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Everything posted by AshurDarksoul

  1. Not a big fan of mask in general but understand the appeal. Most non-sithy mask look like circlets or weird hats. Think there is even a hamburglar bandits eye mask.... Ashur
  2. I haven't looked hard at the new opening ingredients load screen art. I have always liked the force unleashed designs. Not sure how much cross over swtor is allowed. One thing I was thinking would be neat is some version of a futuristic guili suit for operatives and snipers. Ashur
  3. RAIA Guild Ops Progression Team looking 1x for Sorc Heals for VM progression and beyond. The team has recently entered its VM progression (TFB VM cleared, SnV VM cleared to Styrak, starting EC VM). This team is on the Imperial Side (dual faction guild) and runs on Tuesdays/Wednesdays from 8-10 pm est. Discord and Star Parse required. Knowledge of your class, willingness to accept feedback, willingness to adjust as needed and a “thick skin.” If interested, contact Xe’xx in game to chat. Guild Recruitment Information Link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=937032 Ashur
  4. I'm curious why various mini games like this have never been included. Would spice things up imo... Ashur
  5. I guess I'll check it out. Don't have any information to base an opinion at this point. I never really watched the cartoons. I don't automatically dismiss a film with a female protagonist, but will dump the series depending on how the series and characters are handled... Ashur
  6. If the recent events regarding Disney's handling of Star Wars are any indication of things, I doubt your in the minority.... Ashur
  7. They could probably take out a few seeing that you can get there using the activity finder or direct to planet from the map? Not sure what the advantage is now for the priority black hole etc... Ashur
  8. Rationalize it how you wish. A backlash usually follows a trigger. The trigger in this case is TLJ, the backlash hurt Solo, which from what I hear is an ok movie. Again, their is enough evidence to show that there has been "enough" pushback, for whatever reasons people are pushing back, to make Disney take pause and look at the directions the franchise is moving. I wouldn't be surprised if Ep 9 gets a kick in the jewels as well if the same hacked-off fans don't think things will change directions. Just my prediction.... Ashur
  9. Kind of funny, in a "head-in-the-sand" kind of way, people cant argue the facts, only the SJW perspective and justification for LA "attacking fans." Still cant address the massive loss of 80M$ from Soylo, the merchandise tanking....basically the dollars supporting the franchise's future. Every turn of the way, disgruntled fans are raising their voices and pulling back on their wallets, only to be SJW shamed. Can't see Disney slowing down to a trickle or a complete stop in forward movement with the franchise, halting production on announced films etc. People can tout the "greatness" of TLJ all they want but the evidence is there that enough fans are sick of the crap that's being pushed out and down our throats....Hope you can recruit enough SJW's to prop up a dying star.... -Ashur
  10. I don't particularly like the system but I have adapted and attempted to optimize my grind to have some semblance of progress in gearing. I'm to the point that I have most my legacy mirror sets maxed and primarily focus on left side gear. I average enough components to upgrade 2-4 t3 to t4 rank gear per week. Plus a lucky crate from time to time... Ashur
  11. It would be nice if there was more incentive to take down the dark vs. light bosses. Currently, completing each side earns you 50 deco banners. Maybe add a nice legacy color crystal box....like the missing white/black core crystals... . Maybe consider incorporating them into the conquest objectives? Ashur
  12. I believe I had to donate directly to the last guild I was in for the slot machine. Ashur
  13. Overall, I found the movies lacking and too inundated with modern political ideologies I find distasteful. There are however some things I found interesting. Just not enough to make the movies palatable. I enjoyed the first part of Rey's journey in the force awakens. I enjoyed her scavenger/ survivalist setup with a hint of naive. This crumbled near the later part of TFA as her Mary-Sue qualities "awakened" and totally derailed in Johnsons trainwreck. I liked Poe's character, just not as much as Cassian Andor's from Rogue One. Finn, liked better a bit in tlj but just not that compelling. I appreciated Max Von Sydows cameo. I liked the R2D2 analogue, BB8. Failed potential for me was Snoke. I came out of TFA excited to see a villain "worthy" of the dark side...only to be dismantled and irrelevant with Johnsons train wreck. I was looking forward to something epic with Luke.....but most see how that ended up....disgraceful. And, I was excited when I heard about Benadecio Del Torroes character DJ.....oh well. Only thing that I found "neat" was the ship design of the dreadnaught star destroyer, all else was meh for me Ps. Porgs are an ongoing joke in my home between my daughter and myself. I get various merchandise porg related for her like bobbleheads, posters ect. She even named her Guinea pig porg Ashur
  14. Seems like a nerf....err change between last conquest. Every character (7-8) that has opened the legendary crafting box has received a distribution of 3 encryptions : 2 CMS. Prior, the distribution was random. This feels like a nerf and decreased some of the excitement when you got lucky and pulled 4 CMS from a crate. Anyone else getting the same 3:2 ratio or is my RNG just bad this round? Did I miss a dev nerf note somewhere? Ashur
  15. Alrighty, I'm having trouble unlocking this quest on one of my characters. I have Legendary Rep I have been to Ilum and completed the dailys Entered the Grey Secant Purchased and Consumed the Entry Authorization Ticket from the Vendors. Two things, the Ops does not show up on the terminal. The Gree Event in the Activities tab is missing as well, ie I cannot activate it and get the CXP bonus mission. The only thing I am wondering is, if there is an issues with my toon being an "instant" 65 level that went straight to the expansions. Any ideas, am I missing something simple? Ashur
  16. Although im not a fan of the "dark saber" i am a fan of the force unleashed. The black core white outlined color crystal from that game has been requested since swtor was released i believe. Too my knowledge the developers have *never* acknowledged or commented on this request. There have been speculations as to why but no concete answers. The one picture that floats around showed up really early in the game if i remember correctly. I *think* the rumor was that it was a parting gift to a few swtor staff members/developers after initial development needs were met and they were released. Again, rumor mill. Other speculations include it actually being very well hidden in the game and never discovered,not being allowed to include it due to being restricted to the force unleashed products, and the difficulty rendering the color combination. Since they did at some point release the black-silver crystal reward, im inclined to believe a licensing permission issue. Rumor mill aside, id love the opportunity to acquire either without subjugating myself to the reported toxicity of ranked.pvp. Ashur
  17. Xekke: https://imgur.com/a/hgq0GqR Lozz: https://imgur.com/a/YysLisp Ashur: https://imgur.com/a/LRZGgIX -Ashur
  18. Really need to bring in this debate into what appears to be a fun playful post??? Really? As a straight male, my ideas of what constitutes an attractive man may be different than others. I'm more inclined to define male attractiveness in terms of what i consider "coolness" factors. Galen Marek Starkiller (Sam Wittier sp.) Qui Gon (liam Niesen) DJ (Benicio del toro) ...although his character was a let down for me. Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) Just a few cool cats... Ashur
  19. Yeah, i posted about this scam a while back. Several peeps chimed in trying to justify the practice and refute it as being a scam. I guess people actually buy the inflated priced gifts. Maybe those that dont know these gifts are sold by fleet vendors for 10k each for r5 purple and 5k each for r5 blues. Some peeps may also not know you can buy stacks instead of single purchases from vendors...or just are whales that dont care Ashur
  20. Seen these before on my server. Same seller most of the time, r6 gifts in very large multiple stacks. My guess was or is an exploit. Hard to believe its from farming and hawking the gtn....i could be wrong tho Ashur
  21. I think there have been several versions of the black green crystal. The only one i know that is available outside the old promotions is the Rakghoul event vendor noted earlier. I think a good while back, several of the black core colored crystals could be reversed engineered but that ability was later removed by devs. A few players still playing can still craft those. The other noted variations are from promotions, possibly an expansion or sub reward and one that was obtained through a promotional with Razor mouse product. Not sure the differencez in colors of green tho. The rare one seems to be the black core yellow collectors ed. crystal that i rarely see any more. Ashur
  22. I played the last event until my eyes bled....multiple times... for the man pig. Ended up with 3 before it was done. It was monotonous and the only real way I was able to grind it was watching movies while clicking. Not well designed for entertainment value really. That said, I was a little surprised it was not purchasable like the rancor this time around with a new "rare" drop from the kingpin slots. I would like events like this to be "enhanced" with other activities, like a "real casino." Good opportunity to add sabacc/ Pazaak mini games, Desarik games etc. Maybe some story content as a card shark with various opponents to play against. Or hell, a non-combat pvp card game option to boost some epeens... -Ashur
  23. I'm not sure the resources BW has but my wish list would include: Dark Underworld Themed Content for Smugglers and Bounty Hunters Worlds Associated with an Underworld theme Kessel Nar Shadda Expanded Hutta Expanded with Pub Access (covertly) Rings of Kafrene Tatooine Expanded Jawa Scavenger Event with......Krayt Dragon Raid Boss (like gree and rakghoul events) Just a few ideas. Have a Jedi/Sith themed set in mind also... -Ashur
  24. Looks like it started tonight? -Ashur
  25. I know its supposed to be an incredibly rare drop, but does anybody know of one dropping in a while? Ie does it even drop anymore? Ashur
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