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Everything posted by _BaconStrips_

  1. The thought is nice but honestly there are already too many "unofficial" forums around and adding more will just further split up the community. But at this point who cares, there is no community anyways, so go right ahead. I want to love this game so much, but after spending weeks searching for a fitting guild for my needs on my server I gave up and spent almost 3 hours tonight on the forums searching. I even looked at pve and republic guilds and servers. There is just no way to look for any information about guild populations or what guilds are recruiting. The recruitment sections are the worst mashup of random information from all the servers, many guilds do not even post what server they are on. I already paid for 3 months but I am this close to just putting a hammer through my monitor. I am a lifelong gamer and MMO addict but this experience has started to sour me to the whole thing. Hell maybe this is a good thing, I hear RL have awesome server forums and when you get to end game you even get something called "sex". I will have to investigate it further. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
  2. So starting to get diablo 3 release date leaks, they are fakes or guesses but it means its getting closer for sure. Time is ticking BW, I have been waiting for a new mmo for a long time and would love to give you my money for years to come but without server forums you will not get another dollar from me the day diablo 3 is released.
  3. Anyone else find it a bit ironic that their guild is called Digital Wolves?
  4. EA thanks you for your money and wishes you farewell.
  5. I really don't know what to say, so Ill just leave this face
  6. Good point I forgot about DaoC, although I never got the chance to play it I have heard it was legendary with its ideas.
  7. OP and all other lists fail, you ignore the largest flaw of all. The one thing that makes an MMO different from other genres is the community. Without server forums you have none. This one thing above all will bring the downfall of this game.
  8. 3 factions is always the better option and it is sheer laziness/lack of funds/creativity to limit it to 2. With 2 factions you always get imbalance with one side dominating the other in pvp or pve. With a third faction to mix things up if one side gets stronger than the other 2 the two weaker factions can gang up and take the larger one down thus creating a continual state of flux of power. Instead we have a static system that can never grow or change. I remember my time in wow on the Stonemaul server (I miss you guys so much). I started out as horde and thought it was pretty cool. There was one guild that was able to raid and got sweet gear, their main tank (dave) got the first set of tier 1 gear and looked so ******. Then a few years later I switched to alliance because my friends had joined and I saw just how one sided things were. There were tons of guilds that dominated pve and destroyed in pvp. As the game went on the imbalance grew and grew until there were almost no horde guilds that were able to acomplish anything while there was a massive glut of alliance guilds. Later I found a site that showed how many horde/alliance players were on each server. Aside from a small handful each server had a wild imbalance for one side or the other. The same choice was made here of course, since this really is a wow clone with a star wars coat of paint (a bad one at that :/). The only MMO I know of that pulled it off correctly was the ill fated Planetside, the first large scale MMOFPS, unfortunately they were cursed to have been brought into the world by the bane of all things good, Sony, the maker of so many games I loved until they were crushed by the unfeeling monster. Sorry kind of went off on a tangent there but the point is, a 1v1 system almost never works yet keeps getting copied over and over because wow did it. And we all suffer for it.
  9. Not exactly the same issue but there is a quest on korriban that always keeps me from having a perfect light side score on my sith. The quest starts out having you kill some creature to get his brain so a sith can study it. Then they have you talk to his assistant, she comes off as a super ***** and tells you to give the brain to her instead so she can mess with it and get the sith guy demoted. She says its to stop him because he is wrong but her additude and the whole way the conversation plays out makes it look like she is just playing the situation to take his place so she can get power. And the sith guy really isn't that bad he is just doing what he thinks is right. But the light side option is to back stab him and give the assistant the brain instead of telling him the truth. I get that he is a bad guy but the way they have the assistant act and speak just makes it seem the complete opposite. I hate this quest I really do, I always try to choose the honorable decision for my character and I just cannot bring myself to give the brain to her. I guess I will just have to skip the quest from now on. Agree with OP though, I can't think of a specific instance but I know there have been a lot of responses that just boggled me or were so vague with your choices I had no idea what my char would actually do until I chose.
  10. Mark my words, beyond any of the other problems with this game, if this isn't remedied it will be the reason this game is not successful.
  11. The how old are you thread has more posts.... really? Come on guys EA isn't going to come to their senses if they see more people interested in an a/s/l thread. Spread the word, get this thread over a thousand by next week.
  12. This is what happens when EA is allowed to get their hands in the cookie jar, 10 bucks says BW is hanging their heads in shame for half the things that were allowed to happen to this game but there is nothing they can do about it.
  13. Was anyone else confused because OP lists the build as 13/0/28?
  14. They have the money to voice every npc and player in the game, they have the money to licence star wars, they have the money to pay hundreds of developers and other workers for years without profit, they have the money for millions of dollars of advertisement. But they don't have the money to pay a couple hundred minimum wage college students to delete spam and check in on a forum a couple times a day? k
  15. I think it is a convoluted way of complaining about accidentally buying something from a shop and not being able to sell it back at full price.
  16. Not sure what level you are but I have been trying a Madness/lighting build and it is pretty great vs multiple mobs. I am shooting for 0/13/28, this is a pure dps build you can of course change it to your needs, But Death field does amazing damage while healing you for a bit as well, combine that with the chain lightning and you should have no problem wiping out the weaker mobs from the bunch. Good luck
  17. While I applaud the effort I have checked out these community run server forums and 90% of them don't have a single post and very few have more then the one welcome thread. I have checked out the two most advertised forum sites for my server and both of them are completely empty. I am able to take a lot of crap from a developer. I have been through so many game launches and was not surprised nor bothered by the bugs and problems and lag and even the memory leaks and the terrible auction house. But the one thing I cannot forgive is neglecting the core of what makes an MMO different from any other genre of game. I will hold out hope that things may change for the better but in my heart I have already given up. The damage has been done and the chance for this game to build a true community to keep it thriving for years to come has been dashed. It almost makes me want to cry.
  18. This thread makes me sad, knowing that the game was doomed before it even began. Even so, they have commited the grave sin of not giving us server forums and that is all on them, so it doesn't really matter to me. If they don't add them before diablo 3 comes out I won't be giving them any more of my money.
  19. Only humans are capable of being relatable heroes!!!!!! No one wants to play a stinking wookie, also it would cost money to create armor that fit non humanoid races. And everyone knows that does not fit the 99% voice acting 1% rest of the game budget.
  20. Almost 700, keep it up, spread the word, get more posts, , , , ,
  21. Food in general, I know you can buy foods that give you increased hp regen. But I can't find any specific info besides screenshots of the item itself. Thanks
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