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Posts posted by FoxNemhauser

  1. this is all nice but it does not solve one major problem:


    there is a split between those who like gear progression pvp and those who loathe it.


    my fix for that would be to make two types of queues:


    a) gear based - where your hard earned gear is used

    b) skill based - where everyone has full set of gear of the same tier (for example: champion)



    the only problem would be that in type a) would be populated by battlemaster gear players alone (which to me is fine, but i reckon they would cry that they can't roflstomp ungeared players)

  2. how good are the bots?


    i remember that in quake 1 there were actually quite decent bots for multiplayer - and if you tweaked them they could give you a run for the money.


    i would gladly take a bot with high skill over some random scrub who just started pvping and doesn't know what he is doing :-)

  3. if you are online then you will get two mails (confirmation and later the money)


    if you were logged out and you logged back at the time you would already get the mail with money - you only get that mail with money and not the confirmation



    there is no technical problem, it is done on purpose


    as to why - no idea (i would guess this is some kind of protection against some kind of auction house machinations, but with the current fees and all - i don't see how, so maybe it's no longer possible to play the AH)

  4. Why would anyone bother to NS/heal spam since the patch? You only need 4 medals for max valor...


    You shouldn't be blasting the Sages, instead you should be yelling at people being stupid enough not to pay attention in a warzone.


    so that would be 1k defence, 3k defence, 2.5h heal and 75k total heal?


    i think they are doing that so they get the MVP votes as well (and that's what OP is hinting at)

  5. getting those titles should be grand, for example:


    1. you queue for a "battlemaster title" warzone and you get into a room with 16 people

    2. game picks 8 pairs that duel with each other

    3. those who win are matched with other winners (so it's like playoffs)

    4. at the end there is only one winner and he gets the battle master title (the others get some valor and warzone commendations only)


    there would have to be also a version where you can queue as a duo, and the best duo gets the battlemaster title (so a healer can actually get the title too, without the need of respeccing to dps)




    and of course if you get your battlemaster title - you can queue only for the next tier title (and this whole system would start from the bottom, which is duelist i believe? and in case the queues take too long - it could be scaled to 8 players instead of 16)

  6. in theory it seems like a nice idea but honestly- it would become boring and stale very fast


    most interesting warzones are those that are decided in last moments and you tend to remember them for longer than the next queue pop-up


    you can't have that in team deathmatch.




    however the current system is far from perfect.. it is team based but if you are not in organized group - you are sith out of luck.


    this has to happen:


    1) in game voice chat for operations (with the mute functionality of course)

    2) map pinging/pointing/drawing (with the clear/ignore functionality of coursre)


    3) better matchmaking (so the balance of classes on opposing sides is kept) but that would require going cross-server which is a big no-no for many people

  7. 1) since last patch on tuesday every medal gives you 500 valor and 10 warzone commendation but there is a limit and only first four medals count (because some classes can easily get 10-12 medals while other classes struggle to get their 4th or 5th)


    those you can get yourself by doing specific things (killing 10 players earns you a medal, landing a killing blow gets you a medal, defending a tower in alderaan for some time gives you a medal and so on)




    2) after a warzone ends you can vote for someone (and then you will be able to see who got how many votes)


    each vote on you will grant 50 valor and 1 warzone commendation.


    they are supposed to mean MVP but i'm not exactly sure if the person with most votes gets something on top of that






    medals are a way of "local progression" - showing how "good" you're doing in a given warzone


    unfortunatelly this does not translate to how good you are doing as a team since most of those medals detract you from actually doing the warzone objectives (for example: to get a solo kill you must go away from your turret/door; people who want the killing blow medal will use their hard hitting abilities to make sure they get it but instead they should use some less hitting ability and use the hard hitter on someone with more health)

  8. BW planned battlemaster title to mean something.


    They planned but it really didn't work.


    I'm not yet a battlemaster (dinged 50 on my pvp alt two days ago) but I've already killed a dozen of battle masters and war heroes.


    Hell, I even got a solo kill (assassin) medal on a War Hero. After such incident he should have changed his the title to War Loser :-)



    So, you want to roflstomp oposition that have wirtually no chance of fighting back and be rewarded with BM title? It is not how it should work probably.


    Title is just title, you can't throw your title at your opponents and expect them to die from that.


    Nobody here wants to wear battlemaster gear at lvl40, we just want the valor to not be capped so as soon as we ding 50 - we can start working towards the battlemaster gear if our valor rank permits that.




    So, why they capped Valor? Because you shouldnt be battlemaster or war hero thanks to being lev 40+ in 10-49 bracket. You would get those titles for fighting mostly palyers that have no chance against you. Bolster or not, lev 10-30 has virtually no chances against similary geared lev 40-49 (and contrary to popular opinion, gear matter A LOT in 10-49 BECAUSE of bolster mechanic).


    In my opinion the title should either come from getting whole set of battlemaster (or at least the main parts + main hand weapon) or by killing X number of people that have champion (or above) rank (and X being in a range of 1000 or even 5000 if not more)


    Getting to rank 60 is not feat - now or in the past, you just have to grind some warzones/ilum and that's it. (that's also a reason i'm not wearing any pvp oriented title because the mean nothing... the hardmodes/operation titles at least mean that you did some harder pve content)

  9. **** here is a Hint for all the map reading inpaired people when u look at the map North is always at the top of the map doesnt matter what side u are on North is at the TOP


    and here is a little saying that my 6 year old does so he doesnt forget when he looks at a map


    Never Eat Soggy Wheaties


    funny how you are so sure that "north is always at the top of the map"


    please tell me is north really at the top of this map? (if you are not sure, there is also a compass on that map)




    or this:





    here is some more trivia:


    "The orientation of a map is the relationship between the directions on the map and the corresponding compass directions in reality. The word "orient" is derived from Latin oriens, meaning East. In the Middle Ages many maps, including the T and O maps, were drawn with East at the top (meaning that the direction "up" on the map corresponds to East on the compass). Today, the most common – but far from universal – cartographic convention is that North is at the top of a map. Several kinds of maps are often traditionally not oriented with North at the top"



    somehow "north is always at the top of the map" is not so true :-)


    can you share more of your wisdom? perhaps "sky is always blue" ?

  10. Chance and ratio are not the same thing.


    If I flip a coin twice and it lands heads both times it does not mean it's a 100% chance to land as heads. You can't retro-actively work it out, especially on such a small scale.


    Having a 100% chance to get a token and all prices multiplied by 4 is not even remotely "the same" overall. It's completely different.


    of course they are not the same thing...


    but my solution was that so two people who open 40 bags each would have exactly the same number of battlemaster tokens.


    with random - it will be, duh, random...


    my solution promotes steady progression


    but you seem to prefer frustration of not getting the tokens.

  11. Buy a level 46 weapon. Take the Expertise mod out. Rinse and repeat until you think you have enough. You can shove them in some level 50 gear to make being a new 50 less of a pain.


    that's actually poor man's idea


    i had full moddable set at 45 with all purple armorings/mods/enhancements


    i performed a lot better than my friend who took the time and wasted commendations on those expertise enhancements



    and even now - as a fresh lvl50, i'm planning on skipping the main centurion set as my full purple lvl50 upgrades are way better because i picked the mods that i needed for my playstyle (i don't need alacricity and accuracy as much as i need crit/power/surge)

  12. You can only have one BM bag in your inventory so try again. You can have one Champ bag in your inventory prior to 50. I don't think you can buy 5 champs bags and then open them...I could be wrong there.


    with the introduction of champion commendations people had hopes that those could be bought before reaching level 50, unfortunatelly you can't


    the main issue here is that a lot of valor and warzone commendations goes to waste


    after you get your champion bag and the 1000/1000, and lvl40 sets for yourself and all your companions and then the lvl46 weapons - the only thing that you can get are the pvp consumables


    thanks for that, i've got 4 stacks of 15% expertise and 4 stacks of 35% heal, they would be of use to me if they did not share cooldown with biochem usables...


    give something useful to buy us with those commendations while you level and wasting commendations won't be an issue (only the valor cap)

  13. not this thread again :-)


    we could use west/east if we knew where north or south is, which we DO NOT KNOW but only assume so based on how the minimap is oriented


    this being a game and not a real life - i'm perfectly fine with this flawed assumption.




    however the snow/grass is what really bothers me.


    why? because people are inventing some names when the real names are already in the game!








    i'm also fine with left/right for republic on alderaan as left speeder = left turret on the map = left turret icon = left turning point from the spawn... i don't play imperial so i don't care for them, actually i enjoy their confusion :p)


    but i'm not fine with left/right on voidstar. in alderaan your left is left for the whole warzone, but in voidstar your left gate in attacking phase is different than the left gate in defending phase

  14. It is to prevent people from hitting BM while leveling which would be kinda stupid if it were allowed.


    "would be kinda stupid" is kinda stupid response, to be honest :-)


    can you tell me what is so stupid about it?


    it's not like he gets the valor for free, he plays the warzones so he should get the valor



    and maybe you didn't see my whole post: he would still need to get to battlemaster rank in order to use the gear, obviously

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