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Posts posted by FoxNemhauser

  1. Hi there,


    the auction house on my server is pretty dry when it comes to shotguns (or at least shotguns with cunning).


    Anyone remembers a quest that would grant you a blue scattergun/shotgun for level ~45? (i'm lvl 46 right now and still using lvl 37 shotgun).


    (Ideally with crit chance/surge)


    Or some place I can just buy it for creds/comms?

  2. That requires changing all the maps that don't have them to include spaceports, how big of a patch would that require. So whether you are running through a tunnel to a shuttle or running through a huge spaceport you are still going to do a lot of running. It's actually a shorter path with an orbital station, though there are more loading sequences.

    I don't see the difference as significant enough to warrant changing it.


    Actually the change could be very quick and easy:


    when you take the elevator from the planet you can pick either the orbital station or your ship directly.


    And when you are exitting the ship - you can pick either orbital station or the planet.



    This keeps the orbital stations in place, so all the NPCs are there, people that are rping are satisfied and people that want to save time - are happy as well :)

  3. So basically you want to lock all HM raid zones until you do a daily quest that gives you the proper gear in order to get into that zone.


    I think you did not understand what he wrote.


    He merely wrote how it is currently (progression from quest purples -> t1 -> t2 -> t3 -> what's the point)


    He wants a change as this model of endgame is very dated and boring (and I don't blame him).



    But, without giving an idea of how to change it - it's rather a request, not a suggestion :)

  4. my alt is or soon will be having the same dillema


    she is lvl43 (valor rank 43) and she got full lvl40 pvp set for her as well as for the two companions she likes to hang out with


    as well as two 46lvl weapons


    she does not need to strip the mods out as she already has full set of purple armorings and mods (or enhancements, forgot what cybertech can make) for lvl45 waiting for her.


    i'm not gonna use other companions so getting sets for them seems pointless


    i guess the only thing i can get for her are the warzone heal and expertise buffs...



    i really wish there was no cap on those warzone/mercenary commendations; punishing people for playing more than others? gimme a break

  5. my best moment in ILUM was when we were heavily base camped by imperials and i managed to get to the turret and rape them hard from behind


    our forces that were base camped capitalized on that situation and then we proceeded to chase the remaining imperials up to their base


    and i was called a hero, which i must admit, was very nice to read :-)



    so, yeah - fix those damn turrets, there are many more unseen heroes waiting for their chance to shine!

  6. i like voidstar but it's too random in it's current form to think of it as competitive sport



    as an attacker your strategy would be to kill your opponents AT THE SAME TIME and also synchronize it with the respawn doors so they wait AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.


    honestly? this goal is unrealistic


    so who wins? the one who has more luck and their kills are synced better (or good enough for you to plant the bomb)




    and do not forget about the biggest joke - in case of a tie, the random team wins, woo hoo!

  7. i agree that ILUM should look like WvWvW


    however neither ILUM nor WvWvW in GW2 is the so called "open world"



    open world pvp is pvping on every possible planet


    ILUM is just an arena where people go to poke each other.



    true open pvp that i envision would look like this:


    - you are scaled to the planet level range just like you are scaled in GW2

    - dynamic quests pop up for both factions in a similar way to how it's handled in APB (if your faction has to protect something then the opposing faction needs to destroy/steal it / or both factions have to do the same and whoever gets it first wins)

    - bounty quests on a task board - you pick a quest that tells you to kill enemy player that is currently on the same planet and it tracks that player for you like a quest objective on the map

    - normal quests should stay as they are, but there should be additional quests that have to be done in the are where opposing faction is questing

  8. i'm on vent with friends so even when i'm losing i'm having fun


    why? because we have a rager amongst our mids and it's hilarious to hear him curse :-)


    recently he came up with "those f... whores with lightning" which sound much better in polish than it does in english but hey :-)

  9. i wish such statements could be enforced


    so if there were no nerfs to those classes - you would actually had to go (or be banned, which has the same result)



    sadly, you will probably break your promise and stay (which says a lot about your character)


    unlesss you prove me wrong and provide a screenshot of your cancelled subscription :)

  10. simple solution


    Label the points A,B,C label the doors in voidstar A and B.


    People geting confused by east and west, i dont even think lawls can cover that.


    no no no, too hard :-)


    this is swtor so they should use the icons: pistol, lightsaber and flame - so much better, all the raiders (opsers?) agree :-)





    btw, i've got a question, i'm from the republic so the left side equals left turret so there is no confusion


    but from the imperial side: to get to the turret that has it's icon on the left, you need to turn right from your spawn point.


    so, which one is "left" according to most of the imps? depending on which "left" is more important you could have a phrase: "i'm turning left in order to reach the right turret" :-)

  11. the west/east based on the map position is missing one important component: a compass or a legend stating where the north is.


    you can't assume that the top is north because you are arguing with people that tell you the left is west :-)


    that minimap is more like a map of park or pleasure center, and those usually have the entrance at the bottom, not the south.



    however Armaso brings up a definitive argument in his latest post (not the one that i'm quoting below)



    Actually, they refer to them as East and West. Right in the patch notes refering to the turret firing twice. Who would have thought that a universal rule of map orientation could work so well? It's like they knew there might be some confussion and came up with the most simple solution.....brilliant!


    they do indeed refer to one turret as the "eastern turret" so we have an answer


    but there is another questions now: why the hell they are only using that description outside of the game? they should have named the turrets as easter/western/central in the actual warzone (instead of the arbitrary names that nobody uses, which is a shame)

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