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Posts posted by Xienive

  1. If that's an NPC it's probably not available in game...they like to dress NPCs in exclusive things that look better than the things we can actually get in game to tease us.


    I know, right?


    I actually did some more searching and found that this chest is technically available in game to wear, but naturally like a million others it isn't an orange item, it's a green. :rolleyes:


    What I don't understand is that the by now they know what looks good and what people like, people have asked over and over and over yet when it's time for new sets to be introduced they don't ever use any of them. They come up with some design that looks like a dinosaur or a sea monster or some random looking creature. Oh well, nothing can be done about it really.

  2. It's going to depend on if you're PVE'ing or PVP'ing for what is seen and not seen. Stuff that works in one doesn't always work in the other.


    However there really isn't what I would call a master class in this game that has a high skill cap or whatever. Despite what some people say every single spec is pretty straightforward and easy, and is there is pretty much a lot of each. And if there isn't a lot of a spec you see then that's not because it's hard to play, it's generally because the other specs for the class are superior in almost every way.

  3. Here is my new PT BH. I'm trying to go for a Boba Fett color scheme/vibe for him and I think this is about as close as I can get at level 20. I wish I could get some red on the secondary part of my helmet but I can't seem to get a dark red/green on this one. If I had high enough rep I would use the BBA helmet, but I'm far from being able to get it unfortunately.





  4. I'm surprised this is true :( it seems silly that a powertech can only use a pistol. the whole reason i made one was because i thought i could use the blaster cannon or at least riles. This should be changed it would provide alot more diversity to the game.


    I'm right there with you. I would do just about anything to be able to give my PT a blaster rifle. His appearance is a bit based on and inspired by Boba Fett because as many here I wanted that vibe when playing my BH but it just isn't quite there with a pistol.


    I know it's been mentioned before but I wish it was something that was constantly pushed for until we got it. It has already been stated that they had interest in doing this at some point I believe.

  5. *minor spoilers*


    I initially felt torn in the same way. I am a huge fan of both the films and the books and at first some of the Elf stuff kind of bothered me. However once the movie and kind of sunk in to me, I realized how much I actually liked it. Yeah the **SPOILER** romance of Tauriel and Kili wasn't my favorite thing **END SPOILER** and Legolas probably did have just a bit more involvement than he needed...BUT it doesn't really bother me in the end too much because I know that stuff is for the general audience that loves action, and pretty much everything of significance to the Dwarves and Bilbo all still happens and it happens very well. So nothing was really taken away, some stuff was just added so that the general audience would be more interested, which is alright to me because it helps the movie gain popularity and money and could inspire people to read the books that might not have otherwise.


    They key scenes were the Mirkwood spiders vs Bilbo, especially when he has to get the ring back and it starts to show how it's corrupting him, the barrel ride, and Bilbo encounters Smaug for the first time. Bilbo and Smaug was near perfect in my opinion and Smaug was breathtaking.


    At first I might be able to see how you might not have felt like it was Middle Earth, but give it some time. This whole movie is pretty much sections of Middle Earth we haven't seen on screen before and it had all new music that we hadn't heard before to go with it, so the vibe of course is going to be much different. I think over time though once everybody gets use to the new settings and sounds it will feel exactly like Middle Earth does in the rest of the films!

  6. There needs to be an option in this game to toggle all these kinds of effects on or off. I wish I could also turn off my lightsaber having lighting, darkness, whatever you want to call it all over it. Then you have Sentinels glowing all sorts of blue, and there are others too. It really would be fantastic to be able to decide whether we want them shown or not.
  7. There is a certain type of hood that just looks bad, it stops right at your head and ends up looking like a kid's hoodie hood you would get at the Gap. There are a lot of good chest pieces that in my opinion are ruined by this awful looking hood when all the other hoods in game look fine. The hoods didn't always look this way, a long time ago they looked a bit different.


    What they looked like before: (found this picture randomly on Google)



    What they look like now:



    I thought when this first happened somebody mentioned it and it was said that it was suppose to get fixed but never did. Not sure if this bothers anybody else but there are quite a few hoods like this and a lot of different chest pieces would look better if this was fixed in my opinion. Right now the only choice if you don't like it is to wear a head band that makes the good disappear but not every class has access to one of those, especially on Imp side. It may not be a pressing issue but it is one of those nice QoL fixes that I wouldn't imagine would be too hard to fix. It just needs to be fixed to how it was before or have the hood model switched to one of the current other hood types.

  8. The price of this is stupid and greedy. I don't even want the black/black dye but even so I can see how silly of a price it is. It is literally more than a month's sub, or a server transfer for a ONE USE non collection dye...when there is already a TON of black clothes in the game. I can't for my life understand why anybody would buy this.


    The problem though, is that there are actually some people who will actually purchase this, which is beyond me. Being able to afford it is beside the point, plenty of us can afford it but just because we can buy it doesn't mean we should. We all realise they are here to make money as every company is, but is it *really* necessary to make this double the price of another dye that is just as rare for somebody who already pays you $15 every month? That just shows a lack of caring for customers. We are already nickled and dimed for everything in this game with things that other MMO's don't charge real money for (like changing your in game appearance) and then we also have to pay a ton of credits in game for other things...more than we should.

  9. Completely agree with you on the sounds. For me the sound of my lightsaber is more important than how it looks and while I like some of the CM lightsaber hilts, I never use them because I don't like the sounds they make. I really only use 2 different lightsaber sounds and those are both the traditional ones which aren't too easy to come by actually...I really wish we could pick the sound we wanted for weapons just like we can pick the color. Though I haven't ever really noticed the hilt being too big on the derelict saber, only that the blades are slightly shorter than on most sabers. I think the derelict lightsabers are the best hilt design though.
  10. I find it sad that so many people want to try to hide their aversion to the effort of actually leveling (EARNING) that new class behind excuses such as "leveling is boring", "I hate questing", "I have limited time to play", etc. I find it sad that so many want to just put their hand out and expect what they want to "magically appear".


    I find it sad at just how much time and effort you have put into this one thread over something that would still not affect you if other players did it. Chances are that half the people on your server could switch to a different AC right now and unless you see them everyday and know their names you wouldn't even realize it.


    People are also acting like people are going to be switching from tank to healer on a whim which we all know wouldn't be the case, because if they ever did something like this it would realistically cost a decent amount of Cartel Coins or a big sum of in game credits which people aren't going to be doing every day unless they just have money to blow. Also who is to say you can do it whenever you want? Who says it won't take any "work", it could be done in many different ways to allow players to "earn" it. There could be a time limit from the amount of time you change. Then after you already do that you have to spend time getting all different gear unless you are going from dps to dps.


    Also when you go to character creation, after you choose allegiance the next thing it says to do is SELECT CLASS, so if I pick Jedi Knight that is my class according to what character creation has just told me. Regardless of which AC I pick later, half my skills, my story, my voice, my companions will all be JEDI KNIGHT. If I changed my AC all of those things would still be JEDI KNIGHT which is the class I selected when I made the character. Respecing my AC would essentially allow me to change half my skills and 2 trees, that's all. I still don't think you can truly call Guardian and Sentinel two independent classes when they share half the same skills, a whole tree, and the same energy resource. Many of the arguments against this would be fantastic IF people were completely trying to change class, but nobody is.

  11. This may have been pointed out already but...The Commando can already use a rifle...and it is actually far SMARTER for a healing commando to use a rifle. The damage range is NOT used by a healer (also the damage difference from rifle to assault cannon is the same, the cannon simply has lower low end and higher high end to allow for more variation and the potential for far stronger crits) only the stats and tech power matter. The use of a rifle visually messes with many PvPers as well as it flies in the face of the training the game gives you.


    Similarly, I have seen lethality snipers using a rifle instead of a sniper rifle for more stable damage (prevents some of the lower damage numbers if you use a rifle...but does cost you the high as the sky crits).


    Really? BH with a rifle is iconic? Since when? Sorry Boba Fett was a bit character who we only see die horribly as an incompetent (oh, and official canon has him DEAD in that Sarlaac...Lucas came out and said that pointedly, making all the books referencing him as alive non-canon). Also...take a good look at Boba's gun...it is a pistol with a stock and barrel extension...it is NOT a true rifle. So...where is that iconic look?


    Most merc npcs (mobs labeled as mercenary) in this game actually use assault cannons btw.


    http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bounty_hunter Look at the picture for the BH's. Not a single one of them is using a pistol, and rifles are a lot closer to what Boba Fett is using than the pistols in this game. If a BH with a rifle isn't iconic to you then fine, but to many of us it is and that's all that really matters honestly.

  12. Sometimes I run this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rIbkdbfzMZcMZfrzoR.3 (granted some people might want to change a point or two in the lower tiers of darkness) with a focus for fun. It isn't as good as the old hybrid build use to be but it still does pretty well in regular WZ's and it's good in 1v1 situations. It was my go to spec for Huttball before we weren't allowed to change after we que :rolleyes:


    I am not sure how that build will do in 2.5 because when I logged on to the pts I waited forever and didn't get a que pop so I eventually just logged off without testing it at all.

  13. At the very low levels, focus on getting death field, then field respec, play in dark charge soon as you get it. Once you get to 30+, start stacking your points into deception. And don't really go higher than death field in madness.


    I leveled this class 3 times (1 shadow, 1 sin, another sin on a different server) and this is definitely the best way to go in early levels. Death field first, then double shock proc and use dark charge until you have enough points to really dig into deception. The way the deception tree is set up now it won't be any good until higher levels.

  14. Player A leveled a marauder, possibly because player A felt that smash monkey marauder was easier to level and did more DPS than a juggernaut. Now player A has a max level MARAUDER, but wants to tank for his guild. Player A wants a juggernaut.


    Did player A level a juggernaut? Did player a put ANY effort into a juggernaut? NO, he did NOT. He put all his effort into a marauder. Player A wants a FREE juggernaut. It makes no difference if he is willing to "give up" his marauder. Player A did NOT put any effort into leveling a juggernaut.


    Hey may not have put forth effort to a Juggernaut, but he DID put forth effort into making a Sith Warrior which makes up 50% of both classes. He isn't getting it for free, he still had to do all the work of leveling a Sith Warrior to 55.


    Not every situation is even like that though. For instance one of the reason I support AC change is because I like to make both AC's but use one for each faction. So I have a Guardian and a Marauder for instance. I would like to be able to switch my Marauder to a Jugg and my Guardian to a Sentinel just for a change of animation to keep both classes a bit more fresh and fun to play. I am not really gaining anything by doing this. I have already experienced both stories, and I have already leveled both classes, I know how to play both classes, it would basically just be a cosmetic change in the same way a race change is.

  15. I don't think roots should add to resolve as it would mess things up a bit, BUT I think a nice addition would be root immunity while resolve is full. I am also in support of resolve not depleting when full until after you have left the respawn area which I think somebody suggested somewhere.
  16. The biggest problem with normal arenas is that there is no matchmaking. I mean it doesn't have to make perfect matches but at the same time there should never be 4 dps vs 4 healers and ESPECIALLY when that is a same faction match, which I have done. They either need to put in at least some kind of matchmaking or allow us to respec for non ranked again, at least before the match starts.
  17. Honestly I think the biggest gap in PVP atm is not necessarily a PVP specific problem but it's augments. Getting fully geared in standard PVP gear is pretty quick, but even with that you aren't going to do really well until you get at least partially augmented which can be expensive, especially for the casual player.


    I still wish you could buy gear when you hit level 40 but I think things are fine now for the most part and it's easier to jump into PVP here than it has been in some of the other games I have played.

  18. I would love new Huttball matches, it's a great and fun WZ that requires more teamwork than any of the others in my opinion. Though I do miss being able to spec tank when it popped up, it isn't near as much fun when I am in Infiltration/Deception.
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