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Everything posted by Zbus

  1. Im happy you can get 4 or 5 enemy players to hang around in a tight group for 5 secs on your server. But the reality is for the rest of us is that players on our servers actively avoid dueing this type of activity in pvp. Most likely has something to do with them wanting to avoid that AOE damage who would have thought.
  2. Until they fix tank stats so they work on all attack types or at least most of them dont expect to see shield spec tanks going and gearing out in all super commando gear for pvp they will continue to wear dps gear and for good reason. At most all BW will succede in doing is driveing those shield spec guys into the assault or tactics tree or at worst make them go reroll a mara/sent and have all the cool defensive CD's of a tank class and still manage good dps. On a side note I find you WOW type outlook on tanks in pvp disgusting at the very least.
  3. That would be great and all if defensive stats worked in PVP like they do in PVE but they dont. So until that happens expect players to continue putting on DPS gear in tank shield spec. We didnt make the rules Bioware did in this regards we are just working with what they gave us.
  4. Really BW your going to nerf the only semi hard hitting skill a shield spec pvp VG player use in Stock Strike? I guess its true we should have all just rolled a mara/sent and be done with it.
  5. I know this is going to sound kinda bad but OP did you not stockpile your coms pre 50? Considering the complaint you put forth it seems to me if you had planned it out a little better your gear woe's might have been mittigated by a very large margin.
  6. I feel ya on this one started at 6pm est managed 5 games about 1 a hour up till 11pm est. Of coarse it was all 4 or 5 vs 8 full man imp well geared teams vs me and maybe 1 more decent geared players with the rest being fresh 50s so no surprise we took the L being out geared and out manned. Sad part is I never got my 6th in had to log after a 2 hour wait. I guess I could be positive about it and say come friday i will only have to wait 1 hour to finish thursdays pvp daily but Im all out of being a the glass is half full type of guy it seems. Good thing I switched servers and started a new guy up on a heavy server and am haveing some fun on that one else I would be one of the huge number of people posting on why they are unsubing . Only reason I go back to my old toon now is to do the bare minimum to keep him somewhat up to snuff gear wise for when they do transfers.
  7. Zbus

    7PM and 24 on fleet

    I went to jedi covanent and am haveing fun with my new toon. But I still log on and try to do my daily pvp quest on old sever just so when the server transfers do happen I dont get ***** by full war hero guys. Doing good so far got about 4 pieces of war hero so far with minmum play time. May not make it to full WH before transfer but i should be set ok enough to have a simi level playing field. Best advice save yourself the stress go play on a heavy pop server and do as little as it takes to get your old toon up to snuff its a tricky balance but doable.
  8. Whats the big issue with tank Sin's I rarely have a problem with them on my tank spec vanguard. Just stop the heal they have and work them down game over. Not saying I have not lost a few fights to a shadow tank cause I have but thats just the nature of the beast some times you win and other times /shrug and move on.
  9. Hmm the points for the aim buff in the shield tree are kind of confuseing. From what i had heard due to the type of attacks tactics use aim was not that important. Honest question i was thinking of going back and giveing tactics anouther go around getting a little bored with shield spec even though i do decent damage with my current dps gear in it.
  10. Nice video. Its assault spec for those asking good DPS but a little squishy at times. I pefer my tank spec myself not sure I could live without my charge. I couldnt tell in video but I assume your running ion to increase your toughness. Anyway good video I enjoyed it.
  11. Zbus

    Nerf the Shadow Tank

    As a vanguard tank spec I dont have many problems with them in a straight up fight. I do get beat some times by a exceptional shadow tank but I would say 90% of the time I win with both of us low on health at the end of the fight. But then again i do have the advantage of breaking off close range combat and putting some space between us while still putting out a fair amount of damage so thats more than not what tips the fight in my favor.
  12. Hmm considering its not a direct reply to your intial post I would say that you pretty much hit that part on the head thier sparky. But if you need a reply to your topic taunt is fine so is guard beyond DPS working as a team better to focus fire the healers thier is very little that can be done. I play against premade teams of 2 or 3 healer groups and they die just fine with or without guard to our dps. /shrug maybe its a L2P issue some of your team mates are haveing and has very little to do with guard or taunt.
  13. Cool great then ask for that which was the point of the post. Or maybe asking for skills such as guard be altered and tied to poor stats seems like a great idea to you. Take your own advice read the link I posted about tank pvp and try to enlighten yourself on the subject before commenting or is that to hard for you.
  14. Cool beans but perhaps you should lobby BW to get tank stats to work first. Then open a discussion about guard being tied to defensive stats dont ya think.
  15. Not sure what server your playing on that you see scoundrels in cover all the time instead of stealth. Maybe you meant gunslingers big diffrence between the two advanced classes. Good sign its a gunslinger and not a scoundrel is he will be toteing 2 guns not 1 dead give away. Well that and he stays visble the whole match.
  16. No its a bad idea tieing skills to stats that dont work in pvp.
  17. OMG this junk again read up on defense stats and you will see why all the tanks for the most part wear the dps gear. Here I will link a good one for you on the vanguard fourms http://taugrim.com/2012/01/19/understanding-swtors-avoidance-and-mitigation-mechanics-for-tanks-in-pvp/ Tieing taunt or guard to broken stats that dont work in pvp like they should is just silly. Most true pvp tanks would love to wear the gear thats been put in game for us but the simple reality is THEY DO NOT WORK and thats why we wear the dps gear.
  18. Im glad the Dev's are happy with HB. Now if they can make a option to allow the players that hate it to never enter it again they will have found the perfect pvp fix everyone can live with. And no just leaveing is not valid option on some of the low pop servers as haveing to reset your que time after waiting 10 to 20 mins for a game can be really annoying.
  19. I think alot of them just may not know any better being in 1-49 pvp most of the time and not haveing the same gear requirments may make them ignorant of level 50 pvp mechanics. Maybe a starter pvp quest should be put in for a game played option like the game used to have when you first went into pvp with a pvp associated tool tip that pops explaining the concept. The reward should be a token they trade in at recruit vendor for 1 piece of recruit gear that way they get 1 piece of gear and are prompted to look for the recruit vendor to get the reward. If they are like most players they will browse the gear and the stats which should make it pretty clear what the benifits of pvp gear are heck add anouther help pop screen at the vendor to reinforce the idea again.
  20. I put on my sad face when I see new players that are not in recruit gear at least. But I hold my annoyance in check and try to let them know in nice terms and a polite manner that they should really invest into a set. Heck I even offer to buy them a piece or 2 if they are low on funds to get them started. Main thing I try to stress is that pvp is like pve in a certain respect your group suffers if your a liablity to your team. Seems to work but the main thing is I dont get rude with them cause we all have been in that postion at least once in our pvp life.
  21. I know it sucks OP but if you bear with it for a week maybe 2 you will have the gear needed in the BM set to compete on a decent level not perfect mind you but much better.
  22. The reason you see tanks in DPS gear and not tank gear is because the stats on tank gear do not work simple as that. We didnt make the rules we are just buying the gear that makes us the most effcetive in pvp which at this time is the dps set. Heck I wanted the supercommando set when I first hit 50 and started my grind for pvp gear, I wanted to tank but the reality is the tank set armor blows. Going to post a link from the vanguard fourms it explains 2 things 1 why heavy armor and shielding are not all that like some people on here claim it is and 2 why for the most part tanks stats dont matter in pvp and hince why tanks go dps gear. http://taugrim.com/2012/01/19/understanding-swtors-avoidance-and-mitigation-mechanics-for-tanks-in-pvp/
  23. I have no problem with the damge they output considering the role they play as dps. I do however have a problem with all the defensive cooldowns that should not be on a dps class. I do believe Mara's and sent would be balanced pretty good if they just cut that damage reduction TO ALL DAMAGE TYPES down to say 30 to 50% and heck thats still better than a tanks 2 min cooldown on his shield thats 25% and does not block all damge types. Before you scream heavy armor read the link http://taugrim.com/2012/01/19/understanding-swtors-avoidance-and-mitigation-mechanics-for-tanks-in-pvp/
  24. Read the link and stop talking about heavy armor like its a game changer http://taugrim.com/2012/01/19/understanding-swtors-avoidance-and-mitigation-mechanics-for-tanks-in-pvp/
  25. Im sorry did you have a point? I coulnt tell through all the crying and sterotyping you do in your posts.
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