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Everything posted by Nocturnalis

  1. This comment needs a sticky in and of itself. It pretty much sums up Shadow Infiltration spec vs other classes with CC. This is my outcome no matter what I do in PvP against classes who have CC. Now I think I am playing my class fairly well. Every time I see the enemy channeling I use one of my interrupts or I LOS them and get them to chase me but while I'm going all these shenanigans their cool downs are up and they can and do use there stun/root/slow and I'm dead. Remember all the crap I was doing to interrupt them takes away from me doing damage. If I open with straight burst they shield up and heal up. I've already blew my load so it's time to get out of dodge. I also factor that many probably have bio-chem. I do not and refuse to rely on it. I can burst down a target in seconds to the point they have less than 20% HP then they shield and heal then I'm toast. Also we have to press a ton of buttons to get anything to happen while other classes can mash one button and win.
  2. And I've had my projectile lift out of the ground and disappear when I died with a Sorc being 1 hit away from death.
  3. Wait are you saying that if you beat on these guys with their bubble up your damage is being transferred to heals?
  4. Easy fix give 50's the ability to down level. Speak to an NPC and you level down to like 45, 35,25 etc. When leveling down you lose you skills and stats that are not appropriate for that level. So if you level down to 45 a level 46,47,48,49,50 rank and spells will be grayed out. This would also benefit the long term as older player can play with new players such as friends or new guildmates.
  5. If they are siting anything from these forums outside of Dev's responses then it isn't fact.
  6. This originated from this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=193106
  7. WOW. That is just insane. Glad you posted this video. Now the Devs can see and not just read what we are dealing with. Sadly though I think all they are going to do is add more or more powerful base guns to prevent camping like this. That or have guards that spawn. The Ilum pvp system needs a complete do over. There are a few suggestions bouncing around.
  8. You are asking for 1:1 zone instancing sounds like. I don't like instancing at all but it might be the only thing that balances battlefield pvp. I think Age of Conan had that. It was awful though. What I see in the OP's pic is ZvP. Zerg vs Player.
  9. I'm out on Ilum right now on my server with 11 other Reb's. We are up against about 50 Imp's. Should we just suicide and give free Aramaments?
  10. Actually this is a good indication. It's like taking a poll in voting. You poll 1000 people and multiply for some number to give you a decent indication of the general populous. It will be worse in the pm EST hours.
  11. It's not about PVP it's about the lopsidedness. Why would I run out into a crowd of 8 Imps when I know for a fact I can't win? Then some will say get some friends and take on the 8 by the time that happens Imp will be 16 in numbers and Rep will have 8. Or Imps will be waiting around for Rebs to show up all day. It isn't about NOT wanting to PVP it's about not wanting to be ZERGED.
  12. Be careful what you wish for. You might actually find that Ilum will be an Imp only hangout. Which means you'll get nothing.
  13. I just ran into that last night. I was little hurt b/c Nadia and the gang looked like they were having one big orgy and we are supposed to be getting married.
  14. Then don't stealth. I find myself stealthing ALOT and I end up missing out on tons of XP and bonus quests. That is the trade off for stealthers, always have always will be. Get through quest faster but having to to rerun things out of stealth to get full XP. Just last night I was on a quests that all I needed was 2 more kills to complete the bonus and I stealthed out of the quest area locking myself out and missing out on the bonus XP. You just need to really pick your battles and remember that you could be missing quests while stealthed.
  15. ^^^THIS^^^ Tharan and interrupts are an Infiltration Shadows best friend. Pretty must unload all of your CC b/c Stark likes to heal himself fast.
  16. Wasn't that some zoneline credit dupe on Tat back then. I don't remember the details but I know who the culprit was.
  17. I just want stats for open world PvP if nothing else. I want to be able to /pvpstat and see who I've killed and my kill / death count kills 1000 deaths 345 killed; abc def ghi jkl mno pqr or a tab that has that listed with some indication of who killed me last so I know who to hunt. I just want that self satisfaction. I can't tell you how many time I've done some / command to see if I can find a pvp stat. If there is one please post up.
  18. We are just TWO weeks into the game and already people want all the cool items. I hope the purple crystal is above legendary in terms of rareness that can be obtained via, group, raid, or solo, etc... I hope it's like a puzzle that we have to figure out like in SWG master all professions unlock purple crystal. Or do all quests, find all datacrons, X level of legendary system. We don't even know if they are obtainable yet. Just b/c they are showing up in loot tables doesn't mean we can acquire them yet.
  19. Never seen bountiful or rich on class 6 either. I'm wondering if these need to be unlocked through some other means.
  20. They just need to make all mats and or schematics come from slicing then slicing will again be lucrative. Send companions on missions they bring back mats/schematics for all the other crafting professions, items get put on the GTN and the rest of the players should have to buy from the slicers. If they want to nerf slicing into the ground just revamp it. They should have had to plan B for this profession.
  21. If they would have increased the % of blue drops in these lockboxes so that people could sell on the GTN along with the massive credit decrease then I don't think people would be as mad. Or tie what we had before the nerf to your companion affection.
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