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Everything posted by Ashaari

  1. I am afraid OP that PvP is just not for you - you lack the patience to gear up in what is the shortest route to end game gear in any mmo I,ve played in the last few years. If you lack the patience for that I doubt you will have the patience to develop the skills required to go with it. If you arrive at 50 with 2000 commendations, you have sufficient to get a BM weapon to go with your recruit gear, 2 WZ,z later and you will have enough for your first BM armour piece. 6 or 7 losing WZ,s later you will have enough for your second piece and you first set bonus. And so it goes on from there. Depending on time played its relatively easy to have a BM set in a week or two, and assuming you do your PvP dailys/weeklys you will have collected a fair supply of ranked tokens to start on your WH set. Compare this to something like Warhammer where it takes up to 6 months of being stomped by better geared players to get to end game gear even if you play 8 hours a day and it doesnt seem too bad a system.
  2. Ashaari

    Blue in warzone...

    There is a history of exploiters in other games using cheats/Hax to remain blueflagged in PvP zones, The Hacks allow the cheater to be immune from targetting and /or atttack by enemies whilst allowing them to attack and/or target their opponents. It is not unreasonable that opponents of players effected by this bug would assume that a Hack was being used.in SWTOR if they are unaware of the bug. They also wouldnt be aware that the effected player is unable to join the OPs group.
  3. Well I read the OP first post, and to be honest I am not sure I understand what the message is. I think its a call for cross server queues for PvP (Warzones?) and PvE (Operations?) i.e. Cross server LFG. If, as you say, you have played MMO's for 10 years, you will know from experience that cross server queues destroy the community feel for a game. Some players will always abuse the system, ninja loot, be abusive etc etc. The only up side is shorter queues for players on low population servers. The net result historically has been a worse playing experience for the majority. A server based LFG system is less problematic as players will be more concerned about getting a bad reputation either for themeselves or their guilds. If lower population servers have issues with finding groups (and I am sure they do) and long queues then a better solution imo is server merges.
  4. Its all a matter of opinion I guess, but having levelled all classes I found the easiest for me to be Shadow/Assassin in PvE. Whilst I didnt find any class to be horrendously difficult, I found that on my Shadow and Assassin I could comfortably take down Elites 3-4 levels ahead of my own, something I couldnt do regularly with any other class. For PvP I would say Sentinal/Marauder is easiest, followed by Guardian/Juggernaut - I would expect this to change at some stage however, as BW attempt to improve "balance".
  5. When you queue solo into a WZ you are accepting that you have no control over whom you will be teamed with. Good or bad, well geared or poorly geared its all down to pot luck. If you really cant accept those conditions put a pre-made together and stop whinging at the players who do accept the conditions of play and pay to play it their way. Just to be clear, I do have PvP gear and thats my choice, I dont feel I have any rights to enforce it on others.
  6. Way to miss the point - yes, that means at least 2 x 4 man groups of 3 Maruders + a healer, somehow if it were 8 player teams it wouldnt be so bad as it could be claimed it was an isolated incident.
  7. Sand Demon is a boss fight, so interrupts will not wotk (or at least they never do for me). All classes I have played at one stage or another come up against a boss fight which forces you to learn to use your defensive cd,s - this is the one for the JK. (Others focus on interrupt use etc) The advice above is good stuff, up-to-date gear, abilities etc etc. As far as I remember (it was several months ago that I last fought this encounter) the Sand Demon has an aoe which does a lot of damage, the visibility of the effect depends upon graphic settings, but if you can stay out of the aoe it will be a much easier fight. Send Kira in to gain the aggro and then open up with your own dps, if you have a Guardian it becomes relatively easy to grab the aggro back when Kira is at about 25% health via taunt. You want to keep her dps contribution for as long as you can before she dies. Use your defensive cd,s one at a time to maximise their effect, use your HoT ability at the start of the fight (it helps keep Kira up as well). Keep the highest healing pot you can on your ability bar for easy instant use - if you are biomed keep a pot which heals you and your companion on the bar. If you fail miserably after a few tries, then go and gain a further lvl or two before trying again, alternatively get someone to help you - there is no shame in it, this is one of the toughest encounters for a JK through the whole levelling experience.
  8. The best evidence for me in any mmo is to look for the make up of opposing pre-mades, Usually you will find that the current OP FOTM class is represented more than the other classes. Last night, on several occasions, I had the dubious pleasure of facing a pre-made which incorporated 6 Marauders and 2 healers - sufficent evidence for me to draw a conclusion as to the current FOTM. I can honestly say that in many years of playing many mmo's I have never seen such single class dominance in any opposing team before. FOTM is almost always because that class is OP at that point in time.
  9. Like many players I have many alts, the one I play most frequently in WZ,s is a sniper, so I like to think I can give a fair judgement as to which classes are OP and which are not. I also have both a Sentinal and a Marauder and compared to everything except my Shadow and Tankassin I think they are somewhat disproportionally strong atm. Either way I am not complaining about the balance, I just found the comment that the poster used to justify his "we are not OP" statement both amusing and illogical. As you pointed out yourself, considering 1 v 1 in a team environment is pointless and futile
  10. [quote name= But I say that all things being equal tankassins are clearly superior to sents/maras 1v1 and that suggests to me that sents/maras are not OP?[/quote] So 1 class can beat you and you can beat all others, you considerthat to not be OP? I suggest you try a class other than Sent/Marauder or Tankassin
  11. Ashaari

    Cheating in PvP?

    Its quite amazing how blatant the cheating can be at times. Yesterday on my shadow at the start of a Hutt ball match I ran straight ahead towards the hutt ball module using Force speed at the start as soon as the screen went down, An opponent scored before I was more than halfway to the module I cant even begib to understand what enjoyment this gives them. The sooner BW wake up and deal with these issues the better for all of us.
  12. You really think the over 50 premade players dont take their alts to sub 50 WZ,s and premade face-roll PuGs there too? You really think they dont do that a) to level, but also b) because they can face roll even easier knowing they are less likely to meet an opposing pre-made? Niaive or what! All mmo's seem to struggle with this situation, why its not bvious to separate group entry from solo entry is beyond my understanding, and yes I know that there is a risk queue times will go up. but to me thats just an excuse as I am not aware of any mmo that has actually tried it. The ultimate solution for me is to enable Group/solo for PvP servers, and separate queues for normal/RP servers and let the punters choose the system they wish to operate in.
  13. Timings depend on world time zones - yes for the USA it is during the night, for western europe its the morning, for Asia Pacific its peak time. As to why its necessary, OP please read the customer support forum at any time and you will find, that unlike you, there are many subscribers with issues which need to be fixed. Many arose out of the last patch on 24th and whilst I dont know that this is the case, I would suspect they are patching to resolve some of the more major problems that were caused for some of those players.
  14. The good news is that if you can keep going until you get Doc as a companion (around 36 ish as far as I remember) then Guardian becomes so much easier as to be almost unbelieveable that its the same class. I agree with the poster above, why a tank class with limited dps output gets a healer companion so late in the game is somewhat difficult to understand. In the meantime, the advice to send Kira in first to grab the aggro is sound, I would add that when her health bar gets to 25% ish (you need to experiment for what works for you) taunt the boss off of her to keep her alive and maintain her damage output. Also as mentioned above your interrupts are essential on boss fights. Not to post a spoiler, but also as a side issue, try to keep T7 as well geared as possible by the time you reach lvl 48-50.
  15. Since 1.2 I have suffered with being locked in the re-spawn area, unable to get back into the action whilst getting on-screen messages that tell me I will be ejected from the WZ due to being in the starting area for too long. I find the lockout time to be too long for such fast paced PvP environment and very frustrating to experience as I pay to play, not to stand around reading on screen warnings which I can do nothing about. Whilst I fully accept the validity of the mechanic, I feel that halving of the wait period would be sufficient, or, at the very least, increase the timer for the warning message to slightly longer than the maximum lock out time.
  16. Click on your companion/crafting tab - if Kira is not listed then she is not yet on your permanent companion list and therefore unavailable unless called for in the story line. If this is the case summon T7 and carry on questing. If Kira is listed as a guest you can still re-summon her as below; If she is listed you can either summon T7, and then summon Kira, or, click on the companion screen on the bottom left of the ui. If she is not listed then you cannot summon her at all.
  17. Bruglir you make me very sad. A person of your experience and knowledge knows full well what would have happened if BW had launched the feature with even minor bugs. You want to know whos the best? As a gift I,ll tell you it isnt you, its not me either based on my experiences in WAR. I,ve always respected you as an opponent and a theoretical number criuncher and 90% of the time find myself in agreement with you. If you dont wish to subscribe thats your choice and fine with me, but please accept that sometimes things go wrong prior to a release and things have to be held back for a few weeks, it happens with all mmo's from time to time. You gave 3 years to WAR but cant even give a new starter mmo 6 months?
  18. On the server I play on, at sub 50, (the OP has stated he is lvl 18 on his Rep character), when playing in a PuG, 9 times out of 10 the Emp side will have 4+ lvl 40's whilst the Rep side might have 1 if we are lucky. They therefore have more class abilities i.e. HoTs, DoTs, CC, stuns etc, and, many of those abilities will be enhanced from their skill tree. In that situation the Emp side will just roll over the Rep side, and on occasion it will work the other way when the lvl inbalance works for the Rep side. It is hard to have an even fight with such an inbalance, which is partly caused by the disparate populations of Emp vs Rep. Ultimately it is rare for a PuG to succesfully use tactics to their advantage to any great degree, in my experience faction has no influence on this.
  19. My opinion only but I rolled the following: Melee DPS - Sentinal (As said above, its probably the hardest class to play until later in the game - but still not overly hard) Healer - Commando (I found using it as dps quite frustrating as its brilliant for aoe, but ST damage lacks in my opinion - Currently at lvl 36) Rogue - Shadow ( I use it as dps character - but it does have a tanking tree if you prefer) Ranged dps - Gunslinger That would cover pretty much all the options you listed, but in the end its a matter of which you think you would enjoy playing the most.
  20. You can always go to the next planet and do side quests. You obviously cannot do further class quests however unitil Angral is defeated. If you check on the Galactic map each planet gives a level range under the planets name, just choose the next in the sequence after Alderaan.
  21. Valis is the first really hard fight in the JK class quest chain and therefore will present more of a challenge than inexperienced players are used to. Make sure your gear is as up to date as possible, replace mods with the highest you can in orange gear. Make sure your abilities are all trained up to your level. 1. Equip as high a medpac as possible on your task bar - if you are trained in Biomed and have reached the appropriate crafting level equip one that heals you and your companion. 2.Attack with Kira and let her get threat whilst to run in, dont use force leap yet. 3. Acivate your ability HoT (i dont remember its name off the top of my head), it heals Kira as well as you, and you will both take damage. 4. When he knocks you back, use force leap to get back into melee range. 5. Use your interupts when off cd - this is essential 6, When Kira's health is getting low, try to pull the threat off of Kira and on to you (easier for a guardian with taunt, but doable as a sentinal if you guage your own damage well) 7. Position yourself with your back to a wall so he cant knock you back, only up, but when you land you will be in melee range 8. Kira will probably die at some stage but you need to try and keep her up for as long as possible as she does good damage, If you still cant kill him then you can still move to the next questing planet - you will not be able to continue the class quest chain, but you will be able to use side quests to gain an extra level or two, you can also use space combat and WZ,s to gain levels. If all esle fails ask a friendly player to come and help you kill him so that you can continue with your class quests
  22. My opinion on "Elitist PvP'ers" If you want to be an abusive elitist then join a pre-made where you can control who you play with. If you join a PuG, accept what you get from random selection and dont badger the casual players - IF you think you are elitist and join a PuG you fooling no-one but yourself.
  23. I have done the quest on several alts. On my first character I searched the whole prison area and spent a lot of time killing everything I could find to get the second and third codes, clearing the whole area several times. The codes finally dropped from the Wardens etc in the area of the up-ramp after the down ramp as you enter the prison compound area which is on the left. On subsequent alts I have had no problems by taking the down ramp to the Prison compund which forces you to turn left. Ahead of you is a warden by a lampost kind of Graphic, he can drop 1 code. then take the up ramp behind him. there is a patrolling warden to the centre/right who can drop a code. head straight ahead towards the doorway, but before the door is a warden on the right - he can drop one. Head into the doorway and up the ramp, there is a warden at the top (and a lock box) that warden can drop a code. By cycling through those specific npc,s it has not taken more than 15 mins to get all three codes on my 4 alts following the first character. Hope this helps
  24. But also remember that completing a bonus quest series for a specific planet will gain you an orange item as a reward at the end of the bonus series. The series will show up in your quest log with which bonus quest you need to complete until you reach the end of the chain and claim your reward.
  25. You are either a twink fan, or, you never played against twinks. I admit I have twinked in many other games and dont personally have an issue with it, I do understand why most casual players do. I am not arguing specifically against the OP, just the statement " He is not asking for anything that would damage the game for anyone in any way" - For many that just isnt true.
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