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Posts posted by Xienive

  1. I have one single question about phase walking....Can I throw the ball to my future teleport location and catch a pass to myself? If yes, highest objective time lol. I doubt you'd be able to teleport w/ ball.



    Trying this :D

  2. Well pure tank build and survivability as a whole (mainly due to the shields being fixed) definitely got some nice buffs. However the hybrid tank build was nerfed by quite a bit.


    They really really really need to put duplicity back in the first tier, or second tier at least. It really isn't that OP at all. Even less so now with all the buffs other classes have gotten. Conspirator's cloak of course I could see being more useful in PVE as a tank but not in PVP.

  3. The first one you can get (assuming you don't buy the legacy one) is around lvl 30 I believe and will drop in Cademimu. Right now though, masks are broken and only Revan's mask is showing up under hoods.


    You can also just look on the GTN. If you hold down ctrl and then click on the item, it will do a preview on your character so you can see how it looks and if it will show up under your hood or not.

  4. There was a whole guild that always accused me of hacking every single wz I was in with them and they always name called and reported me and everything. Funny part was that they claimed to be an elite, exclusive and non trash talking guild.


    That was kind of stupid, however amusing to me.

  5. It's because people complained about Darkness being able to use it in tank stance in PVP.


    This was and still somewhat is my number one change that I hate. Conspirator's cloak is decent but I would give it up any time for duplicity again.

  6. For the same reason that a person who buys a max level geared toon off ebay harms everyone's game. They have no idea how to play the class, initially. It takes time to learn to play a class properly. Even though some of the skills share the same name, that does not mean they are the same or that they work with other skills unique to a given AC in the same way. Add to this the fact the most AC's play vastly different anyway, and yes, you are going to affect my gameplay if you just switched AC's and I get unlucky enough to be grouped with you by the FLG tool. I don't care how leet you think you are, you will not know how to play your new AC properly immediately, or even in a few hours. That's just the way it is.


    It's not a win/win. It only benefits those too lazy, or whatever, to level the AC they want to play. It's handing something to someone for no effort.


    Not that different from people who leveled to 50 and still have no idea what they are doing, really. Learning curve is really easy in this game.

  7. lol 37k hit points. How many will my Sage have. I'm going to have to do some serious dot damage if Im going to DOT kill a 37K health opponent. I hope they add more columns for me to hide behind when my dots are ticking





    I'm still not sure if it was suppose to be that way or the dude found a way to make the bolster help him more because back at the fleet he only had 25k hp when I found him.

  8. most people won't bother? right.. have you seen my latest world pvp video? Linked below for your convenience.



    Not all of us play on a PVP server, and they don't have server transfers.


    Yes and keep adding these while the balance of pvp is messed up, smart move :)


    From live buff merc dps and heals, fix bubble stun to how it is in 2.0 and problem solved, nothing else was really messed up and class balance would have been great for an mmo.


    They need to fix balance to improve the rest. However, they have been unable to do that yet again. Post 2.0 will demonstrate the same bias against certain classes that pre 2.0 does. They need to sort out all the DPS classes now and abandon the idea that the ability is DPS and off heal is somehow greater than the ability to DPS and taunt (looks at Pyro and Smash)


    That's exactly why I posted what I did. Of course we need balance but when I say they should work on other things, it's because balance really would be nearly as good as we can get it if you made the above changes.

  9. I have never understood why groups of 3 and 4+ people will stunlock one guy to death. I mean of course they aren't going to live anyway but still, why would everybody in the group waste all their stuns just to prevent one guy from getting like 3 hits in on somebody?
  10. lol are you a Sage. Cause on my Sage I will constantly get attacked by unflagged marauders as soon as I engage the mobs. I Love it cause they are usually in PVE gear and die quite easily.




    Nah, I am a Shadow. I usually give one walk around stealthed to see if anybody else is already flagged and if not I just unstealth and run around flagged. Very rarely do I ever get any action though.


    Usually after 1 kill or 2 they just run to their safe zones until they are unflagged and then they come back.

  11. that is the palyerbase fault. 90% of the people playing this game are of the we don't want to work for it just give it to us jenna-ration. It's why bioware has changed the way to get gear over and over. I mean before you actually earned gear but the masses cried so bioware had to cave in and give it away for free. I mean I play on a PVE server and yet I find OWPvP everyday when I'm doing my dailies. People just don't want to have to go look for it.



    I completely agree with you that it is the playerbase's fault. I don't play on a PVP but I wish I did, I don't necessarily care about rewards for open world PVP but I would rather offer it and get some open world PVP than just not have any.


    Believe me, I look for it...I go flagged into the opposing factions section all the time doing dailies and never find anybody to attack and nobody ever attacks me. :(

  12. lol - i don't often agree with jenna, but i think he raises a valid point here.


    on the other hand, I think you were thinking of something along the lines of Wintergrasp from WotLK? I have to admit, that was my favorite "open world" type of pvp event. I have the sneaking suspicion that the swtor engine/code cannot handle that...just based on the lag I experience in WZs. but it would be cool. and swtor really really really needs vehicles you can get into like the siege tanks and so forth in some of the WoW instances. I mean...the vehicles in the SW universe are ICONIC. fly a snow speeder in ilum? or the KotoR version of an AT-AT? omg! winning! instead, all we get is space missions that are like sitting in a theater "riding" a rollercoaster on the screen. mildly entertaining...I guess. Battlefront II managed to incorporate real vehicle (space) combat/missions, and space missions weren't the focus of that game either. iunno. like I said, it'd be nice to ride some assault vehicles in pvp.


    Yeah yeah yeah, if you need a reward you aren't a true pvp'er, you probably suck, blah blah blah.


    It doesn't change the fact that there is a lack of world PVP and there isn't as much of one when you give people a reason to be doing it.

  13. If you need a reason to do open world pvp, then you shouldn't be doing open world pvp.




    Regardless of your opinion which is kinda stupid, the fact is that most people will not bother if they are getting nothing for it and it's really not that hard to prove. Let's look at Ilum, an event was there and people went. There use to be pvp missions there, people went.


    Event is over and no missions....now how many people are there? Yeah, that's what I thought.

  14. Really they are focusing on the WRONG things in PVP. Sure balance is important...but instead of trying to re-balance everything, give us a stupid new bolster, re-work stats, etc....they should be focusing on:


    New WZ's


    New maps for current WZ objectives


    Dueling arenas


    Reasons to do open world PVP


    Places where we can CONVENIENTLY access quickly for open world PVP


    Instead we have a bunch of new unbalanced crap that is just annoying, wasn't asked for and was not needed at all. A couple classes needed a buff and everything else needed to be left alone, period. They are focusing on the wrong things. They also need to quit trying to change things that are working just fine.

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