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Everything posted by Firolas

  1. Agree with what you're saying OP But sadly this part you wrote is the problem.... There's been a severe lack of investment for sometime now.
  2. Sir Copperfield I salute you ! The way you have had the white knights tripping over themselves to slam this thread has been hilarious. Like flies on bantha poo they just can't help themselves Hope your demands are met too
  3. OP you are wasting your time. People will defend the devs to the death on these forums. Logic and sense has long left the building. The servers are a mess but they will never accept or admit it. Like being on a boat with water up to your knee's and being told ''yeah but it never goes past your waist, its fine'' Its still not right. How people think empty ghost town servers are acceptable is beyond me. We have a problem in game do we A. write on the forums expressing the problem wanting the devs (who are paid a wage to fix these things) to rectify it or B. use your own money and sort of resolve the issue short term but allow long term damage. I go with option A everytime but that makes us hater trolls though.
  4. this was on the facebook page of SWTOR. ''You don't want to miss the big SWTOR news during tomorrow's panel! Be the first to hear -- tune in to the StarWars.com 'Meet the Creators' livestream at 11am PT/7pm LDT'' Another let down.
  5. yeah that was a big fat nothing. Knights of the eternal throne wooopiee doo
  6. I agree with you OP. The argument that it's never been hard and switch off your companion is wrong. It may never have been 'hard' difficulty but it's most definitely never ever been this easy. It's so easy my 4 yr old kid could level a toon from lvl 1 to lvl 65 without dying. And switching off companions isn't the solution since having a companion with you is a pretty large factor in this game. What are we up to now in companion numbers? around 40 maybe. If you engage combat and go AFK you should die. Currently you do not no matter the size of the pull. Story boss's are just sad. Like others said massive build up and not a defensive cooldown used or needed and lasts all of 10 secs. Do we even get to do a full rotation before they drop? And I don't believe for one second new players want to join the game and steamroll through it to 65. As quickly they join they'l be done and gone. Hows that a good thing.
  7. I vote Costello. He puts my rage thoughts into better words.
  8. It's a nice idea mate. I use Dulfy for most things (mission guides and class builds) and for datacrons I used swtor-spy. Tor-fashion is also a good website. Good luck with your website/guide
  9. Haahaha xordevoreaux think your post is going to do more damage than 100 tantrum rage posters would. Comes across very condescending towards new players and they will see through it. Being a new player doesn't mean they are dumb or have zero experience with poor expansions or these rubbish 'events'. They can see quite clearly why people are mad and now they can see that your not someone to listen too. Your biased and narrow sighted. Being Team Bioware gets you nothing. If everyone was like you we'd never get improved updates it would continue down this road of garbage.
  10. /Signed This 'event' is an insult. Yes we don't need to take part in it but Bioware should get the message that calling something an 'event' and releasing no new content ( have to say that again--NO NEW CONTENT) is unacceptable. I'm not mad about this LS/DS thing, I find it sad that this is the level Bioware is on right now. This isn't going to bring in new players and most definitely isn't bringing back players that have walked away since awful KOTFE arrived.
  11. I couldn't have put a post together better. Well said OP. I feel your pain and sadly think I will be following you also out the door.
  12. It's an total insult this 'event'. Finding it hard to even call it an event. When nothing actually is added to the game but cosmetic rewards (for doing everything we have already done) then it's not an event in anyway. Rakghoul is an event. Gree is an event. Bounty hunter is an event. This is not an event. I can only come to the conclusion now that all EA funding is gone. Bioware is running this game on a shoestring. There is no meaningful content coming any time soon unless someone high up in EA takes a massive U turn. I was mad when I first read about the LS/DS 'event' but now I'm depressed. The future for this MMO has never looked so bleak.
  13. Spot on Floplag. We can live in hope that day comes soon.
  14. If the OPs main question is ' why are certain servers so inactive in the first place? Then that is the answer above. KOFTE drove away a LOT of people. It maybe argued it brought in a certain type of player or folk that log in for a few days per month too. Since populations dropped on every server then people began moving. Harbinger in the U.S and the Red Eclipse in Europe were high populated servers awhile back so people chose them as their best bet. Now we have about 7 standard populated servers and 12 light servers, Most of the light ones are ghost towns. Until EA/Bioware put some serious investment into this game and release new content that isn't solo story only then this will continue as is or worse sadly.
  15. Managed my main through all the chapters but the breaking immersion was such a struggle that there's no way I'm taking all my alts through it also. One day I'll take a second toon through KOTFE. Currently to pass time I'm playing the GTN and crafting/gathering or running more toons through classic class stories doing them light or dark. Hats off to anyone that can push loads of characters through KOTFE. I get that some like the story but the mindless npc's in between cutscenes is such a drag.
  16. Yeah The Red Eclipse is the highest population in Europe. I'm on The Progenitor and since the last 90cc transfer deal our pop went from standard on peak times too constant light population now. Sad times I remember when both Red Eclipse and Prog could both hit Heavy Populations.
  17. Got the Rancor today, normal solo run, looted from last boss
  18. Always thought that mount drops from EC nightmare on Kephess.
  19. Completely agree with you OP. Personnally believe this has been the worse expansion ever. Zero replay value story expansion was a terrible idea. KOTFE decimated my guild and server population. Can only hope future expansions are different.
  20. As usual total contradiction in your posts. So laid back, dont care its just a game, unsub the second your unhappy, just a pastime Yet here you are everyday arguing with people who post negative comments and defending the very thing you claim to barely give a toss about. If I had your attitude I wouldnt even look at the forums never mind log into them. Clearly the posters that have criticism in them are from people that care more than you do. Are you too selfish to allow them to attempt to improve this game and continue its future? If your so cool and laidback why would you care what they say? Its just a game after all.
  21. Pretty much the same post as Andryah. You refuse to side with other players and sit on the fence. There are things that you dislike but rather than offer constructive criticism and feedback that isn't constant praise you'l rather come on the forums daily and defend Bioware. Still no idea what that achieves. What do you hope to gain by siding with Devs? By only providing praise you offer nothing for future progression of the game. Considering population is at an all time low, the last thing these Devs need told is that things are all good. If anything people coming here and saying "some of the game is good and some bad but once its all bad I'm gone and oh I wont help in trying to turn things around" they're worse than a 1000 'game is dying' posters. Don't understand your motives at all. But what is clear the future of SWTOR isn' it.
  22. There's nothing constructive in the OP's post either. It was clearly an attempt to have a go at people that are unhappy. There is also nothing at all constructive at being against every single negative poster which you and about 4 others are everyday here. What do you hope to achive by defending Bioware/EA on the forums? Where exactly does that get you? Is it just for pure attention seeking? Or just to be against popular opinion? People who continue to sub but are unhappy with certain aspects of the game and voice it here will help keep the game going and influence it in the future. People who come here and try to silence those people and claim everything is fine will achieve nothing.
  23. Peter the thing is Andryah is your classic fanboy poster. He claims if the game begins to suck he wont come on the forums and complain yet he spends most days condemning anyone that posts a complaint on the forums. A valid complaint or a rubbish complaint no matter he will instantly be against it. When the tables turn he won't post a single complaint but quietly leave....yeah right. Constructive criticism is 1 million times better than forum posts of kissing Bioware bottoms. Not all complaining and rage posts have merit but they should be supported when they have a point. The future of this game will be in a better place if people support one and other in the forums. I don't PVP but I understand why they are unhappy. All the groups should support each other not instantly side with Bioware/EA. No idea what your trying to achieve by doing that,
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