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Everything posted by Morpholinium

  1. Korriban quests are just beautifully layered, in addition to the compact area of the world. Simply put, on Korriban, you're rarely working on just one or even two quest lines for every area you're sent.
  2. People just think their server is empty because the entire faction population isn't parked in stormwind/orgrimmar trolling trade and waiting for their LFD queue to pop.
  3. So, basically make sure the center of your screen is in the general vicinity of your target? That's how console "aiming" works now.
  4. Whatever time it takes to a) identify whatever bug is your current peeve of note. b) be able to reproduce the bug consistently enough to verify it isn't just in your head/only with your obscure hardware and software configuration/only happening at midnight Borneo time on the fifth Thursday of odd numbered months during a Leap Year. c) design a solution that doesn't break other things at all/too badly. d) parse through millions of lines of code written by scores of different programmers to make the needed changes. e) compile your pet change and everything other teams have been working on into a patch for internal testing f) perform said internal testing g) perform any tweaking internal testing requires, repeat step f h) export the new patch to public test, because the environment has far more permutations than internal testing ever could I) tweak the patch again for serious issues that arise on the test server j) prep the patch for live publication k) publish the fix, only to find more complications, because live is as thorough a test environment as can be L) repeat with next peeve issue. In that light, I don't think they're doing a bad job pushing through major fixes (like ability delay issues) in a quite rapid fashion.
  5. I've seen/been involved with a few way back in EQ, and much more recently in Planet side (which is its own different kind of thing). In my experience, they come in two flavors: GM social events where the chat channels get overwhelmed by everyone trying to get the GM's attention, or GM smack down events where masochistic players hurl themselves with Zerg-like intensity at a GM-run NPC with insane abilities. Either way, the novelty wears off quickly. I prefer added permanent content, myself.
  6. Couldn't you mix it up a little? Go light side instead of dark (or vice versa)? Play the smart mouth instead of the stodgy yes-man?
  7. It's set on the server. I believe even if you deleted all characters on the server and started again, you'd still have the legacy name.
  8. This is just it. I've only been through Tython completely on one character, so I doubt I did it the most efficiently, but it seems my JK was always being sent thither and yon over the huge map, for a singular quest. Contrast that with Korriban, where for every area you get sent, there is at least one additional (non-bonus) quest to be completed either simultaneously, or as part of the return trip. Even scanning that dude by the shuttle leads you to a heroic quest pickup and a datachron. Again, I really don't think the discrepancies in design are intentional beyond assigning different groups to work on each area. I doubt there's a to-do checklist that says, "Make Jedi starting area huge and inefficient."
  9. Korriban is much, much more dense than Tython, in terms of both quest layout and sheer area of travel. They've also minimized the amount of world trash mobs to kill or avoid quite nicely on Korriban. It's a very, very efficient newbie zone. I doubt the disparity is intentional, however. Probably the result of different design teams.
  10. If you'll forgive a little reductio ad absurdum: Why not give each class a single, awesome, spam able ability? They could name it "I win".
  11. So, you're complaining the ability-spam throttling mechanic built into the class ... throttles your ability to spam your abilities? Just looking for clarification.
  12. Minor correction: you can queue a total of five per companion.
  13. My only true bash on the first prequel is Anakin should have been cast to someone in the lower teens, with some appropriate dialogue cleanup to accompany.
  14. Sith warriors (Juggernauts, specifically) use soresu. Edit: And shien.
  15. I suspect the biggest reason is because Bioware is not SOE.
  16. Philososophically speaking, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to draw strength in the Force by embracing your passions, yet avoid sliding into psychopathic evil. It's not like embracing your feelings necessarily destroys one's moral compass. Jedi ascetism, at least as presented in the newbie quests, would seem to create more monsters than the Sith's passionate patriotism ever would. The only distinction between the monsters of either side is whether they are intensely passionate or coldly unfeeling. And to me, the latter is a far more scary threat. ...from a certain point of view.
  17. I used Vette, and was a Juggy. Died once, then wised up and stayed near the soldiers (who helpfully tossed heals my way) instead of trying to be all one-man-army.
  18. Yes, imagine having to wade through eight pages of items like: The color palette for Quesh is now even Queshier.
  19. Still in. Heck, my highest character (of two with more than a handful of levels each) is still only 38.
  20. I'm pretty sure it's the fight I described. Way out in the desert. Jaesa's mentor and his apprentice, in their hut. Your companion gets knocked out in the conversation. I wen very light-side with the conversation, so I don't know if that affects how the fight starts, but for me, he put Vette to sleep, and then did a long channel. Instead of interrupting him, I focused on his padawan, and the padawan was just shy of down when the old guy jumped in. I don't remember any big abilities that needed interrupting, but I did have to medpack and stagger all my defensive cooldowns. It was a close fight. One thing I tend to do now is pop enrage before starting a conversation, in case it starts a fight. That way I'm not rage starved to begin with, as your rage doesn't degrade while talking. And you should be able to bring another player to help out if you just can't seem to finish it solo.
  21. When I did it, the old dude channeled his focus or whatever for a long time at the start of the fight, allowing me to get his apprentice mostly beat down. It did suck that Vette was knocked out for the fight, and I had to use all my cooldowns, but it was certainly doable. This was as an immortal spec juggernaut.
  22. Obviously this particular issue can easily be corrected by having Joe Bob McQuestguy make chitchat about the quality of the new fleet air filtration units before asking the player to bring him an Alderaanian ale (which requires no less than twenty seven intermediate conversations with NPC's of note spread generously around the fleet) before sending the player back about the storyline quest.
  23. Yeah, why wouldn't everyone want a cross-server LFD tool to automatically organize your group, port you to the flash point, and port you back to your farming once complete? It's not like all the FP access points are in the same zone. Especially because it then becomes nearly consequence free to do the following: 1) Queue for group, port in when it pops. 2) Say absolutely nothing to the 3 unlucky randoms stuck with you, for the entire run. 3) Pull willy-nilly and giggle as the scrubs scramble to cope. 4) Roll need on everything until the run is complete or you get kicked. 5) Continue to remain silent, as if the chat interface did not exist. 6) Profit! For even more fun, spec tank or healer while doing the above. /sarcasm Then again, maybe that other game's LFD tool has left me jaded.
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