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Everything posted by Qeuzolt

  1. I have been pvping to lvl since 14 on both of my characters. For awhile Imperials were getting creamed every game and it was really not very fun. Then a couple guild started to do premades and I noticed we started winning a more often, then I joined a guild and started doing premades with them. PVP is amazingly fun in vent with some friends that you enjoy playing with. If your solo queuing then I would expect to lose. That what I do when I play alone, it almost doesn't seem worth it anymore not to win. Especially since you get alot more XP if you just farm kills rather then play the game objectively...
  2. So I play all Imperial, I enjoy the stories I guess, although I have started skipping all the talking pretty much because it just takes to long. I have to say it seems like all the dark side choices are Save "X" or Kill "X". So pretty much i just kill everyone I come into contact with. I have been PVPing almost solely on my 26 Operative, and although we do have a queue, its never too bad, yes we play alot of voidstar and huttball vs other imperials but I don't mind that at all. I personally love huttball, I pvp with a group from guild almost always and we hope for huttball because we own it almost every time. Although I have noticed that people are slowly getting better and we have been able to pass to the randoms more and more often and even other people are getting the passing and stuff. I love huttball alot and if I played repblic and just got civil war all the time, I'll pass.
  3. There are so many places to find this information. Both the multiple posts on this site and everywhere else. Here try this- http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Powertech+PVP+ Thats the best place i have found for everything SWTOR, or anything else really...
  4. I agree that the system in its current state promotes pub stomping with high level characters way to much. It also seems that many of the early access servers are the people that are running into guilds or groups of people at level cap wrecking everyone else in PVP. It seems like BW did make a mistake in the way they did their early access because people that want to take their time and enjoy the wonderfully voiced story but also want to dabble in pvp from time to time throughout the experience, and they play on an early access server are having issues doing so. That sucks, it is punishing people for paying in advance and playing the game like most of the devs hoped their customers would play it. On the other hand there isn't an easy fix, sure they could take population numbers of lvl 50 players that are pvping on a specific server during all times of the day, figure out which ones are ready for a 50 only bracket and then implement the fix. But that seems like an in ordinate amount of work when they can just wait a couple months at the most and everything will even out, the max lvl players will be there on all the realms and then put a bracket system in place. But this is all assuming that there will be a bracket system ever. They could technically never do a bracket and just put that work into making a rated system with rewards for 50's only that would have enough incentive to pull most of the 50s out of the current pvp system. It would ensure that the current system would never really die off since all new players would be in the same system even some new lvl 50s trying to gear up for the rated matches, and there would also be a place for the 50's to go that would be a fairer fight. This plan may piss off some people and maybe even loose some subs but if in the end they put a good enough system in place they will get their market share and hopefully continue tweak it. I think it sucks BW made a mistake in giving early access to some servers but I don't think they are going to keep those servers ahead of all the other servers because it would create to many logistical problems. Just chill out if your on a server that is full of 50s pve, make and alt, or just deal with it and qq on the forums, but understand I'm sure BW is kicking themselves for the mistake...
  5. Have to agree an AB type map would be awesome. I think the larger size wouldn't really be so bad, we have sprint, and its not like AB didn't work as low lvl. It just makes for a more interesting meta game imo.
  6. The Bastion seems to be the other way around as well. I play Empire and its a ton of baddies just getting wrecked, the only games we every seem to win is Huttball but that's probably because we playing against other baddie empire players...
  7. Qeuzolt

    Pvp arena?!!?

    /thread I'll pass on arena if it means they are going to homogenize the classes even more and "nerfbalancenerf" everything to hell every two months
  8. Sounds like a sage got but ***** in open world and now is gonna QQ about it on the forums... Stealth Melee classes should **** an Offensive Caster 1v1 every time. Its rock v paper. Stop the QQ. As a a sage/sorc can wreck many classes easily 1v1, calling for nerfs if pointless. Ops cant do crap to a group of people. They can hide and wait for them to leave. A second person could have stunned for cc'd that op and it would have been gg. Stop crying for nerfs and let them fix the game so everyone can play consistently first...
  9. lightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightninglightning but OP your wrong class is great...
  10. Yeh that map was a little wonky, if you were doing the side quests around there you would have run into it which most people did and thought it was simple, thus the troll replies...
  11. the healing tree is very top heavy, I think they did this to keep people from splashing healing then sucking at it, I think it doesn't really become cool to get a talent until very far along the way when you get Innvervate and things. The two dps trees are nice cause you always seem to be getting something new or exciting. Overall the talent system is a bit lack luster imo, what i look forward to is the lvl rewards not the talents
  12. yeh both the apps are free....
  13. I think your point of loot whoring is moot in this game. I'm a loot whore, I know it, I try my best to not be an dick about it but when I see something that is a minor upgrade I want it and don't really care about other people in most instances. With the companion system in its current state I think a Sith Sorc should be able to roll on Heavy Armor and tanking gear for their companion if no main spec tank is going to use it. What is the difference between that and a person rolling for offspec gear? None imo.
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