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Everything posted by Sanzibal

  1. Raiding is a poor test of success in PvP. A watchman's damage takes a while to get going, so if you have a high HP raid boss who isn't hopping around in circles he can build the damage up over time and then sustain it. It's not like that in PvP. I'm not saying which is better, just that raiding is not something to draw a PvP comparison from.
  2. I have played a bunch of classes in warzones but I couldn't make sent work until tonight. The biggest difference is there is no one go to spam skill unless your opponent id at 5% its about timing your 12--15s skills, os, and zen.
  3. Why are we stickying some guy who's not actually a powertech. And is it hard to be a powertech? Lets see him write a sentinel guide and then I still wouldn't want him stickied on marauder.
  4. Meh. I don't agree. I have the same build as many of you and we don't play anything alike. I can tell because all you talk about is rail shot. What are you gonna do when they nerf it. Ill not even notice.
  5. Meh. I don't agree. I have the same build as many of you and we don't play anything alike. I can tell because all you talk about is rail shot. What are you gonna do when they nerf it. Ill not even notice.
  6. I swear you people must be playing another class...or another game. You are like the snare king if specced right. My flame burst snares everybody. Nobody gets near me without getting snared. Ok sorry I was stunned about PT worried bout snares when everybody I play is snared..but whatever. I have a few more points I feel like talking about tonight and this seems like a good spot. I think you guys under acknowledge the beauty and power and sheer killing goodness of flameburst. The rail shots are like little presents I get once in awhile but they are already on fire and far too late for the hospital. And with a snare on it? You can walk backwards, snare them..and shoot them to hell. Many level 48 tanks have died a little inside and shed a few tears as I did that to them at level 19. I have no idea how this class plays out at 50 though. I suspect it doesn't suck, but I'm not sure if it's beatiful as it is now as 36. One thing is for sure, you can't be the focus of the warzone with this spec. If 5 guys decide to take you out, you aren't a Jugg and you are going to be taken out fast and repeatedly. Your best bet is never to be first to the zerg. Lag the zerg a bit then quietly set them all on fire. I'm only amazed that they are screaming for sorc nerfs. If I can get a level 49 sorc solo, he's charred deadness.
  7. DO NOT pass me the ball either! Evah!
  8. I'm not 50 yet so maybe the Mara/Sent thing hasn't fully kicked in. But at 35 I'm not sure what that first responder was talking about. Maybe he's a shield tech spec? I'm frankly surprised we aren't being nerfed. So about your question....I get ganged just like any other class and die fast. But when I think about the times I have truly had a chance to go solo in a WZ and lost...strangely enough its been several snipers. I think there was one sentinel in there too. And I think I lost to a few sages. The rest I don't even notice really. They just smoking piles of burned flesh when I'm done.
  9. I tried to look for something cool that happened on September 10, 1922 but the only thing I could find is The Little Rascals movie first came out on that day (was actually called Our Gang) and I figured most of you might not remember what that was. So Burning Man it is. I'm not 50 yet so I don't have this build fully implemented (Currently 35). I PvP extensively so I built this based on my playstyle. I would appreciate your comments. My primary goals were: 1. Run CGC at all times 2. Buff Fire Damage (Elemental damage) to avoid all armor and defense. 3. Increase my defense against elemental and internal damage 4. Beef up Rail Shot as much as possible. My playstyle is is shoot a detonator and close on the target. Flame Burst him a bunch of times (which also snares him) and throw a quell in there. Rocket Punch and Railshot as needed. Flame Burst some more. And pretty much all that's left is a burned out husk of my enemy. Of course I use other skills as needed. I realize I am sacrificing the top level detonator but I don't remember anybody screaming about nerfing the PT's detonator so I can't convince myself I'm missing much. I debated whether to spend points in Rebraced Armor but I didn't see anything else to spend the points in and I figured this would help me against a few classes at least (like snipers?). Would appreciate your thoughts. My other option is just to go full Pyro build. Which I may do. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GM0MZMsrZfhMbdG0M.1
  10. You can stay up there forever. I stayed up there for 5+ minutes last night and then decided it was boring so I hopped down.
  11. Agreed. Who the hell is in college at 32. Actually being in college at 32 you would be basically the creepy guy on campus. I don't envy him.
  12. Alts dude. I work longer hours than you so I think you are kind of a slacker. If I had stuck with one char I would be 50 now.
  13. Sanzibal

    Pvp Lag worse?

    I think all you people with lag must be trying to play on laptops. I have zero lag in this game and my gaming PC is at least 2 years old. Get a PC for gaming. kthxbye.
  14. Who said anything about 1on1? I mean I pretty much am top 1-3 in every warzone now, so yeah lets buff me and stuff.
  15. Is anybody aware of people facerolling their server with the first 50 set of PvP armor? How could it be overpowered when the higher level 50 sets have more stats and yet they are still in the game? Things like this bother me. Did they have a meeting where everybody was like, "OMG get that armor out of the game right NOW!" Did they sit around plotting that they wanted all new level 50s to get crushed in the level 50 bracket? What other thoughts do you guys have about this?
  16. If they do this I will be even more dominant than I am now. It makes sense, and its the right thing to do, but it has some pretty sever ramifications. It's the same as the fact that shielding and absorb don't work too well in PvP. It makes sense that it should but if they flip the switch to make it so, the tanks will crush everybody.
  17. I'm tempted to try combining this with a more elemental flame bursty angle. That way I would take advantage of the defense issue, and also avoid all defense by keeping my flame burst working the way it is now. While I see the fun of proccing rail shot alot, I either forget alot or it just doesn't proc, and you would be surprised how many players simply melt without any kind of rail shot. It's like gravy to me.
  18. I have been a pyro PT for 34 levels now and its fine. I never tried any other types of PT though so it's possible that it's harder. However, I am quite sure I can't solo andy Heroics. I could probably, with alot of effort, down a solo heroic mob. In fact I'm sure I can. What I can't do is kill two or three at a time. I have nothing to CC two while I take the first one out. And my defense can't take 3 hitting me at the same time.
  19. Those high expertise 50s used to be kicking the hell outta level 12s. I remember how it felt being on the receiving end of it, but I got over it. I'm sure a new 50 will do slightly better than I did at 12. Just suck it up for a few weeks.
  20. I'm 31 on a PVE server but I accidentally stumbled upon a republic outpost today and was immediately obliterated by the guards and two turrets. So I suspect the game starts bringing the sides together around 30. Thankfully, I can just continue questing without worry hehe.
  21. Great videos. Although I am only level 30, this is the build I am going for and have been using in WZ's. I don't do this much damage yet but I do pretty well. What I have discovered about this build/playstyle is I can pretty much solo anybody and have a great chance of winning. I do occassionally run into a sniper though who can take me out, and you will notice that happens to him in the first few minutes of one of these videos. He also gets whacked by an Operative, and I guess they occassionally kill me too. The operative is getting nerfed soon but I am beginning to wonder if this is why I'm seeing so many sub level 20 snipers in warzones. Anyway, the other thing I have discovered about this build is if the focus is on me in a warzone we are basically going to lose. For instance, if I'm the highest level in the warzone with a bunch of snipers and marauders that are under level 20 on my team, the other team is just going to take me out fast. Again and again. I need a strong team to kill a few by themselves to keep them from focusing me. I don't necessarily need a healer I just need to not be focused. Again...great videos. PS..To the guy saying he ran Ion Gas. That kinda defeats the purpose of snaring them and setting them on fire. Edit...I know that any class will get crushed if focused. What I mean is that this spec is spec that requires you to be in the middle of the zerg with fairly low defense (since you are not using Ion as noted above). So it's much better if the zerg doesn't notice you and you can move quietly through it setting them on fire one by one. If the zerg does notice you because your team is weak and not sufficiently distracting them, it's goodnight.
  22. Well I'm not sure about 49 but at 29 with a full pyro build its odd for me to be under the top 3 in a WZ and I come in top in more than a few. And no it's not AOE either. I occasionally drop a Death From Above when the repubs conveniently gather up in a small circle, but it's not very often they comply. I don't do great on medals though because I'm not speced to guard anybody and I'm not quite tanky enough to do it anyway.
  23. QFT. I'm just going full pyro build and don't bother with Ion at all cause I like the snare. Oh and the opposite side of this is true too. Because most of my attacks used are elemental, my attacks completely ignore the Juggs armor. I played a Guardian to 25 and now have a PT at 29. The OP, while an idiot, does have a point. I feel alot stronger than my Guardian and I have since level 10 or so.
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