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Posts posted by Xienive

  1. I personally think the goals are too close together in this one.


    Right now though it's going to be at its worst because since most people don't understand it all they do is deathmatch in the middle floor (not that they wouldn't do it even if they did understand).

  2. Again, I point to WoW, as well as many other MMO's, in which your choose your class at CREATION. Do you get to change your class in WoW, GW2 or most other MMO's despite the fact that you make your class choice before you have all the information (how the class plays), or do you have to level a new character with the new class you want to play?


    I point to EQII and SWG where you could change your class. Sure enough, those other games do make you level a new character for a new class, that's true. However how many of their classes share half of their movesets and a whole skill tree? It may even be a skill tree that is useless to your class because it is only ever really balanced for your mirror (Madness sin, Lethality Op)

  3. I just want to say, a Commando holding a blaster rifle doesn't look very threatening. The assault cannon is bulky because it's like a few blaster rifles put into one housing. All that (bulky) hardware will obviously generate tons of damage, which in a practical sense would obviously be more than the 5% or-however-much-it-is boost that Commandos get when wielding the assault cannon.


    In general I'm for having lots of options with weapons, but there's something to be said for the BFG . . . which has a primary reason it's so awesome, that it's the only way to get the extra damage boost. To have the same damage with a puny lightweight little blaster rifle would be highly unrealistic ... even Czerka can't develop a blaster rifle with that kind of kick.


    See I have always been kind of the opposite. I always thought the assault cannon didn't look very threatening because it looks too big to be practical, none of the animations really fire that many bolts at once, and the Commando looks like he is waddling to carry it.


    To me the rifle looks more precise, fast and professional. I guess to each his own :p


    I was in the same situation where I loved my Merc so I made a Commando but couldn't stand it because of the cannon. There have been so many threads asking for rifles for Commandos and BH's, I wish they would just give in and give it to us already.

  4. The original Republic Trooper outfits from the promotional trailer.


    Additionally maybe the OG Imperial Trooper outfit from all the pre-release media? You have a low res model of it in the game already. If you take a look at almost any class mission where imperial troopers are in the area that have died normally their body will be a version of the trailer armor- though other than that asset theres no known version of it in the game. Heck- even the lego SWTOR stuff has the old sith armor


    I second this, that Trooper armor would look fantastic in game.

  5. Definitely more WZ's that don't require a node guarder. Nobody likes that job.


    CTF mode would be very fun but if it's standard CTF where you capture their flag and bring it back to your base while you still have your flag, then there would need to be some heavy traps going on. Otherwise there are some tank/healers that could make most matches complete stalemates the whole time. That being said I am all for some good ol' CTF.

  6. The biggest thing for me is the weapon restrictions, particularly with the blaster wielders. Things I want that should be standard but I cannot have:


    -Standard ranged Trooper with a blaster rifle. You just lose too much by trying to not use an assault cannon with a Commando. Vanguard just doesn't seem to feel like a trooper to me. I almost feel like it was just adapted as best it could be to accommodate for the PT.


    -Blaster rifle with either BH. In the original trilogy every single BH you saw at meeting with Vader had a rifle/carbine. It was an iconic look and many of the BH's you see in this game that are NPC's have rifles as well. This is something that should have ALWAYS been able to be done. I don't know a lot about programming/coding but how hard could it be to give a rifle to a PT that has 2 blaster attacks? One being the standard rapid shots and the other Unload (full auto animation would work just fine)


    -Single pistol wielding ranged Smuggler. I love the idea of the Gunslinger but I would much rather just use a single pistol. Again Scoundrel doesn't exactly fit the ranged standard Smuggler that we see in Han Solo.


    Three standard iconic Star Wars weapon/profession type combos that are not available in the game. Many threads supporting more weapons types have been created over the course of this game and we never get an official response on them.


    I know it's "technically challenging" for some classes, but not everybody has to get a new weapon type at once. It would be fine by me if they released them over time for different AC's (even if it's just one mirror class at a time) starting with some of the easier ones but I do think something like this needs to happen.

  7. Besides that, the Temple Guardian armor they previewed for TOR has plenty of differences from those seen in the Clone Wars Era, the same degree of difference as we see between Boba Fett's armor and the types of Mandalorian/Bounty Hunter armor already present in the game (or the difference between Relnex's Robes and Obi-Wan's Robes for that matter).


    Well honestly the "Boba Fett" armor currently in the game really looks nothing like his armor. They kind of share a similar color scheme, but the shape and style isn't really close at all. It's pretty far off the more you look at it actually...


    I would personally rather have an armor set that's more similar to his in shape and style that will mix and match well with other sets that we can dye to our own color scheme.

  8. I agree, those sets in the back look nice. There are more pieces I would like too, more Mandalorian armor would be a welcome thing in my book. Specifically a Shae Vizla style helmet with a T visor. It would look similar to Boba Fett's helmet but still be different enough to not have the exact same shape, paint patterns, targeting system etc.


    Oh and this quote is from the armor request thread for a Mando chest.


    "I really want this chest piece. It's already in game as a green item but I can't mod it. You can see it on this BH found on the fleet.


  9. Now I'm for a Chest with with a Jetpack and a cape. I can agree with that.


    Also Bioware BRING BACK THE JETPACK ACTIVATING WITH ROCKET BOOST! I don't know why you took that away it was cool.


    Though one thing I never got. How can you have a cape and a Jetpack? Wouldn't the cape catch on fire when you used it?


    I have wanted a chest with a cape and jetpack for a while, it's the only reason I don't currently use the Cassus Fett chestpiece...no jetpack.


    As for jetpack with rocket boost, I think most of the actual BH armors work that way. However some of the adaptive chests with jetpacks don't take animation when used with jet boost, including the BBA one...

  10. While I don't think that there should be an exact Boba Fett style helmet in the game because of the era...


    It is kind of silly that there are T visor helmets, and a Shae Vizla style that is suppose to be a kind of Mandalorian helm, but not a Shae Vizla shape helm with a T visor. Note though that even if Shae Vizla's helm had a T visor it still wouldn't be quite the same as a Boba Fett Helmet though. Though to be fair I would rather see somebody in GCW era Mando armor than half naked Jedi or a pink Sith. Lore went out the window with appearance a long time ago. Unfortunate, but true.


    I'm glad they are putting in the current era Mando armor, but I won't use it on my BH without the jetpack. I just don't like the two small boot jets too much. Though if there was a Jetpack that I could add to the back of certain armors...without that pipe, I would be sold on so many more armors in the game for my BH.

  11. Meh we'll get used to it. It will add 400 resolve now since it will be a stun instead of a mez, but it will actually be more useful.


    For example, we take the talent Nerve Wracking in Deception that adds 6% damage from all sources while under Spike, but since Spike was a mez and would break on first damage applied, that talent only worked for the first attack after Spike. Now it will work for full 2 seconds. It's an ok trade off for 200 more resolve.


    At least how I remember it working, it's been months since I've played.


    Spike isn't a mez, you're thinking of low slash that breaks on damage.

  12. One of the things I have liked about this game is the low level cap, I think they should just leave it alone. It's not fun to grind levels on a character that was capped before. Not to mention the only fun part about even leveling is the class stories and they end at around 50.
  13. This is what I did for a Boba Fett type look when I was going for one a while back. I think I ended up using a different belt that looked better though. The one from the newer packs that have a ton of pockets all the way around.




    EDIT: This one would actually make a really nice chest if we could mod it http://i746.photobucket.com/albums/xx105/calebwilson80/RandomBountyHunter_zps779c5264.jpg but there isn't an orange version of it right now.

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