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Everything posted by Qeuzolt

  1. Here are the equations used to calculate damage, do them on a per attack basis and then figure out the average. Take that number and figure out what % +12.7 damage is The tooltips of damage and healing abilities in the skill trees do not scale properly with level, but the abilities themselves do. So the formula's for damage and healing abilities below will give you higher values than you will see on these tooltips until this bug is fixed. Ability Damage Min = ( AmountModifierPercent + 1 ) * MainHandMin + ( AmountModifierPercent + 1 ) * OffHandMin * 0.3 + Coefficient * DamageBonus + StandardHealthPercentMin * StandardHealth Ability Damage Max = ( AmountModifierPercent + 1 ) * MainHandMax + ( AmountModifierPercent + 1 ) * OffHandMax * 0.3 + Coefficient * DamageBonus + StandardHealthPercentMax * StandardHealth AmountModifierPercent is the weapon damage modifier for min and max values and all ranks of the ability Coefficient is the force/tech/melee/ranged damage bonus modifier for min and max values and all ranks of the ability StandardHealthPercent is the base damage modifier, which can vary for the min and max values of the ability StandardHealth is a damage number from the StandardHealth Lookup Table table near the bottom of this thread DamageBonus is on your character screen (e.g. Melee Damage Bonus for a melee attack) You can find all these values on your character screen or at TORHead if you expand the effect details on an ability page. Ability damage is always calculated per tick of a DoT or Flurry attack. Force and Tech attacks don't use main-hand or off-hand damage. OffHand is 0 is you have no off-hand to attack with or if the attack doesn't use the off-hand. Off-Hand damage is rolled as a separate attack to the main hand, so one hit will be x*MainHand + y*Bonus + z and the other x*OffHand*0.3. As a result the off-hand hit is much smaller than the main-hand hit.
  2. Max Health = BaseHealth + Endurance * 10 Smuggler/Imperial Agent base health @ 50 = 2500 Base endurance@ 50= 225 source MAx health= 2500 + (225+771Rakata or 481BM)*10
  3. Again I used only armor peices and stated it clearly in the beginning of the post...
  4. So we should have taken the "professionals" at face value? The same "professionals" that made BM weapons with 52 mods when Champion had 56? Making the "best" weapons worse then the tier below them? Or the people that put completely useless stats on a good 80% of the gear in this game, or can't make 2-pc sets attracting to half of the player base, lets not go into 4-pc sets.... I'm not saying this is fact, I'm just saying people may want to consider looking into it for their own class.
  5. What part of the effective health didn't you understand? Full Rakata is actually giving you more "resilience"
  6. You gain 21.6% ooc regen from all the extra endurance. "Endurance improves health, and is an auxiliary stat for Smugglers/Imperial Agents, increasing by 3.5 Endurance per level on average. Every point provides 10 health points, and every 5 points provides 1% health regeneration."
  7. Expertise increases the effectiveness of damage done to players, reduces damage taken by players, and increases healing in PVP situations. The main stat for each AC (cunning for an opertaive) increases the effectiveness of damage (of all types), and crit chance. So by the way I understand it the only thing a main stat is missing is healing and damage reduction. I don't believe it increases passive skills such as (x increases damage of y by z%) so it doesn't take that into consideration if it turns out to be true.
  8. I have been hearing people stating that PVE gear is better then PVP gear for PVP even after the expertise stat is taken into consideration. I thought that was stupid but figured I would run some numbers to see. I tried to make it simple on my self so I only took into account : Chest, Legs, Boots, Gloves, Belt, Wrist I compared The Enforcer's set for the Imperial Agent Operative AC: The BM gear gives a ttl of: cunning 529 endurance 481 crit 229 acc 204 power 11 expertise 300 The Rakata: cunning 656 endurance 771 crit 229 acc 204 power 11 expertise 0 So I took these numbers and plugged them into the formulas provided here: Sithwarrior.com So lets do that: *For damage calculations, every 10 points in a stat provides 1 bonus damage to the appropriate type, and every 140 points provides 1% crit chance to the appropriate type. However, the dominant stat of a class provides this bonus to all abilities, not just the one indicated above, so a Smugglers/Imperial Agent, and therefore a Scoundrel/Operative, gains both bonus melee damage, tech damage & healing and crit chance from Cunning. The difference between BM>Rakata is 127 cunning 127 more cunning is = to 12.7% damage increase source *Endurance improves health, and is an auxiliary stat for Smugglers/Imperial Agents, increasing by 3.5 Endurance per level on average. Every point provides 10 health points, and every 5 points provides 1% health regeneration. The difference between BM>Rakata is 106 endurance 106 more endurance is = to 1060HP Using the Max health formula: Max Health = BaseHealth + Endurance * 10 (Base health can be found at sith warrior.com) The BM would have 7310 HP The Rakata would have 8370 HP Now The BM gear has 300 Expertise on it that equals 6.9595231% damage reduction using this formula: PvP Damage Reduction % = 20 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.2 ) )^( ( Expertise / max(Level,20) ) / 0.72 ) ) So now with all of this lets see what kind of effective health each of them have still taking into account the armor only: Effective Health Formula : Health / ( 1 - ( Damage Reduction / 100 ) = Effective Health source The BM has 7855.991 effective health considering damage reduction from expertise The Rakata still has 8370 effective health TL;DR So a personal wearing Rakata instead of BM would gain: Damage: 5.743769% Damage Bonus Effective Health: 514.009 This still isn't taking into account that the PVE 2-set bonus for Operatives is 15% Crit bonus to Backstab, or the extra crit/healing gained from the extra cunning. Also since diminishing returns starts to come into play at higher levels of expertise, and not with higher base stats this gap is likely to widen once you pull the rest of the armor pieces into the equation. So I guess I'm going to start doing raids again
  9. I have been trying to do the math for Operative comparing Full BM vs Full Rakata: So far I have found that using full Rakata you would gain 12.7% damage and 1060hp (this doesn't take into account anything but armor) So using the above formula the 300 expertise is equal to 6.95% damage and 6.95% dmg reduction. The ttl health pool for BM would be 7310 The ttl health pool for Rakata would be 8370 If the effective health formula is as you say it is (ttlhealth + damg reduction %) then PVE gear is better, but I can't seem to find any effective health formula.
  10. The damage formula I have been using is: http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-SWTOR-formula-list PvP Damage Bonus % = 20 * ( 1 - ( 1 - ( 0.01 / 0.2 ) )^( ( Expertise / max(Level,20) ) / 0.72 ) ) This first underlined section is the % cap for this rating and the second underlined section is the % cap divided by 100. In this case the cap is 20%. Remember this is the cap for the rating, not the stat, so you can't get more than 20% PvP Damage Bonus from stacking Expertise but you may be able to get more from a skill or buff (if any exist). Since these formula's give diminishing returns, you will never actually achieve a 20% PvP Damage Bonus from Expertise. The third underlined section is 1/50th of the amount of rating needed to get 1% of the stat at level 50. So in this case 50 * 0.72 = 36 Expertise Rating to get 1% PvP Damage Bonus at level 50.
  11. You just proved the OP's point though, You can stand there with 2 or 3 guys beating on you and survive, that is whats broken, It doesn't matter if you aren't helping out your team. How about you get a sorc/sin to grab the ball at first then throw it to you? Then the rest of your team can protect you and you can effectively hold the ball for the entire game and be un killable that's broken...
  12. LOL, nice try bro. Lets bring up a random OPS are OP into this thread and hope everyone jumps on it? OPS are the worst dps in the game, if you "had to run" from a fresh 50op then maybe your just bad and thats why you can't figure out how to make yourself god mode. Our PVP groups always runs with 1 guard and 1 merc healer in each of our groups, once they have 10%expertise + PVE gear up to around 17-18k HP they are un killable without 2-3 DPS going after them. It's going to become very apparent if its not fixed before ranked WZ's comes out.
  13. I'm sitting in a similar situation as the OP. I'm full champion about 57 or so Valor. I hate collecting those boxes on Ilum so I don't do those dailies unless its the weekend. I do my WZ dailies everyday, unless I'm to bored to log in. I have a 25 Sorc, 35 Marauder, 15 PT, and a 10 Commando. I can't bring my self to do more then 45mins on any of them before I'm bored and don't want to play. We cleared EV and KP a long time ago, I have since stopped going to the raids unless my guild really needs me, my operative is pretty much useless in them anyways. I have full columi, and about half a set of rakata. Mostly I log in and do WZs with my friends until they have their wins, then if they want to continue I will because its fun to play with them. If they don't we usually end up talking on vent while I run around in circles or go to tatooine hoping to pick a fight with some reps (this usually involves ganking lowbies until 50's show up) I try to get things happening on the server through the forums like OWPVP and stuff, also try to get people more active on the guild website and forums, but its easy to tell most everyone it getting bored fairly quickly. I just hope BW blows everyone away with 1.2 and it doesn't come too late! We literally talked for like 2hrs yesterday about how awesome GW2 looks...
  14. Commando's especially healing commando simply can't be killed by an op once they are geared, so just lvl to 50 and never worry about it again. As for the people saying ops are made to kill people 1v1 blah blah, once everyone is equally geared an ops doesn't have the burst to kill anyone even through both of the stuns. Most of the time we burn all of our energy, all of our stuns and root and still have about 20%ish life left. If we are 1v1 we prolly wont get the kill. So once everyone is full champ (shouldn't be long now with new bag changes) ops will be useless unless they run with another op, or an assassin
  15. I think they need to utilize the tatooine zone. It's very well designed, and the guild vs guild atmosphere would allow for somewhat large scale battles yet not encourage the faction imbalance since its ffa. They have a decent base there to make for a really fun OWPVP zone. I think if they put the world boss back in there and make the loot worth getting (white color crystal?) then it would be something people would fight over. That plus the 5 and 10% expertise buff make it already have a good start, they just need to allow for some minor reward to get people to do it. Maybe allow the NPCs to also sell BM bags for 750/750 and merc comms drop from kills in Tatooine. World PVP can happen in this game. My guild got about 8 50's together and raided the Republic's town in tatooine. It was fun, we could't go to their main town but we go the second largest town, it was fun we killed the guards and camped the flight path, killed a buncha lowbies and used /say to tell them to go to the fleet and call out <Coalesce Force> (a 50 republic guild) they never came but it would have been fun if they did. Some of them grabbed some 50 mains, or at least some 50's showed up but never enough to stop us. It was a good time still. I was we could have more stuff like this, or be rewarded in some small way to keep people wanting to do it, but still we do what we can.
  16. Not for more then 3 months Slight, but I think once other AAA titles come out it will be more drastic Comparing this game to my "last" MMO is a bit silly since I guess my last MMO was WoW and it has been out forever. I think a better comparison would be the last new release MMO I played, Rift, in which I never ran into the amount of bugs and glitches as I do in this game. They also didn't have an emergency patch almost every week, and imo had some more interesting content like the public questing ect. I did quit Rift all the same after getting lvl cap out of boredom but that was more because I didn't get into a quality guild first. I would love to see them fix the incredible about of bugs and issues with this game. People are still crashing, having graphical errors, and it seems whenever they "fix" something some other issue pops up or something else breaks. I'm really just playing now because there's nothing better out to play, if TERA, or TSW or GW2 was already out I'd unsub
  17. prolly march 1.2 rated WZ. 8m premade v 8m premade
  18. I've never had that problem, and sleep will fill the resolve bar... I think most people are used to being invis in front of the target. The enemy (in pvp) can see like 15+meters in front of them and it feels like a cone to me. I usually wait for them to pass then chase them from behind. If i know i need to go in front of someone I will pop stealth (2nd lvl of invis) and make the trip in a straight line as quick as I can. I spam HS tho, so I haven't ever had it not hit
  19. GL with that.... melee healer = operative but you don't get your glow sticks sorry:rolleyes:
  20. I think 2 looks cooler
  21. I was quite sad about this too! The Jedi can do it but not the Imperials I wanted to be Smurfette the blue twi'lek sith marauder Its okay tho I just rolled the name as a pubbie
  22. this is true making it not viable
  23. 25, 5 hours after work, 8-12 hours on weekends
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