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  1. I just finished a warmoze hutt ball match inwhich I had lost but, thats not why I'm posting a replay, so DO NOT COMMENT ON THIS FACT. My team consided on a good mix of class types with several healers and just 2 players playing the same type class with lvls ranging from 14-46 however the opposing team consisted of 5 socerers and 4 bunty hunters and 1 sniper, in total 7 were healers, with lvls no lower then 40. So with my previse statement at the begining of this post: HOW IS THIS FAIR AND BALANCED? If Bio isn't going to make their warzones lvl orented they should at least make the ques for warzones class balanced so that theres an even class types on each side.
  2. I'm not really a pvp kind of player but I have been trying ever since I noticed that the best gear in the game next to the tier gear is pvp gear, with that being said heres what I have noticed and my concerns. I know that you can enter warzones starting at lvl 10 also this is when a player can receive the mission to play two warzone matches, thus enticing said player into a warzone. Now heres the problem and I'm going to use a hypothetical player in this suggestion and this player just lvled to 10 and went to fleet got the mission for two warzone matches and ques for a match and enters one. When this player leaves which ever warzones this player enters, the player is immediatly taken out by a player that is lets say lvl 45, which is the average level player I've seen playing warzones. After rezing and then leaving the rezing zone the lvl 10 player is again killed by this same player, these events fold out everytime the lvl 10 player leaves the rezing zone, the lvl 10 player never makes a kill nor a badge, and at the end receives nothing but recognition for entering and completing the warzone to the warzone mission. If you have yet to realize my point its this: you have lvl 10 players verses players that are acceding 40. At most a lvl 10 player would have 7 powers where the 40+ player might have all but the last 4, not to mention better gear. Now I am aware of the health and damage buffing being done in the warzone matches to make it seem fair to the lower leveled players but, the fact is it's still a lvl 10 player verses and 40+ player. So what I am asking is this: Why is SWTOR the only MMO online right now that has its warzones so level mixed and overpowered in favor of the higher leveled players, while every other MMO has set up their warzones as level oriented, i.e. 10-19 only, 20-29 only, 30-39 only, .... You can keep the health and damage buffs to make SWTOR warzones seem special, so that at most the difference between two players would be about 3 powers and slightly better or worse gear, not 20 powers and inconceviably better gear.
  3. There's another issue that invoves player level. You gain access to WZs starting at level 10 but, when you enter one you are facing off against players that are 40+. I understand that the health, armor and damage buffing being done is to make the WZs seem balanced but, the fact is it's still a level 10 player vrs. a level 40+ player who's most often is a level 49 player that has 99% of their class powers vrs. a player that at most would have 7. Now I'm not one to praze other mmos but I feel that WOW got the WZ thing solid, they made their WZs with a level cap. For example one of their WZs have 10-19 leveled players only in them. This means that at most the difference in two players would be 3 powers and slightly better stats, and if SWTOR would still inclued the WZ buffs this stat difference wouldn't aply, the WZs would be more balanced and a lot more injoyable.
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