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Posts posted by Xienive

  1. My biggest issue with arenas are that they aren't always 4v4.


    Yesterday my team started off with three and the other team had four. Of course we lost the first round. Then we got a player, it was 4v4 and we won quite easily. After that the other team had two players drop and it became a 4v2.


    Also I don't think a player should join a match dead. If it's already 4v3 then they should be able to get out and help as fast as they can, not have to wait until the next round.

  2. Who is being hurt by restricting customization?


    Free to play players: These guys are being hurt because less money is being invested into the game. With high costs in changing gear, people are not willing to spend as much real money in the Cartel Market purchasing outfits. Why spend a lot of money in real life and then turn around and do the same thing in game just to change your look if you are satisfied with your current look.


    People that enjoy customizing: I left this game after the original Rakgoul event because I was sick and tired of how all my characters looked. I just came back because of all the customization changes. I still find it extremely lacking and have not had to spend a single dime in Cartel Points because the few outfits I purchased with my accrued points (security key) are all I am willing to afford due to the cost in changing out mods.


    Bioware: Bioware is making less revenue because players have restrictions which stop player from spending money. The restrictions offer nothing to the game but another money sink, which is decent, but could be applied to purchasing a whole new "set" of outfit tabs via in game money instead of constantly removing mods.




    Who is being helped by the restricting customization:








  3. They are much cheaper than they use to be. However I can definitely see where you are coming from, because it would cost quite a bit to change complete sets all the time. I personally feel there are already enough credit sinks in this game, training costs a whole lot, especially if you don't already have another character to help fund it. Then the other problem with being able to have a few different costumes per character is the issue of augments. The cost of augmenting gear is a lot. Buying the augment kit, the cost of adding it to the piece, and the actual augment. Granted you can buy the actual augment item only once but the kits and adding it in is a fortune for the best augments if you want to have different appearance choices. I would say that's an even bigger deal than the cost of removing mods.


    There really are a lot of cool appearances you can use for different characters but the majority of players will have only one set for their character and after they get all the augments and mods in, regardless if a really awesome set comes out they won't bother with it because it would just be too expensive to try and switch to it. Gotta spend both real money and your fake money.


    It's great that they tried to make a different appearance system and the dyes are fantastic, but ultimately an appearance tab is just superior to orange mod gear. And if they really wanted to do orange gear they really should have went all the way and made every single orange piece adaptable. You can already look like any class you want to at this point so trying to stay "unique" is irrelevant.

  4. Is there any way sounds for weapons can be added when previewing them? There are lots of different weapons in the game and although I love some hilts or blasters appearance, I really don't like the sound a lot of them have. Currently the only way for me to hear the sound is to purchase the weapon. If I like it then great, but if not then I had to waste my money. I know I can't be the only one who prioritizes sound over appearance of the weapon.


    I'm thinking maybe when you click to preview a lightsaber the ignition sound will come on then when you deactivate it that sound will be made. On blasters they just use their sound when you preview them. I'm not sure how hard something like this would be, but it would be another one of those little things that just make the overall quality of the game better. The sound of your weapon is something you have to hear ALL the time so I really think being able to hear it before you buy it would be a good thing.

  5. I don't like heals being removed for PVP, at one point they were amazing, then nerfed to where they are now and now removed completely.


    I actually use to really enjoy playing Madness but without Maul there just isn't a point. They just need to move it back down so Madness can get it. I still really believe it would be a good start to making it a better spec. I know people would be concerned with tanks having it, but at this point I don't even think it would be that big of a deal as long as it couldn't proc the same time as the other Maul proc for tanks. Not to mention that the whole dps gear with a focus isn't as popular as it use to be for tank spec.


    I really think Infiltration/Deception is fine right now. I don't even pickup VS, I just prefer DF so the changes to that wouldn't affect me anyway.

  6. It would depend on my mood, but I would definitely que for both at one point or another. I like the arenas, but there are definitely times where I don't want to do them, just as there are times where I would prefer to do them. It's why a choice would be a beneficial thing.
  7. I'm not really a PVE player but as far as PVP goes...It's very meh at best I think.


    Arenas are only decent, and I have yet to come across a good match in one. Every time I have done one, one side completely stomps the other. There hasn't been any middle ground. There also seems to be some people who either love or hate them and considering just how different they are from a normal WZ, they really need to be separated. Both WZ's and Arenas will pop. If one side is popping all the time and the other never does that should tell you something anyway.


    I despise the removal of being able to respec in a WZ. The new gear looks ugly, and although this isn't necessarily just to 2.4, I wish there wouldn't have been any new PVP gear. I don't like grinding for gear, it's boring and all it does is make it harder to jump into 55 PVP for people who don't already have one to give gear to their alts.


    Although it's really minor and doesn't matter, I don't like the new icons at the scoreboard either. It is more accurate but it really just looks cheesy and cheap.

  8. These need to be separated, period.


    If people are constantly dropping out of WZ's to get into arenas or dropping out of arenas constantly to get into WZ's then what's the point? We all know that it will happen, and often. I would rather wait a bit longer and ensure I start off with 4 people in my arena than get in fast and not have a full team.

  9. "To ensure proper matchmaking, players are no longer able to change Skill Tree points while in a Warzone queue or match."


    That is hilarious.


    Today I was in a match as a DPS with three other DPS. The other team? Two heals, a tank and dps. Now I *could* have used a respec to be a tank and one of the sorcs on my team *could* have used a respec to be a healer. And I am 100% positive that this has happened to a ton of other people all day long.


    However since that was removed...nope. But hey, that ensured proper matchmaking! My team having a tank, healer and two dps vs the other team wouldn't have been a proper matchup obviously. Four of the same role is much more proper. :rolleyes:

  10. I really can't see the reason at all for removal of respec in WZ's. That is my number one issue with this patch. It needs to be reverted back and fast. Especially with these horrible class match ups we are seeing in arenas. That could help quite a bit.
  11. I really don't understand what you are trying to accomplish with this build.


    Also Infiltration without CS is just a bad idea now because if you don't have it, it takes way too long to proc to be able to use force breach which already doesn't do much damage at all (especially without full 3 stacks)

  12. Nothing was really OP about hyrbid tanks before the nerf either. Lots of utility sure, but no where even close to being as tanky as a real tank specced and geared for it. Also the dps was no where near a real dps class.


    The truth is that the spec was nerfed because it was a hybrid outperforming a pure and Bioware didn't like that. That's the reason the dps trees got changed, because you spec into them certain ways to get unintended benefits. Even when the benefits aren't OP, they are still unintended and therefore changed.


    Stupid really to change things just because you don't like how they are achieved but it's just the truth. There are absolutely no other explanations as to why they would nerf two already under performing trees. It's basically further proved because they buffed the tank tree in itself and put the best abilites high up in it so that it is best to just go pure.


    Honestly I have been playing with both pure and tank hybrid with DF on the pts and I really am not sure that it's worth it to even get DF now. To get out of stealth spike, Conspirator's cloak and a reduced force cost death field, you are forced to give up chain shock, avoidance and whatever else you could get and might want by having 3 more points after getting those two abilities Not to mention having wither offers a debuff and lets you cast harnessed darkness much more often.

  13. Red letter media's review on YouTube is all I can say...well worth watch and they are hilarious.


    I really just think the prequel trilogies had too many flaws overall. For instance one thing that has always stood out to me is the fact that Count Dooku is a horrible villain. If you just base him off of what you see in the movies, he does NOTHING at all to make us dislike him. He isn't really that evil, isn't really rude, doesn't run around choking and electrocuting everybody for fun...we have been given no real reason to dislike this character at all. The goal should be to make an emotional connection of hate between the villain and audience watching. However since we are really given no reason to dislike him or really see him as "evil" it really just makes him a weak character overall.


    When we look at Darth Vader in the original trilogy we first see him as a big black armor suited powerful figure, chasing what seems to be a pitiful ship and physically picking somebody up by the neck, choking them and throwing them to the ground dead. Right there we know how sinister and dark this character is and are given an immediate reason to dislike him. Darth Vader is one of if not the most iconic and recognizable villain to anything ever.


    It's those kind of things that *really* separate the prequels from the original in my opinion. Those were just a couple of many examples that you could say, and there are more things wrong than just the characters.


    If a prequel is on TV and nothing else is on I might give it a watch, but I would almost never put it in my blu ray player to watch any of them because I just wanted to. I would much rather stick in the original trilogy, or The Lord of the Rings.

  14. Has anyone tested out running a Huttball with Phase Walk? Specifically, setting up a phase walk node near the goal line, running the ball and then teleporting straight in while still carrying the ball? Or do you drop it like you would if you used stealth while carrying the ball? If so, I could definitely see that being used (and abused).


    You drop it if you use phase walk with the ball. You can't pass the ball to yourself either.

  15. I would rather have a player in recruit gear trying to be as competitive as possible than some douche in full EWH not playing objectives honestly. I don't have an issue with people who aren't geared, I only get frustrated when nobody at all is playing objectives on my team.


    Not here but on PTS yesterday I was in a Huttball match neither side was playing. I died with the ball and there was a big fight going on in mid with nobody grabbing it. I waited from the time I respawned, and for the timer and got back to mid. I got to mid, grabbed the ball and scored without 1 person ever trying to stop me from their team or help me from mine. Now we did end up winning, but it was still kind of dumb that nobody was trying at all.

  16. I have never heard of a premade quitting over one dude in recruit gear, that just sounds silly. Not saying it didn't happen or anything though.


    I would be willing to bet if they left because of one person in recruit gear, then you guys probably didn't miss out on much. ;)

  17. Most of what you said is true, but my discharge never crits for nearly 8k (9 sec mark). Granted the HP pools are larger, but for me and my assassin (DG main hand/offhand, belts, bracers, relicx2 and motivatorx2, with the rest BH/Campaign) I come near 6k with 5 stacks.


    From your gear I am assuming PVE. Not sure how it might hit vs the NPC's and what not with the new overall HP pools and stuff like you said.


    My experience is always from PVP but it seems I have failed to mention that haha. My mistake.

  18. I don't really PVE so I can't comment on that if that is what you want to know about.



    However PVP...you really just might as well not bother with either dps specs now. Discharge now does LESS damage with 3 stacks on pts (the new max) than it does with 0 stacks currently on live. Not to mention you are forced to build the stacks to use it...this also makes the hybrid with Madness completely useless since to build stacks fast you now need Voltaic Slash.


    And of course you saw what you lost in the Madness tree...and you no longer have access to Duplicity so...yeah. Just bad overall really, with nothing new worthwhile to compensate really.


    I actually played both Madness and Deception and their hybrids so I really despise the very much so not needed nerfs to them.

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