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Everything posted by HBninjaX

  1. haha well it's not a charity organization
  2. ok so you want to get geared out ASAP, I get that, but what's to stop you from quitting the game and moving on to stomething else once you're bored? are you pickin up what i'm laying down?
  3. OP you might be suffering from a stroke, I suggest you seek medical attention post-haste!
  4. no one's ever tried that! oh wait, they did, and no one played it.
  5. bye... oh wait, you're not really leaving, you're just announcing that you're leaving --like an annoying girlfriend
  6. the self-esteem generation, ladies and gentlemen
  7. Repubes need to l2p it looks like
  8. the ragequitters are trying to fill a void in their lives with a game and they get furious when they don't find satisfaction. I suggest they try something outside of the realm of gaming --like exercise for example
  9. which is why games like Darkfall are so abundant, and why WoW is so unsuccessful
  10. even if you cancel it with an attack right after the first 2 hits?
  11. I see people talking about their attack rotation when fighting, but what about defensive abilities? At what point in the fight do you use abilities like Saber Ward, Obfuscate, Unleash, Cloak of Pain, etc? Do you use them all at the same time? String them out? Any particular order you follow when fighting certain classes? I am no pro by any stretch but I usually start with Cloak of Pain and watch my health as the fight progresses, I'll pop saber ward if I'm losing health quickly, I pop unleash on the first stun I receive, and then follow up with obfuscate after ward has warn off. I also like to mix in force camo so they lose target and I can reapply deadly sabers and get an extra attack off before they re engage me.
  12. WZ have become crap for casuals full stop
  13. I did 900K one time it was rad
  14. right on, OP. thanks for clearing all of that up
  15. Baron Deathmark sounds like he smoked a bowl of crack cocaine with Charlie Sheen
  16. I agree. I thought the rest of the game would be like Dromund Kaas (sp?) but with contested areas. Too much zoning, not enough folks runnin around. I love the game, don't get me wrong, but I guess I had different expectations.
  17. Empire isn't all peaches and cream. We have to put up with playing hutball 24/7 It's gotten to the point where I wanna force choke Baron Deathmark
  18. thank goodness jugs got buffed and not marauders. I wouldn't want to think the devs are playing their own game or anything
  19. he's not too far off. this is the casual solo player experience. if you want to dps you may as well roll a ranged character and stand far away from danger and mash 1-2-3 while you watch cartoons --13 years MMO experience both hardcore and casual
  20. a neat looking offhand I noticed a conspicuous lack of Marauder love in the patch notes --oh but don't worry Jugs got buffed. Priorities, people!
  21. tl;dr "the game is too linear for me and is therefore an inferior product" /em looks at Darkfall subs and sheds a tear
  22. if you roll need on something for your companion, and someone's character NEEDS that item --you're a selfish jerk. If you can't see that then you're clearly from the 'self-esteem' generation.
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