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Everything posted by Yinata

  1. The problem with removing the trauma buff is you would see healers be able to reach numbers that likely aren't intended according to their metrics. For example lets just take a run of the mill 450k healing game from a healer add 30% to those numbers and from 450k you go all the way up to 595k healing just from changing that buff in the game, that would become a lot of healers average type warzone numbers if it's not an out of this world game where they reach higher. Now from that example you go to the extreme case that would cause the most QQ imo, this is the 900k game that without the buff is now a 1.17 million healing game. As you can see this de-buff is what's keeping people from qq'ing more than they already do about healers, in my oppinion w/o the buff it wouldn't be that big of a deal against good opponents so as the OP said in Rateds, you would see the removal of the buff causing not too many problems because focus fire will still win. The problem is unskilled and bad players why this buff is inplace, anyone who argues this and says it needs to be in place is just a bad player. In other words without it the metrics would look bad(healers would be putting up massive numbers compared to DPS'ers every game and they would QQ how their stats weren't as awesome imo this is why the debuff exists. The other part is bad players/PUGS would likely never be able to kill a healer w/o this debuff in place. Good teams in rateds even with the debuff removed would still not have a problem killing healers quickly. In other words this is in place to protect bad players and PUGS from getting roflstomped by healers more than they do(which is a lot from what I've noticed on The Bastion since xfers). My honest opinion on the matter is that classes and teams should have to rely on skills to negate healing Sniper and Mara's for example have a 25% healing debuff, this would suffice IMO, it comes down to bad players again whining because actually using a full rotation and abilities would be too hard. 55% healing debuff when both trauma and one of those buffs is applied is too much though so something should be looked at if debuffs will not stack that if a target is already under trauma those buffs don't apply. One thing to look at is if they applied 30% debuff to PvP damage output for DPS classes once they entered combat how happy they'd be about it, and answer is they would QQ so much these forums would be overloaded and shut down by it within minutes. So now trauma may not be fair or even needed on healers and their healing targets against good teams, but it's in place to save bad players and PUGS from being continually stomped on by healers match after match. Great April Fools Day joke for Bioware to pull would be to announce that the Trauma buff will now apply to DPS as well taking 30% away, all the QQ posts would make the Devs and all the healers days for sure.
  2. Likely be closed after a period and inactive accounts prolly either transfered to servers or saved until they come back to transfer to a different server. That's how other games have handled it you don't want new players creating toons where all the active players are gone and they are literal ghost towns, so the origin servers will be closed eventually with notice that anyone left on them needs to get off lols....Why anyone would stay on dead origin servers I have no idea, but they will likely be closed soon enough then when new players look at the server status it won't look like a graveyard with two heavy hitters.
  3. Because here's the problem they already tried that not long ago there were several heavy and then many standard type population players. The fact is the standard population can't handle the ammount of people that quit and or will quit, therefore making these super population servers was the best thing Bioware could do and it's awesome. Before starting to QQ log onto one of the destination servers and see how lively they are now, and you will see that this transfer process is a huge success. The fact is many of these servers needed to die and once the transfer process is complete they can finally kill off a majority of them. That's what needed to be done for a healthy game and now it's so enjoy the new experience w/ many people that can actually be called an MMO.
  4. Yes Transfers are amazing went from 13 max republic fleet at peak time to over 300 on the Bastion during the afternoon. Thank you Bioware and awesome team for making 50 warzones/Ops/HM's doable again for all the Republic on Shadowtown server. To those hesitant about xfers don't be get it done and get on with playing. I'm impressed that they've combined all the servers into a handful of hugely active ones for their active users. To those that unsubbed already your missing out on utter awesomeness!
  5. Yeah $800 is about right for that setup, a lot of people won't pay that though for it because next gen video cards and processors are out now that outperform that setup. Your best bet actually would be to sell the monitor/glasses separately, then get what you can for the PC itself. The problem your facing is that anyone looking for high end components like that are going to buy next gen at this point since Ivy Bridge is same price as Sandy Bridge and can support PCI Express 3.0. The other problem your facing is it's made by Dell, which aren't known for making very good quality PC's, thus w/ the non-transferable warranty will be hard to find a buyer.
  6. LOL Illum will go down as the worst implementation of PvP ever in an MMO......
  7. Yeah they need server merges, even their version of standard population(not sure the exact number), but it's too low, on Shadowtown, a standard server my mains are on, during peak on republic fleet rarely reaches 100, usually around 80ish, and about only 10-20% of those are 50 making the warzone queues lengthy at times. Also it makes having an equal fight on Illum impossible as the most Republic I've seen is around 20 there, and there's always twice or three times as many Imperials. From what I've hear on our server there's usually a lot more on the imp side, but honestly this is leading to republic players yet again getting shafted by population imbalance......
  8. All I know to do this, you would have to allow multiple instances of the application. Also you will have to have a rather nice setup, likely i5/i7 2500/2600k, likely OC'ed, a nice GPU, or SLI setup so you could set each instance to run on one of the GPU's. Then you will have to go in and set the core affinity of each instance so it's not trying to run on each other's cores. If it's not possible you will have to look into multi-boxing options......
  9. I agree they need to merge standard/light servers, because yes there are heavy/very heavy servers but the majority are standard, and standard pop is very low, even heavy/very heavy doesn't even compare to what that means in other MMO's in terms of server population...
  10. I agree this better be in the next patch and actually work correctly or it will be another fail patch, this has been going on for weeks, and is an unacceptable bug, I will go as far to say I've never experienced a bug that annoying in MMO, and there was a bug in SWG at launch where you would run halfway cross the map and it would slingshot you back to where you started, so I've seen some pretty annoying bugs in MMO's and this tops anything I've ever seen.
  11. That was before they were bought out by Dell.....You were dealing with a desktop when they were a company that actually put top of the line hardware in their systems, now they are garbage since they have Dell hardware inside......
  12. Why would you buy Alienware, it's the Alienware cases/looks with Dell hardware inside in other words overpriced pieces of junk. Sager/Asus would be better choices, and actually have hardware worth paying for. Not to mention you buy Alienware, you get the terrible Dell support with it as well, so in closing avoid Alienware and find something else.
  13. What don't they like hmmmmmmmm........ #1. Endgame content is a joke(Most of the Operations/flashpoints have bugs) #2. Illum is an utter laughing joke and will be made fun of in the MMO community for years to come(People will say remember when that game TOR had the worst PvP map ever made, with the worse objectives ever) #3. Queues on many servers just to play warzones for 30 mins to an hour at 50(People pay to play not wait in Warzone queues) #4. Lack of testing of updates, and lack of quality control with content patches #5. Fanbois refusing to admit there is anything wrong with the game(OP) #6. Performance issues even on high end systems #7. Ability delays #8. Random Bag PvP Gear loot system #9. Lack of Crafting meaningfulness #10. I could go on and on but you get the point
  14. It lasts 2 seconds and has a 30 second cool down, no idea how that is an overpowered ability......Lets just nerf everything then everyone will be totally useless then we can all stand in one place and die in PvP, it will be super fun........Yet another example of why people should L2P and L2StopCrying......
  15. LOL they did do something......They put out a broken exploitable Illum, and they nerfed Ops/Scoundrels, according to them that's exactly what we wanted. LOL I'd rather sit there and take over the points for the daily at least that way people weren't being rewarded for standing in groups and killing each other for valor without putting up a struggle. There's more Battlemaster's now than there would have been in game 3-6 months from now had they just left Illum alone until they could come up with a meaningful fix. Many people have called Bioware's bluff and have decided to stop funding them at all. I know on my server the population has dropped a ton as well, and it's really sad that they couldn't put out meaningful content and fixes fast enough, because I know many that left my guild said they would never sub again due to their experience during the free month......
  16. You forgot the teleport me to any location in game that I want to go with an instant cast ability......
  17. Question when will you stop mods from closing threads relative to game breaking and performance issues with you game by calling them off topic, seems like an issue that causes people's systems to literally melt and become unusable is pretty on topic to me?
  18. LOL agree so much... Basic rules of these forums..... #1. Never say anything negative about Bioware/Game(will be flagged off topic lol) #2. Never point out game breaking bugs(This is not TOR conversation or something) #3. Pretend game is perfect when it's broken and dieing #4. Don't talk negatively about devs(LOL are they holy or something) #5. Love Bioware for Failing(This should actually be #1 prolly) #6. To be a good community member call anyone who badmouths TOR a WoW kiddie #7. Refuse to believe that there are problems with this game #8. Do all this you might get fanboi of the year award, and get another broken Bioware game in a year
  19. Agreed it is what a lot of Raiders take part on during days there are no Raids(can be the majority of the week in a lot of guilds). PvP is a large part of this game, BW themselves said over 50% of the population spends time PvP'ing......So basically this could be called a PvP game with PvE aspects because once 50 the PvE aspects become a smaller portion compared to what PvP can encompass.
  20. Most of the nerf calls come from ungeared 50's(thrust into an unfair playfield with geared 50's). A lot of it came from pre 50's when 50's were in their warzones and they were getting rolled. The rest comes from players who need to L2P and use interrupts/stuns/knockbacks......Once your geared and at a level playing field at 50 with opposing players you realize that no one class is truly OP, each has its weaknesses, and you can beat each, one must just use strategy. Also many players seem to not realize that when the healing ability is going up on a healer to interupt/cc and cry when the healer is magically gaining health......Overall the nerf calls are coming from baddies mostly and not those who are actually geared 50's playing other geared 50's where you realize that no one class is truly OP.......Operatives/Scoundrels even before the nerf aren't that big of a deal once you have expertise, so they may backtrack on that nerf soon once all the ops/scoundrels are worthless.
  21. L2P get a healer on your team, you know guildie or gasp make a premade with a healer......Oh and why his health is going up is because you are somehow not able to out dps his heals....The rules of MMO PvP.... #1. Kill Healer. #2. Kill tanks that might be guarding others #3. Kill DPS'ers #4. Win...... #5. You can switch steps 2 and 3 it will all turn out the same..... So in other words learn to kill healers and if your team isn't smart enough to do this tell them to, if they don't listen well your in a fail warzone group welcome to the PUG system.......
  22. You do realize Windows will BSOD on overheats to save the system....BSOD can occur also when a program tries to access a memory address that doesn't exit...The main BSOD have occured that the game is causing because it's overheating peoples systems....The people report having restarts while playing game, BSOD's, then poof system won't turn on or is unrepairable due to the damage........So yes a program can cause a BSOD.....Ever run prime 95 to find out if your system is stable or not? You'll know if it's not because it will BSOD or lock up........So yes software can cause a BSOD, you obviously didn't take Windows Engineering 101, it will be offered next Fall.........
  23. I'm telling you to go read the customer service thread, you will see countless examples of people with properly cooled rigs who were experiencing restart/BSOD's with the game, and now their computers and hardware are fried beyond repair. It's likely a combination of drivers/Bioware's badly optimized/underperforming code causing the issue. Don't just pretend like something doesn't exist and blame it on people's inexperience with hardware when it's a problem caused by TOR itself. These people were running their systems fine with every other game, and people reported having their CPU's go up to stress test(Talking Prime 95/Burn Test) levels just playing the game. So it comes down to two things, it's likely a relation between these people's display drivers, and the games software causing massive overheats and ultimately hardware failure. Another piece of the puzzle is that for many it didn't start until the xAA patch/patch last tuesday that "fixed performance". Overall TOR is responsible for part of the problem, the other part may be ATI/Nvidia drivers, though most of those with dead systems were running 500 series Nvidia cards. So overall it's a very relevant issue, and I wouldn't be surprised if Biofail tried to cover this up because it will bleed them of even more subs...... The problem is it's hard to narrow the issue because some people aren't having GPU heat issues, and just having their CPU throttled up so badly that the game is unplayable. Some people yes it may have been they didn't have proper cooling, but a majority had very nice cooled systems that are now inoperable due to this game frying them after the last patch....
  24. No one really knows, it could have been a driver issue, something else, but yes peoples computers have been fried to the point of destruction by this games BSOD's/restarts of the PC. Don't believe me there's a whole thread in the customer support section about it.......Many of these people had aftermarket CPU coolers and cards such as a GTX 560 TI/570/580/590, it's an issue, and pretending like it doesn't exist because the game runs fine on your computer is the worst fanboiness I've seen for this game yet...
  25. L2P and use your interrupts/stuns, if your whole team can't kill a sage or healer then that says something about the lack of skill on your team..... Simple solution....L2P........
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