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Posts posted by Xienive

  1. Since we can't get insta whirlwind, this is what I will be using.




    You get to keep out of stealth spike and conspirator's cloak which I like much better than I thought I would. Maul still hits pretty nicely even without duplicity.


    Fanaticism and chain shock points are optional on what you want to put where obviously.

  2. I have been playing a Shadow/Sin from launch and have always PVP'ed. I am not overall super excited with the current changes for our dps builds but after testing all sorts of different specs I have found these to work best personally.










    These play out like standard madness except you are trading the top line and creeping terror for Duplicity and Darkswell...(possibly fade and low slash with the second spec) not much more to say about these. Decent overall sustain and burst damage. Not as good as many other class' dps but these are probably my favorite current dps spec choices.




    Overall, I really just dislike these changes. I tried playing pure Deception and just wasn't impressed at all, and I tried the hybrid with death field and it was no good either anymore. A shame because the hybrid with DF was my favorite spec before...discharge just doesn't hit very hard with 1 stack and it takes so long to build 3. I am sure people will play this spec but unless it gets some changes I just don't find it all that good anymore.




    Darkness spec is in a great position right now on the other hand. Pure Darkness is really not bad at all and I might play it sometimes even. Personally, my favorite hybrid spec that I have played for darkness would be




    I played that spec with dps gear and a shield and didn't do bad at all. I was not topping dps charts like on live, but I did have better survivability and my dps was still not bad overall. I think even without Duplicity I got a 5k maul today with Conspirator's Cloak. I'm sure some of you might put certain points in different places from me, but those are just my preference.


    Personally overall I think those are the specs I will be using in 2.0 if nothing gets changed. I would love to hear thoughts, see what other people's specs they have done best with are and any criticism on why you think points would fitter better anywhere else on my specs. I think Darkness is in great shape and so are its hyrbids, Deception is bleh and hybrid Mandess is very fun and does well enough to perform good in regular WZ's.

  3. Interestingly enough, when I was trying my own build on the PTS. With keeping my same min maxed gear from level 50, I did more or less the same kind of damage on the dummy as I were to do on live. However I did notice higher crits on shock and sometimes thrash. Deathfield went up around 800dps, and harnessed darkness was up by 400 dps per tick.


    My survivability was hard to test though, especially in a WZ. I'd need to test with more 1 on 1s.


    I was a 55 wearing 50 gear, so it'll be intesting what the end result will be. Though min maxing with the new gear won't be as difficult compared to the EWH, as I'll save about 250 Ranked comms.


    Today when I played my damage seemed to be higher than yesterday, I am not really sure why as I didn't change much but a few points perhaps...


    I will say this though, I have always sworn on wearing a focus but now with the shields working the way they do I really love the extra survivability and will be using one from now on.

  4. I had played that hybrid build and for some reason I just really felt like my damage and survivability is just overall a bit lower than on live. For some reason my shocks and DF were just not hitting hard at all and I am not sure why this would be considering nothing should be changed about either of those. Of course the lower survivability would be the quite noticeable 20% armor reduction. Which only makes sense to take it from the light armor wearing tanks :rolleyes:
  5. The entire point of 'Dark Charge'


    - is

    -- wait for it

    --- yep you guess it


    You are infusing your saberstaff with a CHARGE of the Force! You are infusing the MF'ing FORCE around your saberstaff!!


    It's totally going to look different! If you don't like the look of all that power around your saberstaff, then don't infuse it with potent energies.



    The OP is the guy that would win the lottery, but would complain about money being so green.


    Calm down bro, it's a game and a small ugly animation that I suggested should be allowed to be turned off. :rolleyes:

  6. I bet you did the same mistake I did with the link, look at the bottom of the page, the perma link to the build is there.


    Ah yes, thank you.




    This just plays out like standard madness for the most part except you are trading your top line and creeping terror for Duplicity, and Darkswell. Pretty much the same thing you can currently get on live though.


    Overall...it's still not really as good as other dps classes but it is IMO, the most viable current dps option for regular PVP.


    Or you could optionally trade Creeping Death for Fade and Low Slash but that is personal preference. http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/222/?build=000000000000000000000000000000000322030121102030001000000000000003220302012200210122000000000000&ver=20

  7. I don't bother with it. When you start to add it up, lowbie purple gear is expensive from what I have seen and you really don't stay in its level range very long. I and most people will perform fine just using orange gear with mods you get from planet commendations.


    If people want to take lowbie pvp that seriously then more power to them, but to me it seems like a lot of time and credits wasted only to be 100% obsolete at level 50.

  8. Finally got to test now that bolster is fixed.


    For dps...I just hate Deception now, period. Full Balance is meh....this is what worked best for me http://pts.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/sith-assassin/222/ EDIT: Link is to a blank skill tree for whatever reason. It's basically the old hybrid of 0/18/28. I went all the way up to creeping death in Madness and of course got Duplicity in Deception.



    When testing tank hybrid, I could definitely tell a difference in our 20% armor decrease and biggest of all was the dps loss. No duplicity or chain shock just sucks. Overall damage on tank seemed to be lackluster as well...then of course the loss of instant whirlwind. Honestly I didn't gain a whole lot from phase walk, people are definitely blowing that out of proportion.



    Now I can for sure say I am not in the slightest liking any changes to our class.

  9. Seems to me like the 0/27/14 spec is still alive and well in the 0/32/14 2.0 spec...


    Haven't tested it myself but people that have tried it say it just won't work because your Surging charge just doesn't proc enough and discharge doesn't even do very much with the 3 max stacks.


    It's a shame because this was my favorite spec...

  10. I really couldn't care less about our stupid phase walk when I see all we are giving up for it...it still boggles my mind why they would nerf 2 already under performing specs and buff other class' superior dps specs...


    I thought the goal for this game was to make ALL classes viable dps choices...



    EDIT: Wow....also just saw Sniper's new spotter ability. After so many stacks they can now see stealth 25m away. What a complete joke :rolleyes:


    Just another ability given to a class for the sole purpose of beating 2 classes in the game...one of which just so happens to be about its only weakness.

  11. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5892853#post5892853


    This gives me light hope...


    However, it would seem that the go to class come 2.0 will be operatives and snipers. Operative healers will be next to impossible to kill with alacrity, and snipers can pretty much get away from everything.


    The 23/1/17 build isn't even all that bursty. Or nerf-worthy, so their idea of rebalancing kinda sucks...


    As it stands, I can get to 33 0 13 but I miss out on chain shocks. I also take death field but skip on the cheaper one, instead, taking the 50% better crit hit for thrash. And assassin's shelter will be great for things like ranked. Plus you still get harnessed darkness. I hate having to put a point in force horrors though...



    The main things I despise about our changes are duplicity not being in the first tier line and the change to Deception. If they would just revert those two things, I would be fine with everything else...I really would also like chain shock to be back where it was as well though...but it's lower of a priority than the other two for me.

  12. I still don't understand why they would re-work Decpetion. It just got changed to where it was actually useful then they do this? Then they kill our most useful hybrid builds which is what made the class so fun and unique from the others?


    Our biggest hitter for burst damage was duplicity which you can now not get unless you go high into deception, our instant whirlwhind was taken away, 20% armor was taken away on the tank tree after our armor rating had already been nerfed before...not to mention they gave snipers some stealth detection boosts and a nice big slow linked after a root, because we wouldn't want anybody being able to attack them from melee range for more than a few seconds at a time...

  13. The only thing I wouldn't like is the fact that it looks weird to have a cloak with no robe at all. Not having it hooded up is fine but it looks kinda silly when there is just no hood at all, not even a downed hood.


    Although I suppose it wouldn't be a big deal to those of you who don't mind the hood going poof.

  14. I don't understand why some people think being a healer means they should get mvp. Sometimes the healer truly is the mvp, but sometimes it's that tank that is the only reason the healer stayed alive. Sometimes it's that stealther that is really good at solo capping VS plants or solo capping nodes, sometimes it's that one dude that actually bothered to play huttball and score for his team while the rest were goofing off fighting. I really hate that last one because if a healer is just fighting in huttball they can tend to get almost all the votes for their numbers while doing very little in actually helping the objective.
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