23. Reading the books, Luke used the force to manipulate stuff all the time. Hurling rocks into oncoming blaster fire, placing/detonating grenades, hauling R2, etc. I like Project. TK Throw just needs more oomph, but the idea is sound imo.
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