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Posts posted by Xienive

  1. It's not like arenas are that fun anyway.


    I have never seen a team make a comeback. Ever. They might as well knock the warzone down to single round matches, because whoever wins the first round tends to be the team with a good composition. The second round is just longer because the losers are trying harder (and still lose).


    Not really, I have had plenty of matches where we lost the first round then came back and won the second round and the third for the overall win.


    Not to mention many matches start 3v4 so the team with 3 loses initially but then gets the 4th player and wins. It's much better with whoever wins 2/3 than if it were to be single rounds.

  2. Trust me if you are geared you melt those who aren't, bolstered or not. All it does is allow the casual player to not get blown apart the instant the set foot in WZ.


    This. My Shadow is geared out and mostly augmented and my Assassin isn't yet and I can tell quite a big difference between them.


    It's still not going to make you a top contender, but the bolster actually is much better than recruit gear use to be and especially before that when there was no entry gear.

  3. Only if you can see the Assassin. If you can't see the Assassin you can't see the Phase Walk.


    Anyways, I'll throw you a bone:


    - Ninjaing nodes from long distance defenders.

    - Getting distance for kiting/reset.

    - Instant LoS tool.

    - Quickly returning to middle node at Civil war.

    - Quickly switching door sides on Void Star.

    - Skipping the obstacle between middle and pylon in AhG.

    - Returning to topside in Orbital Station

    - Soloing 4v1 arenas with Acid


    There is more, but I'll leave it at that for a while.


    Sure, but the thing is that most of those are basically just getting from point A to point B a little bit faster which is cool I guess but I mean I don't see that as useful as most of the other abilities when we already have force speed which also is more convenient for kiting and LoS'ing in general. I would have just preferred we got a different ability. I just came back a little while ago and haven't played since before 2.0 and the ability just wasn't what I expected it to be.

  4. ^ There are so many more uses for phase walk I don't even know where to start..


    Well think of a place and do start because I would like to hear some of these many uses.


    Compared to the other level 51 abilities ours is just impractical and I would say definitely the one I see least used outside of huttball. Not to mention you can very conveniently see where somebody has placed one so that's nice too.

  5. Assassin tanks have really gone from being an awesome and unique class to a bland boring tank. Before 2.0 the Sin tank hybrid was the most fun class I have ever played in an mmo. It was a stealth tank that had a positional burst proc attack, great self healing, an optional hybrid to get a great aoe attack with nice damage and utility.


    Now with these changes you have a standard tank...that can stealth but that's pretty much its only unique feature. It is much less fun and much less creative to play.


    On a side note phase walk is still a lame ability. It really has two uses, one being easier access to enemy end zones in HB and two being able to set it next to a heal and being able to us it...if somebody hasn't already taken it. Now the healing bonus from it is also going to be gone.

  6. I know I'm probably alone in this, but I honestly wish there were no heals in arenas period. I think it would be much more fun and easier to balance. If both teams have 1 healer, the team that wins is the team that kills the other's first. If the teams have more than one healer, it just takes forever and will end due to the timer running out unless somebody gets lucky.


    I just don't think healers will ever be balanced 4v4 in this game. If a good healer could be killed by a single dps it might be different, but it just doesn't happen enough for it to work. The healers have enough abilities to stay alive and heal their teammates with just one dps on them.

  7. I want Shadow Strike back on the first tier like it always should have been. It would make playing Balance much better in PVP, and even though it still wouldn't be the best spec it would be much more fun and with the dps increase to the move it would give us some nice melee burst which will make us different from a Sage which is already just superior in every way in Balance spec.


    And not that it is super important, but it would also help Shadows and Asssassins in the low tier PVP to have a nice melee ability at lvl 10 again instead of SS being useless ability for a long time.


    With tanks all you would have to do is make sure it didn't stack with the other SS proc and it would be fine there too.

  8. More items than just that armor is like that.


    One of the best robes in my opinion is the Preceptor's Vestment, but unfortunately no matter which dye you choose the hood and a few other pieces remain brown. It works well with some dyes like the dark brown/medium brown on my shadow, but with a red/black dye like on my Juggernaut the brown doesn't look too good. I wish they would fix the armor sets that this affects.

  9. What this really proves is that a good majority of players care a lot more about having whatever ability and advantage their characters can get in favor of actual balanced PVP. It's why you can't even take class balance feedback from most people. They don't really care as long as they have powerful abilities.


    If people really wanted things to be balanced then they would realize just how silly this relic is and not use it, but alas here we are.

  10. Come on now, let's be honest. Nuthin' is better than seeing someone using it and then grinding their face into the dirt repeatedly cause they're such trash players. xP


    That's true hahaha. I just don't like it in general when people use stuff they know isn't working how it's suppose to and it's as big as the absorb relic is. It just doesn't make for good balanced play.


    I guess this just helps show though that there are a lot of people out there who don't give a rip about how balanced things are in PVP and only care about their character having any and every ability it can have.

  11. Is that the Contractor's Robe? Which dyes are you using? Also the gloves are great :)


    The robe I am using is the "Preceptor's Vestments" from one of the cartel packs. The gloves are "Genteel Dress Gloves" and I am using Dark brown/Medium brown dye. Thanks! Glad you like it! :D

  12. http://i874.photobucket.com/albums/ab308/zetch37312/Screenshot_2013-10-08_21_51_39_898252_zps3747291a.jpg








    This is my Shadow. I really like his current appearance a lot as it's pretty much how I have always imagined a Shadow would look like and now that I returned to the game with dyes I can make him look this way. I always thought they would look a bit different from a standard Jedi. Maybe dark shaded robes, hooded, not showing their face all the time, with a nice purple lightsaber. I wanted him to look kind of darker because he is a Shadow, but I didn't want him to look evil. I like the mask a lot with his robes because I think the color works well with it, to not make it look too sinister and it suits a Shadow nicely in my opinion.


    Though I do like to switch my lightsaber color often. I typically use purple, yellow, blue, cyan or mint green. I only really use the standard white core lightsabers though.

  13. Stealthing after scoring in HB. Then, tranquilizing their team one at a time as they come out of the dugout. Then, pop super stealth and jump back off the edge and go back to mid as inevitably 3-6 of them run around their end zone looking for you . . .


    I absolutely love this too hahahaha. Just the other day there was one sorc who I guess didn't like me, attacked me every time she saw me regardless of how many times I killed her and after I stealthed once after scoring she stayed in that end zone for the next couple mins. just spamming lightning trying to find me :p

  14. They don't want it to be rare. They want it to be expensive so they can sell you gambling bags. Rarity is just the side effect of that.


    That's true, and it's not like it's a secret that it's the one dye most people would want.


    I guess it's just for me personally, I would rather have say a white/white because it's a bit more unique for that price considering there aren't many white clothing options in the game but there are already a ton of black choices.

  15. I don't see why they want black/black to be so "rare" considering the fact that dressing in all black is quite possibly the most unoriginal and non creative thing somebody can do.


    I'm not saying it doesn't look cool sometimes, but there's nothing at all special about it.

  16. Honestly I don't think even with a damage buff CS will be worth having. I don't think they can make it where it's a better choice than FiB for PVP. All of our main burst comes from popping force potency which already gives us 3 stacks, and with 3 stacks of it, you can hit somebody with force breach, Fib, and project with all being a crit.


    Force breach isn't even really that good of an attack if it doesn't crit, and it takes too long to build up even with CS only not to crit. I find it much better to have an extra area attack in terms of both dps and utility.


    I'm not sure what a real solution to increasing sustained dps would be, but buffing up CS isn't going to do it.

  17. Very proud of my Merc's current look. Here he is with Torian, just a couple of Mandos chillin on the fleet!




    Kind of what I would imagine Mandalorians stationed on Hoth would look like. I like it!

  18. What's the best use for the reg WZ comms while levelling 1-54? My scoundrel healer is getting near the cap, and he is only 28 (it's fun to play scouperative healers from the scratch, without the free heals it's a real challenge). what should I do? buying lowbie pvp gear? (people told me with bolster pvp lowbie gear is unnecessary) or transform it into ranked wz comms? I don't worry about conqueror gear yet, since my valor is at 19 by now.


    Just trying to learn the pvp ropes as I go, this the very first time I dedicate some time to pvp.


    Personally when I am leveling a new character I just like to stock up on as many medpacks as I can. It's something you will always use and need in PVP and if you have a lot already when you hit 55 then you won't have to worry about buying them when you are trying to save for gear. Transforming them to ranked comms is a good thing to do too when that option becomes available.


    Not to mention if you have a lot and ever need credits they sell nicely too.

  19. A playlist of Star Wars songs to set and customize to different locations. Since that isn't exactly self explanatory let me elaborate.


    Just as an example lets say I want to hear the original Star Wars theme whenever I walk into my ship on a Jedi Knight. So I would open a menu, click on my ship tab and there will be a list of different songs I can set to play whenever I get on my ship. When I pick that song it always plays when I get on my ship and I can change it at any time. Same for any other location. So theoretically you could do this to a planet, a WZ, a flashpoint, etc.


    Lack of Star Wars music is one thing I never liked too much. I think something like this would be fun, so I could hear different kinds of Star Wars music and assign it to wherever I think it would fit best.

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