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Everything posted by AshurDarksoul

  1. Just wait till next month till i get paid again....im already in the doghouse with my wife for going overbudget due to cm sales.... Ashur
  2. Why does this thread feel like troll bait?!... You missed the direct sale on the cartel market. Now your left buying old packs or the saber from the gtn. Or trades if you have ne thing some else may want....or wait n hope it becomes available again at some point. Ashur
  3. Ive got a video of opening about 80-100 t4 crates with my gunslinger. I was pretty lucky. 2x 248 oh blasters,1x 248 mh blaster, 1x 248 relic, 1xv248 ear, 2x 248 implants, 1x 248 head, 1x 248 boots, 1x 248 bracer, 2x 246 chest, 1x 246 legs, 1x 246 gloves, 1x 246 relic. Lots of blues. It was a mass opening. I did not track total drops tho. -Ashur
  4. Ive heard the bug is with the 246 armor . Not sure tho. Ashur
  5. The 54s assembly component schematics arent in game yet. Reportedly available 5.3 Ashur
  6. Not sure what the developers or marketing specialst goals are with the cartel market or if they support rarity and discontinued items now as well as outragous in game prices. It would be nice for them to cycle through 1-2 older items in newer cartel pacts. Might actually save some developing cost/ time, generate more pack sells. At least restart the cartel cert drops from new packs to reopen the cartel market vendors...but what do i know... -Ashur
  7. What if you have the gear and desire to learn but lack the skill and experience lol... Ashur
  8. Alright, you caught me.... im a kylo ren fanboi and cosplay him in my underwear at home.... Lol
  9. Im not sure if this is new or not but i recently noticed these showing up on the gtn. Are these coming from iokath? -Ashur
  10. I absolutely hate this saber. Didnt like it in the movie. That said, i did buy one to save for a rainy day. I won't ever use it but it might make good trade bait later. Only wish my wife let me buy 2... -Ashur
  11. http://imgur.com/3LNqVuF Think that's it, first time posting a link to a pic. Not the best quality but I think you an see it. -Ashur
  12. I didnt get it. It was posted on my servers gtn. No indication of being crafted. Ashur
  13. Not trying to get neone in trouble, are these dropping that are not bound and can be sold on the gtn? -Ashur
  14. Hey peeps, Not trying to get ne one in trouble, but how are people amassing such huge numbers of legendary companion gifts? I look on the GTN and they same person is selling stacks upon stacks on 100 legendary companion gifts in every category? I get one every once in a while from gc crate and i think there is a vendor in one of the later chapters. What gives? Ashur
  15. Yeah, his "Game over man, game over " from Aliens always seems to come to mind. RIP Bill Ashur
  16. There are a few herioc2+ on the republic side that are pretty crappy due to the competition for spawns: face merchants on coresant, spawns to get the clinic key; mutations on taris to kill the irradiated rakghouls; and the one on tatooine where you have to kill the mandalorion leader. Im sure there are more but these come to mind -Ashur
  17. I really enjoyed kyshhykk, dathomir (maybe include a sith inquisitor style night sister companion as a subscriber reward )and mustafar in swg. Would be neat planets to see in swtor. Also liked raxis prime in the force unleashed. -Ashur
  18. Im not sure what the resistance of the bioware team to make this crystal available. Its beeb asked for long ago. As a fan of Star Wars the Force Unleashed, i would love 1-3 or so of these crystals for my toons. I know the closest thing to this crystal is the black silver crystal given as a reward for pvp. Dont think its still available and im not a fan of pvp.... there was a rumor a while back that they gave a few of black crystals to ex-employees, and there is a screenshot floating around with someone with the crystal...dont know the truth of either tho. I sometimes wonder if bioware is forbidden access to other games 'content' which might prevent them from releasing this crystal. Oh well...perhaps someday -ASHUR
  19. Brownwood, Texas here Ashur
  20. Returning player looking for home. Just leveled up my guardian to 55. Used to tanking and prefer that role but willing to play whatever. Available Monday,Wednesday, and Saturday nights for raiding. Geared only in 63s atm. Have raided as a tank in my previous guild before the expansion. Just need a group of good peeps and time to kick the rust off. Thank you for your consideration. Contact me here or in game as Xekke
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