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Everything posted by Yinata

  1. I will be, the PvP in this game isn't good enough for me to deal with all the terribad F2P'ers that are coming our way. Would rather play GW2 for free, have good PvP, will make deaing with all the baddie F2P players less of a chore since the PvP will actually be enjoyable. In other words I sure as hell hope BioFail's cash shop is good cause that's the only way they'll be making money cause most their subscribers are going to be gone. The word of the day today kids is....... BIOFAIL!
  2. LOL Bioware is to blame they designed a sub par MMO that would never survive in a subscriber model every serious Beta tester told them that and they ignored us.........Now since they did absolutely nothing since launch to fix this and likely made it worse, yes they are to blame. What did they spend our sub fee's on? Mainly a legacy system that is a glorified cash shop and will be used as such once F2P hits. So in other words they lied to you for 6 months while they used our sub fee's to develop a F2P system........Sounds like BIOFAIL is pretty responsible to me..... Next Fanboi in line please.......
  3. Not really just that, the fact is most of the good PvP'ers that are left are going to be gone once November hits, meaning if you think there is a lot of QQ about the ammount of baddies in warzones now just wait, and ranked warzones are going to be an utter joke, I for one would rather have basically unlimited options F2P in GW2 than have to pay a sub in SWTOR to face baddies all day long, likely see stupid crap in warzones I didn't think was possible. Yeah I'll take my F2P GW2 experience over that any day. Paying a Sub to roflstomp endless baddies in SWTOR < F2P GW2 PvP......Just saying PvP is already pretty terrible in this game, F2P is going to be the nail in the coffin imo.....
  4. ROFL this is the biggest lie about the F2P model, most the F2P'ers will be in the lowbie zone of levels for the most part, not saying all of them are super casual, but likely they are and playing this game in particular for the V/O. In other words you will slowly see the 50 pop's go down the drain w/ few new players to fill their spots. In other words the death of SWTOR has begun........ One word comes to mind that describes today....... BIOFAIL!
  5. Just wondering now if F2P was always the plan, they just didn't have the features needed at launch to make it work. I feel that all their time developing the legacy system was just a way to create a F2P shop w/ our subscription fee's and game sales paying for it. This makes me sick, many of us waited on dead servers for months while they developed their terrible legacy system, and obviously worked on their cash shot. While this game continued to fail, all I can say is it's their fault this game has failed if they had server transfers back in March/April when they were needed, they would likely have enough subs still to make this game work. Instead for the last two patches most of the work was spent on the new cash shop(legacy system) they implemented, that honestly few really care about. After looking at all these facts and failures by BioFail I am lead to the conclusion that F2P was always the plan, and they just needed subs/money from our game sales to pay for this final stage of their development because they went overbudget pre-release and couldn't afford to develop it themselves. Really though if one looks at 1.2/1.3, they were simply ways of implementing the Cash Shop through the legacy system, and use our subscription payments to further destroy the game. In other words I feel that Bioware has lied and cheated us and for one can say I will never support their company with one dollar of my money. I hope EA disbands and demolishes all of Bioware it's what they deserve, they are nothing more than a finger puppet that continues to lie to it's former players who loved games like KOTOR and continues to fail and making quality games anymore.
  6. Going to make this post very short, if you think there are lots of baddies in the warzones now wait till it's F2P, this game will be an utter joke when it comes to pvp. I see most if any serious pvp'ers now not even questioning a decision to jump ship to GW2 now. The level of competitiveness and good players in this game is soon to take a huge dip, you will see so many baddies in regular warzones it's going to cause anyone still left that pvp's to rage quite. To add more Coherent Ideas to the thread since it seems to spawn a lot of hate since people seem to think I hate F2P players. I don't hate them, I'm merely stating that if in the same warzones with subscribers, they will be at a significant gear disadvantage in 50's due to their warzone limit each week, therefore it will lead to less enjoyable matches for both subscribers and F2P'ers. 2 Ways to fix this to add coherent thought and ideas: 1. Separate F2P and Subscriber Warzones, this is best for both parties concerned, at 50 the F2P'ers will have more enjoyment, and the Subscribers won't feel as though they are being held back which in turn could lead to problems in the warzone. Take it a step further and separate F2P and Subscriber Lowbie Warzones, this is needed because it's known that botters/cheaters/exploiters and the likes will be more common with F2P accounts, they simply have to change a gmail/yahoo/hotmail address to open a new account if they get banned for such offenses. 2. Ensure that PvP guilds have a healthy influx of new subscribers to recruit when they lose players the nature of the MMO beast, this means that they will have to have a high enough return rate on F2P to subscribers to help guilds replace members lost so that ranked 8 man q's are still popping on servers and guilds are still able to run as guilds and not have to PUG due to member loss. The fact is a F2P account especially with gear limitation and warzone limit per week won't be any use to a PvP guild trying to run ranked warzones. The fact remains that the F2P announcement will affect the future of SWTOR PvP especially with the warzone limit, and if not many F2P players subscribe the pool for ranked players will be limited. So in closing great job Bioware, you showed yet again that PvP'ers don't matter to you, not only that you showed those of us that were waiting in 30min-hour q's on dead servers that you are greedy and having 20 heavy-very heavy servers in the US/EU isn't enough for you. Beware a storm of baddies and terribads is coming to a galaxy near you in November, if you thought the level of badness was terrible now just wait.......
  7. Thanks Bioware, you officially gave me a reason to go buy GW2. All I can say is your company is short sighted, unskilled, and simply bad at what your supposed to be doing for this game. You drove away most of your players that you had from this game, by not listening to beta testers who told you over and over that V/O wasn't going to sell your game to the majority of the MMO community(they don't care about it prove me wrong, go look at your statistics and see how many of us spacebar through this crap you spent all your money on during development). You failed to create a combat system that was free of major ability delay, the animations were cool, but many lackluster and boring. You failed to created meaningful and good PvP, you failed at creating good endgame PvE content. Your final mistake is not even trying to make the sub model work, and making it apparent to all of us that have stayed subbed through the dark days of dead servers, that you don't care about the money we gave you, you are a greedy fat person at a buffet always going for more. In other words your slapping those of us that have stuck w/ you in the face. This will be the last month I sub to SWTOR, I am going to GW2, and whatever MMO's come along after that I will never give Bioware or EA another dime of my money for any game. To everyone at Bioware you are terrible MMO developers, stay out of this industry, never come back, just close the game in November, it will go down as a bigger success than the F2P garbage you are introducing. FAIL BIOWARE FAIL. No Fanbois can save you now Bioware your game's going to crash and burn like the crapfest it is. The reality is your game is so bad in it's current state that even as F2P there are so many better options. What sets your game apart atm only thing is V/O and all next gen MMO's have it so have fun failing BioFail. Much Hate thanks for giving up on us, we didn't give up on you....... I find it completely hard to believe that you aren't covering operating costs w/ 20 heavy-very heavy servers every night, it just shows your greedy, and don't know how to tell your bosses at EA NO and that your players will revolt at this idea. Keep failing BioFail it's what you are good at......
  8. It's summer people are out doing things, MMO's have a drop off in players during summer months for the most part. People are outside doing things, once winter hits a lot of these people come back, not all of them, but a lot. MMO's are kind of like a seasonal industry, they have the most active players when weather is bad outside, and the least when it's nice.
  9. His Midichlorian count is > than his braincell count, but neither was high enough to save him from the OP lvl 10 sith Pyrotechs and Marauders..........
  10. There's a great new Hello Kittie MMO I think it might actually be within your limited skill level...........Until it's released though go back to being a baddie and expecting to kill every level 10 you run into during lowbie warzones. Just ignore the healers on the opposing team so you can come back and whine how you had 0 kills and a ton of deaths.....Wait you already do that, baddies aren't evil, they are just the people that no one else wants to play with because they are well bad at the game and make it not fun for those on their team and group.
  11. I have to say I read this thread, realized yes it will generate hate, but everything the OP said is 100% true. I've honestly stopped caring in a lot of huttball matches lately, the PUGS are just that bad, they're off the side trying to kill people while the other team is either scoring or stopping the couple people on my team actually playing objectives from scoring. It gets worst can't remember how many dumb pugs stand on the edge to easily let marauders and jugs jump to them. The icing on the cake for me was a huttball the other day where a terrible baddie from our team got the ball, took it to our endzone, thought he had scored cause he was so bad. Ignored everyone on his team telling him to jump in the pit and reset, or pass it, or just leave the warzone to save us the time. Well anyways he stood there for a good 30 seconds, an operative opened up on him, killed him quickly and scored. This player alone proved every point the OP made, he had no keybinds(pass huttball was not bound), and by the end of the warzone had hit a whopping 40k damage as a DPS vanguard all pitiful. Especially to the clicking point, I understand not everyone is going to get a Naga/Logitech G600(People w/ these have all their action bars keybound w/ little effort, but most mice have a back/forward buttons on the side, and a scroll wheel, might not seem like much, but that's 5 keybinds right there, add in a shift/ctrl key push or whatever and these buttons and that's 15-20 keybinds on your mouse effortlessly by pushing a few keys on the keyboard to activate the additional keybinds. The players that don't keybind are the laziest of the lazy, uninformed that don't realize how much combat time they are wasting by clicking. Most the points made by the OP are entirely true, this should be fixed come 1.4 when warzones are split up by Valor rank. The thing that bothered me most much like the OP is fresh 50's showing up in leveling greens, puts your team a man down, and you should be allowed to kick this player from the match at the beginning. My favorite was a fresh 50 who was wearing the recruit implants/earpiece/relics, but not the armor and his excuse was it didn't look good, haven't heard something more selfish, in a PvE group we can kick the guy who decides to show up in leveling greens to do HM LI or an Operation. This ability needs to be made viable for PvP so we aren't stuck playing w/ people that expect to be carried in leveling greens to full war hero.
  12. Yes thanks for correcting me, a lot of PvP'ers from all server types will be leaving, and I think something should be done ASAP to counteract this, and bringing past subs who already tried the game, and may have quit due to low server pops/lack of group finder to experience content is easier than relying on a very limited trial to entice people to play. I agree with you though Server Pops are going to take a massive hit once GW2 hit, if D3 not even an MMO took so many, I shutter to think what an actual MMO will do to the sub numbers of this game. I can honestly see 8 man Ranked Q's taking quite some time once these hardcore Rated guilds that run them all the time are gone. The destination servers were a great first step, bringing former players back to play on these servers w/ a 7 day free play time incentive to see where the game has come from when they quit would be a great second step to take imo.
  13. Point is invalid I killed a lvl 40+ Pyrotech and Marauder on my level 10 gunslinger. Yes they have more abilities, but a majority don't know to use anything outside of 3-4 buttons making them easy free kills even for a lvl 10. IMO lowbie pvp works great in this game, q pops are fast, and honestly lowbie PvP really isn't about winning or losing for the most part, it's all XP and Comms, and if you get those at the end GG and move on. I realized on my lowbies that yes some will do objectives but for the most part doesn't matter if they're lvl 10 or 40, they're running to mid or south constantly in Civil War/Novare despite us holding the side nodes only to die over and over until the other team recaps a side and we lose. So really it's not the level difference, it's simply that lowbie warzones are filled with so many baddies that 1 or 2 good players on a team can completely rofl stomp the opposing team doesn't matter what level they are. Also a lvl 10 -20 in Esselles Purples/Hammer Station Purples will hit a lot harder than a lvl 40+ in greens, so gear scales as well meaning for best experience in lowbie warzones keep your gear up to date. Honestly though people who ask for these level brackets will come back complaining as well when the good level 10-20's who are now in their own bracket w/ them are rofl stomping them still. Game is a mixture of gear/skill, if you have neither especially in PvP, you will get owned.
  14. You do have a valid point, the main concern here honestly is PvP servers, I don't see "new games" PvE making a huge hit to PvE servers, "The new game" is more PvP centric than a lot of MMO's, and PvP Servers are going to take a population hit by all estimations. The idea would be to showcase the new features(Group Finder so they can do content they've never seen and Detination Servers w/ actual people to play with) to former players especially playing on the populated destination servers that are thriving in order to basically counteract any Subs that would be lost once the other game hits. Even if not used as a countermeasure to the August 28 launch of the competitor, I see this being a good way to show your product to former players who already at one point liked the game, and to help perhaps retain some of these former players subs. As stated even a 1% resubscribe rate on this would be 10k+ subs back in game playing, which would likely help alleviate any lost players to the competitor.
  15. A suggestion from me, since you can't play possibly one of the simplest FOTM classes, with one of simplest rotations outside of vanguard. I kill Marauders and Sentinals all day on my sage, the bad ones stick out in particular, they charge begin their masterstrike/ravage to be blinded by my bubble, root knock back, and kited to death w/ DOTS. If I'm a ranged class why would I facetank melee when I can kite you, watch my dots tick down your health then in one swoop use my telekenetic projection to have a 1.4 second telethrow take away a majority of your remaining health then hit my presence of mind proc to finish off the poor kited marauders and sentinals w/ a sweeping 2-3k crit mind crush. Good sentinals/marauders present a greater challenge, but can still be kited effectively. If the OP is having this much trouble he is likely not using his force cloak to close range, not using his slowing dot/dot to inflict damage while perhaps being kited. Again likely not using his defensive cooldowns. Final word to the OP is that Mara's/Sent's have been FOTM classes for months now, good players/ranged players know how to counter them precisely, know what the animations look like, and will roflstomp the bad ones that don't know how to play and are FOTM re-rollers very quickly. To put it very simply the more people playing AC's(Marauders/Sentinals/Pyrotechs/Vanguards) known as the SWTOR FOTM post 1.2 club, the more baddies that will be playing these classes. There are so few good ones on my server that I can count them on my fingers. The rest of the people playing these classes are baddies that allow themselves to be kited around pillars and terrain until their HP is low enough to stun them through Undying Rage and land a killing blow on them only for them to cry because they thought they were FOTM and should roflstomp everything. L2P /thread
  16. I don't think this one is a troll, just a baddie that thinks he should roflstomp lvl 10 players based on his class/gear/level, not actually understanding the other classes, playing objectively. His story of 0 kills and a ton of deaths points to him and his team likely not focusing a healer that easily outhealed their DPS on his teammates while his team easily annihilated the lvl 40 sent over and over. Fast forward he gets a Jug to lvl 10, does well in 1 warzone likely because being carried by his team and comes and cries that there is no balance and that sith AC's have some special advantage. Let's not give this guy credit for being a troll and call him what he is a baddie. /thread
  17. I'm sorry, but there's balance, you just saw it in the lowbie bracket, a skilled lvl 10 players just pwnt you. Baddies who are lvl 40 think they should automatically roflstomp a lvl 10-20 in lowbie pvp. This is not the case, the lvl 10-20 who actually knows how to use his skills and counter you will easily kill you based on strategy. Also realize a lot of these players probably have lvl 50 toons and know the in and outs of most classes. I'm tired of people crying there is no balance I outdps FOTM Vanguards and Sents all day on my Sage, have more KB's at the end of the match, and more meaningful damage imo as I can get my dots off all day long ticking for 700-1k+ while they have to rely on subpar energy management. To prove the point of this thread I kill FOTM rerolling marauders and pyrotechs on my lowbie commando so easily it's not funny. Sorry to say most of them are terrible and if interrupted, stunned, or knocked back get rofl stomped easily because they don't know how to counter or even use their skills correctly. Also if you had 0 kills during the match, you were outplayed by the other team has nothing to do w/ balance. I had a match on my scoundrel last night healing where the other team had 0 kills and we had 0 deaths, was it a balancing issue? No they were baddies who didn't focus the healer, and the pyrotechs on their team were baddies that didn't know what to do once their dots were cleansed. The Mara's on their team were baddies that charged into a group of 5 of us to be stunned and killed in a matter of seconds. In other words baddies can easily be held to 0 kills and have a ton of deaths due to the fact they ignore objectives, don't focus the enemy healers, and go into tunnel vision dps mode thinking they should own everyone whether based on gear/level. Then once these people are roflstomped they come on the forums and QQ about how the game isn't balanced. My guess OP and your team were bad and not noticing/focusing the enemy healer allowing him to heal up his teammates while they slaughtered you the whole match. That's what seems to be the case, so not only were you outmatched, your whole team likely didn't realize to do one simple objective in a warzone which is killing the enemy healer. I don't know what you've read on these forums but Pyrotechs/Marauders aren't God Mode, and can be easily countered and destroyed if a smart player knows what they are doing.
  18. One of the best ideas I've heard in a while, the way of getting back to one's ship is tedious, at times, and takes away from a players leveling experience. This is especially useful considering a lot of the class quests have you go back to your ship at points. They already know that people dislike the way of getting from ship to planet, this seems like a logical step in fixing this further. The coolness of the way exiting and going back to your ship is implemented currently loses its luster after the first couple times you do it.
  19. We pay EA to have forum moderators, not be them ourselves. Anyways this will never happen because they can't trust random people to enforce their forum policies, that's their employee's job, plus something that is offensive to one of these player moderators wouldn't even be against the TOS, resulting in people getting their threads closed or whatever the player moderator's would do w/o violating the TOS on the forums. In other words this won't happen it would be way more headache than any sort of help to Bioware.
  20. So August 28 is coming, the launch of yet another competitor to SWTOR, yes subs will be lost, this is inevitable, there is a way to perhaps get back 5-10% of the subs lost from this game already, and perhaps help replenish the servers of the people that would be lost. Yes i know SWTOR already offered a free month of play, another idea would be to send an email out to all past subscribers offering 7 days of free play to try out the Group Finder and Ranked Warzones if they please. For the people who's last remembrance is playing on a dead server w/ nothing to do, being able to experience the game on a lively destination server from the transfers, be able to try out the new features, and hopefully make the decision to resubscribe. I think this is a good idea and shows that you Bioware care about this game and bringing people back to it, this works better than your free trial because these people obviously liked the game at some point. Being able to play on their toons for a free 7 days on a lively server could really change their tone about the game, and give them more reason to resubscribe. Especially considering the limited features of the F2P up to 15(not your fault has to be done to stop credit farmers). I just think this would be a good idea, and say you get just 10% of say the 1 million that unsubbed from original sales, that's 100k more subs to your game, even 5% is 50k, 1% isn't bad either 10k spread across the servers left still brings good population into these servers to make up for the players lost. In short do something before August 28 to bring former players back, and give current players a reason to stay, bringing more people back to SWTOR does both of these things. More people on servers makes people want to play more, and enjoy the game more as it was intended. Also this will fill the void of the people that do leave on August 28(this is inevitable). The point is do something such as this 7 day game time for former subs and players to bring them back, they liked your game once, the lack of features such as the LFG tool, and server population took a lot of them away. Showing them increased server population is a good way to bring former players back, coupled w/ the LFG tool so they can experience content they may have likely never seen will be even better. Add in that they can see Ranked Warzones, and I think this is the perfect time to showcase your game to former subs. In business it is always easier to retain your customers and former customers than bring new ones in, especially when they experienced your product and liked it at one point. So many unsubs were due to simply having no one to do anything with that showing these people the game on a lively destination server could likely help you retain their subscription once again. With that said please help before August 28 by bringing former players back, and show those current subs why they should stick around(1.4 on PTS soon please). Thank You Love the Game Bioware Sorry if this constitutes Wall of Text tried to break it up for readability, but there was a lot to fit into each paragraph.
  21. 1. How do you think your Sage spec is perceived by other classes? Easy answer, the easiest kill in game in PvP circumstances whether DPS/Heal spec. I am a full Seer Sage Healer, who also goes between the 21/20/0 hybrid and a Tele/Balance Hybrid for pure DPS. Sage Heals are quickly finding themselves without Rated spots. We're percieved as a free kill in rateds, and a utterly useless paperweight for our teams to carry through the warzones. Our only use to them is to rescue them in huttball, we cannot defend nodes or doors. In short Sages are becoming the least desired class to take into rateds, the ammount of crowd control and pocket tanking needed to keep them alive and useful in rated warzones is ridiculous compared to the other healing and DPS classes. Now in PvE we are highly desired, because the problem is our skills are so based on PvE that they are utterly useless in competitive PvP as it's all about healing output w/ no survivability. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? As DPS spec against equally geared players, I find that I can handle myself fine, there's so much kiting involved that I think this has turned most players off of playing the class, you will spend 90% of your time kiting melee because you are viewed as a free kill, and even when not heal spec will be quickly downed by the other team because they know you are squishy. As healing spec, I feel incredibly underpowered in a PvP environment, Deliverance is on a 2.2-2.3 second caste even w/ high ammounts of alacrity. The only thing it's useful for is hopefully to fake caste, but usually it's just a waste of caste time because players wait until you've already caste for 2.0 seconds then interrupt. I have a Scoundrel healer as well, his big heal is on a 1.8 second caste, and is actually usable in PvP. In other words by not knowing how to make the double deliverance dip only 1 x 1.4 second Deliverance caste you have severely hurt our survivability, and made us a laughing stock of Rateds unless we are pocket guarded and body guarded by everyone on our team. Now lets just simply look at our defensive capabilities, it consists of a bubble that's gone in 1 attack by a majority of classes. Our AOE heal is basically unusable in PvP everyone knows to interrupt it, and the stupid animation tells everyone in a 30m radius what you are casting. Healing Trance is our best tool to stay alive now, but it's no counter really to burst DPS, our best counter to that is benevolance because deliverance takes far too long to caste. Looking at it this way in the 4.6 seconds it takes us to get 2 x Deliverance caste's off a Scoundrel has gotten 2x Underworld Medicine(their big heal) off in 3.6 seconds(1 second faster .5 seconds per caste), and is well on his way to casting another. So overall you meant well by removing the double dip deliverance, but we need the 1.4 second caste in PvP to even stand up to par with the other healing classes in single target healing so find a way to fix this. Also our instant caste Rejuvinate is on far too long a c/d, it should be instant caste up all the time, everything else we caste gets interrupted besides that and our cleanse in a lot of matches. Before 1.2 Sage Healing felt powerful, now we feel weak in competitive PvP, we are seen as a free kill, we are quickly being taken out of many guilds main rated groups. I played a Seer healer up until recently when I finally got my Scoundrel to 50, and am 6 piece Warhero on him now. Compared to the Sage, the Scoundrel now feels powerful, can actually survive and heal his team while pressured, oh and has the same healing throughput as my Sage in less gear. I can caste heals all day on my Scoundrel never run out of resources, no one ever dies, it's amazing. Basically Sage to me feels like a ghost of itself, it's fine for doing regular warzones, but is so caste reliant that it struggles in rateds without a pocket guard and dps constantly peeling attackers from it. To put it nicely a Sage healer basically has to roll with an entourage of tanks and DPS willing to protect their every move, because they are 4 GCD's from a Pyrotech or Mara from being useless and dead. Fix us before the actual season 1 of rated's starts please, I would like to play my Sage again, but as of now my Scoundrel Sawbones in BM gear is > Sage Seer in Fully Augmented War Hero in terms of survivability and useful healing output, and there's something wrong with that in a very gear based game.
  22. Watch Metalmac's videos over 8 weeks, and you will learn that skill and or common sense has something to do with being good at the game, he's now full war hero and plays like a Sage you'd expect to see in lowbie warzones who didn't know what abilities were used for..........
  23. He really should do this then he might realize that how he's been playing for these 8 weeks has been completely wrong, and finally admit that backpedaling is failing.......
  24. The point is not about video's that I have made, it's about the terrible one's you make each week that show exactly what not to do as a Sage, you do everything wrong and little right, that's fact. You are a terrible objective player, that's fact, it's time you face the reality that no one on these forums or anywhere wants to see these video's because they show the ignorance of a player that will not take advice from other players on how to get better and instead continues to practice the same terrible game play for 8 weeks while posters tell him how to play better and become a respectable player. I'm going to be completely honest here I could have 1 hand and 1 finger on that hand and play Sage better than you.......... For the last time Backpedaling is fail stop doing it, clicking is fail use your keybinds, not using a proper Full Balance Sage rotation is complete and utter fail.
  25. As a Sage, this video made me sick, the video should be used as a guide by all other Sage's on how not to play, and not look like a complete n00b in game. There was so much back pedaling that it wasn't like a bad habit, it was his only method of movement during combat, that was strike one. Strike two clicking OMG, there are keybinds use them, yeah the game can be fun, I have fun playing it, but being bad, and being proud of it isn't fun, it just makes the player and video bad. Strike three was not even knowing or being aware of a Sage Balance rotation for DPS, rarely saw a Weaken Mind/Mind Crush used the whole time, or any DOT for that matter, mostly it was all tele throw/project, I think I saw a Force in Balance casted once or twice the whole match...... Overall the contribution to the team was lacking if there was any contribution present at all as Rescue was never used correctly, and most of the time was spent running around chasing people doing nothing, and misusing stuns and other abilities. The OP needs to go back look at the scoreboard at the end, and apologize to each of them for making them carry him through warzones, then go back and do this for each of the video's posted, because each of them deserves your sincere apology....... Terrible Video/Videos Please Stop Posting Them ! 0/5 Note to OP never go Seer spec, if you can't get down the simple Balance rotation you have no hope of ever learning a proper Seer rotation to stay alive. Waiting for more excuses and terrible logic as to why backpedaling makes him l33t.......
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