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Everything posted by Morpholinium

  1. Or shift-right click-drag, if having the item linked into chat annoys you.
  2. To be clear, you earn points for participating in group conversations during the quest pickup and/or turn in phases. And yes, the first flash point is a great way to gain points, both social and light/dark.
  3. It should pop up next to your worn items. If the companion has that slot empty, no window will appear.
  4. Pretty much. The good news is it only takes 10 points to qualify for that quest. Make sure you stick with the group for the turn in on a heroic quest or two and you should be there very quickly.
  5. Best suggestion I can come up with is spend some time scouring YouTube.
  6. The problem you're running into, OP, is you haven't yet maxxed your dating skill. Upping your rejection resistance to the cap can make it go a bit faster.
  7. "You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run." -The Gambler
  8. I've been making money running slicing missions with my inactive companions. After all, if I don't send them out, they're just sitting there doing nothing, which seems like a waste. The key I've found is to look at lower tiers than one might think. While skilling up, don't touch any orange mission, and a green abundant, bountiful, or rich mission one tier down is a better choice than a yellow moderate yield. Once you hit 400, the next-to-top tier rich missions get priority, followed by abundant top tier missions. I only receive a very occasional lock box with fewer credits than the mission cost, and the random mission discoveries more than makes up for these small losses.
  9. I suppose it came down to a choice of how to keep us penned in the coded areas of the game. The could have gone with: A) "Turn around now" exhaustion zones. B) Invisible walls. Or C) Visible/terrain walls. Seems like they did a mix of A and C.
  10. Or the most likely reasoning: He's getting old, he's filthy stinking rich, and he's got a near inexhaustible revenue stream coming in from his I.P. licences. But maybe Occam's razor is to sharp, and BW really did ruin it for everyone.
  11. I'd wager that more than a few are second-screened out alt-tabbed to rage away, while simultaneously logged into the game they supposedly "hate".
  12. I don't recall the name, but it's the basic, no-resource attack. It's probably in the keybinding section under quickbars, but I can't really check at the moment.
  13. Go to preferences>keybinding>targetting and set "focus target modifier" to a handy button. Prior to the fight, target Corso, and hit alt-f to set as your focus target. Holding down the modifier key you set while using your heal abilities will now heal Corso (or whomever you set as your focus target).
  14. Love the guild on my server: <The Bad Guys>.
  15. My best argument against meters is they tend to erode the cooperative effort completing content entails, and obfuscate the true causes of failure by boiling everything down to "needs moar deeps". That's saying nothing of ******tery competitions trying to post the biggest numbers can cause. Sure, you did 0.15% more damage than anyone else, but your irresponsible overnuking caused an off heal to pay way more attention to you than otherwise, and nearly caused a wipe. Maybe the guy you just booted and blacklisted for being a "baddie" actually is better than you, but had an odd lag spike or was momentarily distracted when his kid caught on fire. Nooo, recount knows all. We must all lie prostrate before the power of "moar deeps".
  16. Just how they grant the elitist jackholes one more stick with which they can measure how much more elite the are than you. (Using "you" in the general sense.) There will be epeen measuring no matter what. I have no issues limiting the number of measuring devices to in game accomplishments.
  17. The trouble with text communication is tone of voice and body language are absent to indicate "these words are sarcastic". That said, everything I have quoted from you smacks (to me - again, shortcomings of text communication) of elitism-in-denial. One does not need damage logs, meters, or parsers to improve their play. All of the basics are already provided. I know my basic attack does X damge, and is available every GCD. I know attack 2 does Y damage on a 6 second cool down, etc., etc. From that we can come up with rotations and whatnot. It's only slightly more difficult than parsing trial logs at a combat dummy, or watching a dps add-on graph spike.
  18. I'm amused that so many on this forum will simultaneously complain about how fast and easy it is to hit the level cap, yet balk at the less than one hour investment it takes to get a reroll back to level ten.
  19. I respectfully disagree. There were jackholes then, there are jackholes now.
  20. Maybe he means his attack abilities from his quick bar. Hit "p" and drag those abilities back to the quick bar, then hit the tiny lock icon on the left side of the quick bar to keep it from happening again.
  21. You don't have to complete the whole class quest. It appears to become unlocked around the time you receive your "gather the shards/tablets" quest, around level 7.
  22. Make sure you've hit commit points, as well. You might be running around with the points allocated, but not "set". (Or, effectively with no skills)
  23. I got on the shuttle with a level 6 sith warrior, just last night. It wouldn't let me on the first time I tried, at level 3. I had completed some of the class quests, but not the full chain. I was on the "gather the shards" quest at the time. Maybe it's level restricted to 5 or something?
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