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Everything posted by Veluthurk

  1. I'm getting this come up in red whenever I fly to Corellia on my 49. Curious what it is referring to?
  2. Somewhere on Voss. ...and thank god no more dress, too.
  3. Wouldn't worry about it. On my first server I had a Sith Warrior and Rattataki Sorc. At the moment I'm playing all humans. /shrug Currently romancing Ashara so I guess my companions fulfill my interaction with alien species.
  4. Greybeard checking in. Age is relative. In a guild I ran a couple of years ago we had a player who I thought was just 17. He played a Boomkin and was pretty darn good. By chance I caught him on a quiet night in vent. In chatting with him I discovered he wasn't 17, but 70. He was almost old enough to be my dad. I guess you're never too old to game.
  5. After a force cloak it could be a debuff ticking and bringing the companion right back out of stealth. With latency it may look like the mob just continues to bang on the companion even though it's stealthed. My annoyance is when I force cloak and the mob resets, but I don't drop out of combat. This has happened on more than a couple of occasions.
  6. Play what you want. Different people like different play styles. atm I'm enjoying the heck out of leveling my Sin. If I get the chance to play I might hit 45 with him today. http://i45.tinypic.com/164c4g.jpg
  7. I found out about this doing the class quest for Khem Val. After dispatching a group of mobs by using the ledge I fell off right after them using seethe. rofl
  8. Right click your portrait and choose toggle PvP.
  9. ...or the OP needs to go back to Alderaan and do the bonus series, but this is just a wild guess since he didn't say what he has or hasn't done.
  10. I bought the digital download on Christmas day. After that and the patches I didn't play until the next day.
  11. Not quicker but I try to DL large files overnight. Just start the DL before you go to bed then it's finished when you get up.
  12. I give varying degrees of thought. My 2 current mains (and forum moniker) are tribute names from that "other" game. One I had originally spent quite a bit of time coming up with.
  13. It's all in the choices made during conversations. However, not every conversation yields affection. Check out Torhead. They show the different companions affection gains and losses to various quests.
  14. Don't worry about in-game, irl I had a woman who worked for me who could have been Zash's twin and met all the rest of the Sith ideals. At least Zash is better looking...
  15. As far as face colors here's a wiki about the Togruta. Explains the colors.
  16. It's pure RNG if the OP is referring to drops. In past dungeons we used to laugh at all the useless gear that no one needed that dropped, ie. Pali loot when there is none in group. I believe BW has changed that to some degree in the FPs, but in random world drops it seems to often be something you don't need. For me since I'm currently leveling a SI it's always str gear. I will give kudos to the game for trying recently. During my final Bonus Quest on Taris I had three identical pairs of green light armor int gloves drop. But of course I already had a pair of nice orange ones. When I'm on my Guardian it will be dps str gear. /sigh On the other hand I'm amazed at all the purple drops a couple of my characters get. Usually nothing I need but at least I can sell them.
  17. It was quite the phenomenon. School year start and guild attendance was at a high. The only time school really interfered was during semester finals and maybe spring break. Summer comes along a "bam" everyone is off doing something else. It boiled down to what else was there to do on a cold, wintery night but do homework? Nah, play games...
  18. This was my experience, too. Though in theory kids have more time because class is out there are more things to distract them. I say this as a former GL on two different servers. We always had problems filling raid slots once summer vaca started.
  19. I have all the major categories chosen and the search button is illuminated and works. http://i50.tinypic.com/n4gmzr.jpg Tried another with slot chosen and it functions like it should, too.
  20. Just tried it and it seems to be working like always.
  21. Good read. I hope BW takes some of the ideas the OP offered.
  22. It's been my observation the node remains the same type but may come back in a slightly different spot.
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