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Everything posted by Qeuzolt

  1. /agree There are now no republic player on ilum... So I can Q for WZ's and wait 45min-1hr while running around in circles hoping the other 40-50 people dont gank my boxes Awesome PVP experience
  2. Qeuzolt

    Crossed Sever WZ

    When the levels were mixed I was completely against this idea. I wanted to foster the community relationships being formed on the server. You would see "that 50 maru" or "that great republic premade guild" and know you have a good shot at winning this game. Now that there are 50 brackets, all the 50's seem to be going and playing alts cause the Q times are insanely long and ilum is just a box farming zone. At the point we are at now in this game I would welcome the xserver WZs because at least I could PVP on my main... As it stands there will never be 50's in WZ Q cause everyone just goes and plays an alt since the Q times suck. I think the 10-49 Q is balanced, more balanced then it was when 50's were there, but they need to throw a bone to the people that worked the butts off to get to 50 thinking they would be able to help their faction in PVP only to find they now have no PVP to speak of. If anything just make 50 bracket xserver that would alleviate the Q times for 50's and give them a reason to keep playing their mains, and let ilum "foster community relationships" since really right now I could care less about it and just want to play my main
  3. Qeuzolt

    Daily Ilum Kill Swap

    I wish this would happen on my server, the republic don't even seem to go to ilum so now if every imperial fighting each other for the 6-8 boxes that span in mid, or you can camp the pub base hoping on random person comes out maybe every 2-3 hours
  4. This is a serious issue. With the Q tmies being so high for me on my server and my limited play time due to having to work, I can generally only afford to get in 5-6 matches, and our win % is lower then 50% so when one or two wins don't count I can already count out being able to complete the daily, Don't even get me started on ilum kills not counting, it almost forces you to farm the stupid boxes but theres like 50 people doing that so its sooo boring. I'm putting my 50 on a shelf until I see that these problems are fixed. I'm gonna level my sorc, or maybe start a powertech or something
  5. Qeuzolt

    Warzone ettiquette

    I have left a loosing WZ on occasion, more now that the Q's are so long, we generally get maybe 5 groups in 50 WZ's at the same time, I have found if I stay in a ****** WZ then there is a likely chance my next Q will be will a good chunk of those same bad players So I will leave and try to get away from those players. I was in about 10 Q's last night and I kept getting this one dbag that would get in a WZ then 30sec later start ************ in /1 about how ****** his team was then just continue to ***** the rest of the game. I obviously /ignored him but seriously this isn't wow if your unhappy with the team I'd rather you leave then ***** in general chat to avoid the debuff. I have decided its just not worth Q'ing anymore solo on the weekdays. If I can get a premade group of 50 guild mates I'd rather play an alt
  6. Reroll for a more straight up healer, Sorc is just a great healing class all around, if they get nerfed then thats fine its still probably going to be easier to heal on a sorc imo. Ops are great dps, and bad heals in PVP
  7. lets reread that sentence over and rethink the meaning of the word balanced. Melee shouldn't do more dps because they need to be in melee. They should just have the ability to get into melee range. Called a gap closer. You have that...
  8. OP: I play a hard class and want it made easier because I can't comprehend how to play it. If you think a ranged class has all the advantages, go play a range! You rolled a class that doesn't your preferred play style in this game. It happens, it sucks you it took you this long to figure it out but leveling isn't hard, only time consuming. I started a Sith Sorc, I personally dislike ranged classes in this game, I switched and I'm very happy now that my main is a melee. I feel you pain that melee has a rougher time especially in huttball and in ilum. But you have a gap closer, you have your own roots and stuns, if you can't use them effectively then that's not the game design that is at fault there. Roll that class that just infuriates you, or that one that you think has it all and is so cool. Then you'll see the grass isn't greener, this is a game of counter classes, figure out what your favorable play style is and then kill the people that you counter and disrupt everyone you don't enough to complete the objective.
  9. Qeuzolt

    50 Bracket Sucks

    Sorry if double post but this is.... Your QQ'ing because you can no longer farm 60kills against undergeared/lvled players... Your also QQ'in because you can't farm kills in ilum since your melee... As a melee you can go to mid and get the cases, if someone attacks you its prolly a 1v1 and you have an advantage if your not a bad, but well.... In the 50 brackets if your having trouble killing people then your either undergeared or underplayed, sent's aren't in a bad spot you may just need to do research, yeh it sucks to beat on a full BM guy with only 200 expertise, but you figure out who they are and stop trying to kill them, if they are around stun n run, just try to disrupt them if you cant kill them and they are part of the objective your trying to attain. In WZs its all about playing objectively, if you want to kill people, make it objective killing by getting 2-3 people focus firing the enemy and keep them respawning at their base. If your solo you have a better shot going for objectives then trying to farm kills/medals
  10. Qeuzolt

    50 Bracket Sucks

    I have found the Q times during off peak hours to be pretty terrible. I play on a medium pop server, we have a fairly balanced rep:imp 50 population. During peak times the PVP is GREAT!! They aren't instant by any means and are still probably a good 3mins longer then pre50 bracket but every time you get a Q you have a shot at a win. There are some really good premade teams, some of them full BM been 50 for a long time, but I have beaten even the best of teams with a pug as long as people know what thy are doing (huttball) There is no more putting up 5 quick scores then farm medals. Everyone is still getting 5-9 medals but they are all playing objectively and not being failwhales like you would run into when the brackets were mixed. I Q'd solo all night last night even after I completed my daily because the games were just fun to play. I think once this weekend comes around it is gonna be a great time to get the guild together and do some serious Premade fun times with out having to worry about getting 4 lvl 10-15s that think they can farm kills in huttball. Overall I'm happy, I would love for there to be more 50's in the Q to make the times go faster but I understand some people are taking more time then others. Ilum is a decent war now but its not where I hope it will be with more players, WZ's bracket is a good chance of a win, good job BW, my server is great for PVP ATM.
  11. Yes, still here, my server population was inline to make ilum a fair fight throughout the day, still have alt stories and 20lvls of valor to grind on the main. The 50 queue times are longer but the games seem to be better overall. Closer fights, better pugs, no incompetent lvl 15s grabbing the ball and running wrong way. I'm here to stay
  12. Guys the turrets do give valor!!.............. To the republic players healing them :eek:
  13. I had this same problem last night, not sure if fixed in 1.1 I also found that if you do complete your daily, and then realize you have enough to buy a champion bag and do so it will take your tokens and not give you a bag since they are considered "unique" even though you can have more then one in your bags for completeing the daily/weekly:mad:
  14. Seems like The Bastion (US) is working as intended as well I gets no free valor
  15. Guys there isn't really a problem with the 50 only bracket. Even on a low pop server. Everyone is in ilum getting free BM :eek:
  16. During launch I switched to a server that had a lower population because if the server became full it would get error code 9000 and get dropped only to have to wait in a queue. I really enjoy PVP more then anything else on this game. Now I'm at work but reading this thread is really depressing. I hope the queue times don't suck when I get on tonight. The repubs on my server all seem to be well organized and win more matches then they loose. Especially if it was a <Science> premade. Now that its going to be just 50's I hope we can get some wins in. If not I guess there's always ilum valor grinding to get BM gear quickly then to hell with it. That or I could just go to tatooine and kill lowbie repubs all day and be that guy....
  17. I think he meant valor rank 50-60 which should take weeks
  18. At 50 i have more then half my log full of grey quests that can not be abandoned
  19. People saying it should be a bannable offense make no sense to me. As long as they are not using a bot program there is no problem with multi boxing. Yes when he clicks "1" all the characters do the same action but that is still one action per click, its not automation so its not against the TOS. If someone wants to and has the $, time, and skill to play multiple characters at the same time then I don't see why anyone else should have a problem with it. I 5-boxed WoW for a while in WoTLK, its fun, you get a new dynamic to a game that you've played for a long time, or you just get to be the cool guy that does it since in general not may people do it per server. Its not game breaking. If he can solo a world boss by him self then he is a good multiboxer, or the content is stupidly easy. Its pretty difficult to play anything but all of one class since you have to do a ton of micro managing, this is usually done with macros and addons but there are none in this game so the multi-boxing would be very difficult to do. TL;DR Multiboxing is a common past time and isn't effecting you. Not against TOS since there is no automation.
  20. I don't know what the definition of casual is to everyone. I have a lvl 50 operative, a lvl 35 sorc, and I'm currently thinking about leveling a Powertech. I have been playing about 5 hours on weekdays and all day on weekends. I'm enjoying the game a ton and if that schedule makes me casual then your right.
  21. No, my friend was 49 valor when he dinged 50 and he had 1k/1k and a bag so 6 bags no gear. Its just RNG from what I can tell. I do have a theory that it's best to save up comms and get 4-5 bags and open them all at once but I think its more psychological then real.
  22. Where did you get arena from? Its going to be rated WZ's still objective based, with a ratings system
  23. They are adding slots to the epics soon (1.2) so there will be a larger demand for them. Any you get slots in all your orange gear not sure why you say they are hard to find...
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