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Posts posted by FoxNemhauser

  1. Something related to the X window system.


    Believe it's related to X-files, not sure though cause you know.. the answer is out there.


    you two, are you familiar with this? http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_be_a_dick


    on any other forum (well, perhaps maybe not on WoW forums) I would get an actual reply, but no; here the population of d-bags is too high for that...




    i see that other posters are talking about cross server queues, server transfers but i wasn't exactly sure what they mean by "x-server" in that context.


    i figured i would ask, but i guess i figured wrong... thanks for nothing, savagepotato and Draqsko

  2. This is a pretty ridiculous statement. RPG means "roleplaying game", right. And this is an MMORPG. Not an MMOPVPG. If you want identical stats, go play an FPS... oh wait, most of those have gear progression these days, too.


    Trust me, if you're complaining that gear is holding you back, you'd suck at pvp even if everyone had the same gear.


    I'm not complaning that gear is holding me back.


    My main is full battlemaster and the only challenging fights are 2 vs 1 or some other battlemaster. I tear through people with 12-16k health. It's was fun at start but not anymore.


    But my alt is not geared that nicely so there is the opposite - I get crushed a lot by battlemasters. This is also not fun.


    So, it looks like i'm QQing that i'm too strong and too weak at the same time :-)



    Somehow GW1 (CORPG) and GW2 (MMORPG) strayed away from gear progression in their PVP, so it is not something unheard of.


    And there were some very old MMORPGs without gear progression but I've never played them so the names escape me.


    Trust me, if you're complaining that gear is holding you back, you'd suck at pvp even if everyone had the same gear.


    So if I hit someone for 5k and he hits me with the same ability for 3k then I own but if I hit him for 3k while he hits me for 5k then I suck at gaming? Interesting :-)



    If you want identical stats, go play an FPS... oh wait, most of those have gear progression these days, too.


    Yes, and those shooters are crappy because of that. That's why I play sometimes Counter-Strike 1.6 (and hope to play CS:GO soon) instead.

  3. on both sides i've seen people in 50's warzone's with green 40's gear (low forties), valor less than 20 (results of "i'll wait til 50 before i pvp") and no clue what the heck they're doing. one taste of a warzone or two with that set up and some people never come back. things like this, not bioware's fault but player dumbness.



    unfortunatelly a lot of people need a carrot on the stick in order to pvp;


    at lvl50 that carrot is better gear, but pre lvl50 there is nothing, you can start collecting tokens for your lvl50 gear because you have limit on warzone commendation and you cannot buy lvl50 gear before reaching that lvl (at least you couldn't in pre-1.2)


    so, only those who actually like to pvp for the sake of pvp will pvp pre-50; the others will level with quests (and you don't need nice gear for that) and then they will check the pvp... only to get demolished by people with 1200 expertise...

  4. The person without the gear should get better gear. The person with more power has played more/longer/won more games than the other guy and has been rewarded for it, as it should be in an RPG. Where is the competition at where two characters of the same class meet but there are no stat differences? It would be a tie every time once they both learn their class.


    There is a fault in your logic. You are saying that the person with crappier gear should get a better gear, but that will eventually lead to a situation where both players have equal gear.


    So why get that gear in the first place? Better to have a standarized gear from the get go as it eliminates the tedious grind.



    Pve progression is different, you fight mobs that are manageable and you are rewarded with better gear that lets you fight stronger mobs (that grants you even better gear that lets you... and so on).


    In pvp you are matched with people that can have any gear. You say that people with same gear (and skil) will have a tie. First of all - it's not chess and unless those two are both healers - there will be a winner and a loser (it will be a close one but still). However if people with way different gear meet - the winner is decided before the fight even begins.


    That's not competitive. You learn nothing from someone who can barely scratch you. However you can learn something from a person that you've almost killed.



    Oh and last but not least, if you think that RPG equals gear progression then you should really recheck what RPG stands for.

  5. A 13k hp Scrapper can pull 4k crit with Shoot First on 900 expertise heavy armor character?

    You cannot be serious. 13k hp means he is with Recuit or even worse gears than that. There is no way he can pull 4k crit on 900 expertise like you. It is just impossible.


    Even with full BM 1100+ expertise + relic + adrenals, Scrapper/Conceal are usually able to pull around 3k-4k crit with shoot first on same gear players.


    There are 3 possible cases here.

    1) You just mislook the hp bar of that guy (maybe he was not at full HP, and had full BM+ some WH).

    2) You were in PvE gears, and forgot to put up your PvP ones. This often happens when WZ pops and ppl are doing dailies.

    3) You are just trolling.


    When my Scoundrel hit lvl50 I had around 14k health and I was able to hit 4k crits on battlemaster geared players. But I had orange gear with purple mods that focused on crit rate/surge/power. How about that? :)

  6. Killing lowbies is not the way, but the game itself is indeed lacking the pvp content.


    This is "star wars" but I don't see any wars. There are warzones but you can't lose a thing inside; and you can only win some gear tokens.


    This should be a game where you can conquer planets as a faction which makes leveling for the opposite faction very hard or different on those conquered planets.


    You want to pve on Hoth? Well, you need to get a group of people and take it back. Take over some bases (a pvp content), do some guerilla missions (pve content) and maybe then you can retake Hoth and do the standard pve missions and/or push away the remaining enemy forces (pvp content).


    This of course would require more than one planet with the same level range, making sure the factions are pretty balanced etc.



    Instead we got four small minigames that are detached from the whole universe of the game and we can grind pvp gear. Yay.

  7. If the expertise exists only to make sure that pve gear is not viable in pvp environment then the idea failed.


    Better solution is to make one single tier of pvp gear that is free and not allow to fight warzones with anything else.

    That way the pve gear is for pve only and pvping is done for the sake of pvping and not gear progression.


    To those that say this is MMO and you need to have a gear progression even in pvp I would say: have a progression in cosmetics (start simple and get more and more epic looks to stroke our epeens) or stats transfering (basically the power of your gear stays the same but you can tweak it, get more crit rate at a cost of less health etc - small changes to fit more to your playstyle).


    Gear pvp is the whole reason we won't have a competetive pvp. True pvp's most likely left and what remains are those who actually like the gear grind (but not againsts the AI mobs).

    Can you imagine a game of chess where one player has 8 pawns but the other has 7 pawns and a second queen at the start? That's SWTOR pvp.

  8. And most people go to bed between 10-11.


    Can you give me a link to a study that will confirm your findings?


    Perhaps you were asking children when they go to bed, most of my friends go to bed around midnight and some even go at 1-2am (and waking hours are 7-8)


    You need to either change your hours at work or just deal with it.


    Change your work hours because you can't play? Seriously?

  9. OP obviously failed to realize that PvP stat isn't to give pvpers an advantage over PvErs or raiders.


    PvP stat is created so that PvPers do not skip dungeons using pvp gear. It is why there is no pvp stat in mmo pvp centric games like warhammer, daoc, and so on. Lastly, Blizzard doesn't have a problem giving the BiS(Best In Slot) Gear to the raiders. It is clearly shown with the best trinket and weapon being dropped in raid boss rather than being given in arena.


    This is a PvE centric game which is why there is a pvp stat. They calculate the amount of stat that players need to survive dungeons first before creating pvp gear with pvp stat which is why there is a huge gear gap because there needs to be a huge gear gap in PvE dungeon crawling.



    and to think how much better would be to reverse this stat: put it on pvp gear but make it so the more of it - the worse it is in pve environment

  10. Yes this is true, but when you have a lot on your plate, the more people you have the faster it gets completed.


    Perhaps when you are digging holes then more people == more holes dug or existing holes dug deeper.



    However software development is more complex. If you have someone tracking a bug, you can't just throw more people (especially those who are clueless about the existing code) and expect things to go faster.

  11. You know what opportunity cost means ?


    i've heard about it before, but i wasn't taught about it in school if that's what you're asking


    so i might be wrong here, but i think that opportunity cost could apply here only if you knew beforehand that spending time on getting to lvl50 would grant you the reward (instead of playing with alts, never reaching 50)



    You should just ask if he studied economics first...saves you the trouble.


    i studied computer science, so i know my way around google if i need to :-)

  12. If they decided to change the conditions to be based on duration, they wouldn't qualify anymore would they?


    Gain implies positive benefit. No gain means no positive benefit. If you lose something, there's no positive benefit is there? Therefore, losing something can also qualify as not gaining anything.


    No gains - true.

    Losing - true.



    so everytime a person that is not you wins in a national lottery you are losing? (because you did not win it, regardless if you participated or not)


    if the money was taken from you then i would agree that you are losing, but if your status does not change - you are not losing and not winning...

  13. First of all, thanks BioWare :-)



    Second of all, they had to pick some segregation criteria, obviously they wouldn't be able to grant free month to everyone as they at least would like to break even on that month (server costs, labor cost, etc).


    And no matter how they pick the criteria, there will always be someone that barely managed to match it and lots of people who almost matched it and they will gonna cry.


    You can't please everyone this way, unless you please everyone (which they can't/should't do).



    I'm an altoholic, but I usually ding my first character to max and then play with alts (already got second char to 50 as well). And I wasn't even skipping content/dialogues the first time.



    It's easy for me to say it (as I qualify) but don't cry, envy others but instead rejoice that they've got it. Maybe in the future you will get something too.



    BioWare surely skimps through this topic and I bet they wouldn't not be happy reading all those complaints after they just gave the community a nice gift.

  14. i think this only affects low population server


    my server has healthy population and i haven't seen a warzone shutdown due to players leaving


    that means it should not affect me now



    however if for some reason people start leaving warzone - this won't affect me either as i will just leave that warzone as well and it will eventually be 0 vs 8 (sucks for those 8 if they want to play, but at least they get a win)

  15. 1. I'm an operative , so I can burst very well. Allowing me to surprise burst down a healer to about half way, flash grenade the other one, kick the original one, interrupt a heal... and finish the burst kill.


    2. Some healers tend to get over confident and dps me more than they should. Especially when I get down under 50%, I'm able to slowing kill the healer the first portion of his health bar. When a healer sees his health at 60-70% and mine at 30-40%, he tries to kill me. That's when I unload my burst, while keeping the 2nd healer CC'd.


    this strategy might work on bots or some really bad players.


    you're telling that you will flash grenade one, kick the other one... but you're saying it as if they would let you do that.


    you burst one down and the second will wait for your flash grenade? he will stun you, put some bubble, vanish hmself or maybe something else; and if you are stunning someone - they might break out of stun...



    i'm not saying you've never killed 2 vs 1 (even i did it a couple of times on my scoundrel) but that is not an expected outcome on a general basis

  16. Why do you even pvp then? If the sole purpose of you pvping is to get gear and have a cool title, what are you working for? You will eventually get full top ranked gear and then what will you do? Probably come cry on the forums about having nothing to work for.


    nice, so you are a pvp forum warrior, eh?


    some people like to chase their carrots, who are you to dictate how they should play?


    you are whining about someone else's qqing, what does that make you? :)

  17. I would be 100% fine with this if something was done with server populations and/or cross server queues. Honestly 3/4 of the servers are barely going to be able to do rated pvp matches with 8 people.


    My server is probably going to have to set up times for ranked pvp.


    you're one of those who didn't want to wait in long login queues in the launch week and picked a less crowded server?


    well, now you have long warzone joining queues :)

  18. if a warzone was all healers, no one would die. they would lack the DPS, even when focusing targets, to outheal 8 players at once.


    its not funny if it has to be explained. and the logic was really so simple on this one........


    duh, that's the main reason i would like to watch that warzone...

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