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Everything posted by Veluthurk

  1. So far I've taken a Sentinel and Guardian to 40. Some bosses/elites are more difficult than others because of multiple interrupts or cc'ing your companion. This can be either due to play-style or just being a hard counter to the class. In many cases you can use a dps companion, but then your timing has to be perfect. Running a healer gives you more slack for missing a CD or making a mistake. For me the toughest are when they constantly keep my companion cc'd because I'm losing heals or dps.
  2. Don't think they have been any more specific than "in the future."
  3. Maybe because the OP has "been there, done that, got two t-shirts?" Speaking for myself I spent years on PvP servers and I now enjoy the peace and quiet of PvE.
  4. And to add... You can keep using that lvl 11 orange chest piece or LS if you keep the slots updated. Within the modifications it's the hilt (or barrel) and armor slot which establishes the base armor or damage for the piece of gear. So within a degree you can wear what you want, but don't forget Guardian's don't want to be tanking in light armor.
  5. I tend to lean towards the comment. Why with the disparity of realm populations would the OP want to advertize for an over-populated one? Potential queues?
  6. /sign Kira looks either like a nun or a slave girl. Want some choices in between.
  7. I gave on Nathema and re-rolled on another.
  8. I would like it if at least you could sign in and look at your own characters.
  9. I gave you the default because you need to get off your lazy behind and figure it out yourself. Do you want fries with that?
  10. Use this around the time you play. http://www.swtor.com/server-status
  11. I was a big cat collector on my Hunter. On Twisting Nether (RP-PvP) I posted a request for Echeyakee on the TN Gazette when my Draenei was about lvl 16-18. A friendly Horde still had the quest on an alt and we met in the Barrens for them to summon him. http://s45.photobucket.com/albums/f85/Gnochance/_ivankaa/?action=view&current=WoWScrnShot_020708_125852.jpg I would of screenshot it right where he was tamed, but being so exposed on a lowbie alt in a high quest area I didn't snap a ss until I was closer to Ratchet. Thanks to later options of gender and race changing I switched her to a him. One of my last screenies before I quit. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f85/Gnochance/Breechload/drakeofthewestwind.jpg
  12. Server personality is important. In that "other" game during my 7 yrs playing I probably had 6 or 7 servers. 2 or 3 trying to find the right one. I had good luck with RP servers because they tended to a slightly more adult population and fewer xx1337zOrxx-named console-kiddies hopping around. Of course with the reduced RP rule set in this game it's a crap shoot.
  13. Hoping this gear are just placeholders, because if it's not... ><
  14. Not the best design but I like it because if I turn and jump early I bypass the droid and don't have to listen to him.
  15. As much as I like Kira, Doc is a welcome addition on Balmorra. Your survivability goes up tremendously.
  16. That was me a month ago on one particular character. The only other character of mine that even saw a purple. This guy even had back-to-back purples drop one time.
  17. Worse yet when she wants your ship repainted because it doesn't match her new fingernail polish. @ OP definitely agree with you. The illogical sequence has bugged me from nearly day 1 of playing.
  18. ^ this plain and simple. In adopting the modified Blizz style of giving xp in WZs (BGs) we gain xp in areas where there traditionally was none to very little. BW did this to allow people who aren't interested in PvE to level exclusively in WZs. So as my quoted poster above said, when you do all content you out-level your story.
  19. I consider both Kira and Mako pets.
  20. Not being used to getting my deposit back from expired sales on the GTN I have accidentally deleted a deposit or two after getting the item out of my mail and forgetting the deposit was attached. So yeah an "are you sure you want to delete?" reminder would be nice.
  21. The way I look at it is almost semantics. I stick stuff on the GTN and hope it sells. Comparing the two I prefer the AH bid style to the current GTN.. but. I am happy that the GTN doesn't keep the deposit if it doesn't sell.
  22. Then they should add to the list Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Lenin, Kim Jong, etc, etc...
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