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Posts posted by FoxNemhauser

  1. So, today I had two weird Voidstar matches and I would like to understand what the winning conditions actually are.



    Match #1


    we start as defenders, we lose the first round with 1 minute on the clock

    in the second round we had to get a better time which we did - with 10 seconds still on the clock


    but when we get the scoreboard - it's a defeat. what gives??



    Match #2


    we start as attackers, we manage to put a bomb on first door but it gets defused. that's our whole progress

    second round - we make a perfect defense - not a single bomb planted


    the score was 0:0 and we had a defeat.



    is our defeat their victory? or is it just a bad way to present a tie and they also had the defeat screen? if so then i could understand match #2 but isn't match #1 a bug?

  2. So, when they all get to valor 60+ and get the best pvp gear - what happens next?


    Somehow I doubt they would be pvping in the open world because if they liked/loved that then this thing from the movie would not happen.


    I guess they will be standing on the rep/imp fleet - looking at their shiny gear and whining that there is nothing fun to do.



    There was no faction mentality in any of those guys and girls from that video. If you see your enemy then you should try to kill him and not talk him into killing you and your buddies in exchange for doing the same to them.

  3. It's a known fact that some people work the evening or night shift.


    and those people would be wise to roll on the server across the ocean :)


    i'm sorry but the split between 1-49 and 50 was a good move (and an even better move would be splitting between fresh lvl50 and geared up lvl50 later on when we get way more max level players)

  4. I've learned not to care about medals otherwise it would frustrate me :)


    My lowbie scoundrel can easily get


    - 2.5k hit

    - over 200k total damage (regardless of win/loss)

    - over 25 kills


    and sometimes gets the 5k hit


    while my main sentinel has to work hard to get


    - 2.5k hit

    - 75k total damage (unless we are winning, then sure)

    - 25 kills


    and has never seen 5k hit


    none of my chars is geared properly yet (understandable for scoundrel, he is only lvl15~, my sentinel just dinged 50 so the gear race just started for him)




    anyways, what i've noticed is that people focus on those medals too much which hurts the warzones a little:


    - people blewing their heavy hitting skills on low-health enemies just to be sure that THEY are the ones to get the killing blow


    - people camping for the defence bonuses instead of helping elsewhere


    and so on.

  5. Or Bioware can put some thought into their design choices.


    so what is your solution for not having a lot of people during night times?



    make a 1-1 warzone so you can play with the other maniac from the opposing side?

  6. Thanks for ruining pvp for my 50.

    endless *********** queue at night.


    that one is actually funny :-)


    it's a known fact that most people do sleep during night time


    if you want to play at night, maybe you should have a character on the other server (if you are from USA - make Europe character, and vice-versa)

  7. I see only one solution:


    you queue for a transport to a new planet (solo or as a group/operation) that is cross-server.


    It would have the same limit of players for both factions (for example: 100 rep and 100 imp) and if that limit is reached - a new layer of instance is spawned (till it gets filled and so on).


    The priority is to fill the existing instances first (so if someone leaves - the opened spot will be filled first before opening new instance).


    When you are already there - you can play there, but you can also queue for switching to another existing layer (so groups [guilds most likely] bigger than operation size would eventually end up on the same layer).



    There is one problem with it. If you have 50k republic players wanting to play on that pvp planet and 300k on the imperial side then only 50k of those imperials would be able to play. (well, that would be the best incentive to roll the underdog faction, wouldn't it?)



    As for the actual content of that pvp planet - no idea, but as long as you have even number of players - you have a good starting ground

  8. Gratz on 50


    I dinged 50 too, a day earlier in fact but had no time to see the ilum dailies in the old format.


    Yesterday was my first trip to that place and what I saw made me laugh (i'm republic btw).



    At least the daily was easy to do - almost every time I clicked respawn at medcenter a turret would kill some empire player and that would count for my daily/weekly. After gettting "30" kills I just queued for WF.



    Developers have a pretty sick idea of pvp, you have to grant them that :-)

  9. I have a simple solution: add a setting to show original gear instead of costumes.


    Then all those that don't like the idea of appearance tab would have that option selected and would see every other player in his/hers original gear and not the costume.


    Those who care about the looks - would be able to customize it freely and those who don't like it - would not be forced to see it.


    Win - win?


    I should never be told how I should enjoy my game.




    LotrO does this perfectly - you have two free costume slots (up to eight if you unlock them) and you can put in it any gear that you can wear, any gear that you've acquired (instances, raids, barters) or any that your alts did (due to shared wardrobe stash).


    On top of that you can dye most of those items and there are like twenty colors to pick from.


    As a result people look stunning (there are even fashion contests).




    Here? My prediction is that after some time most max level people will be using either pvp gear or raid pve gear (or a combination of it), therefore people will look similar.


    Next expansion comes and after some time almost nobody will look like that, but they will still be looking similar to each other (new max lvl pvp gear / pve raid gear).


    What is it? Clone wars ?



    P.S. To those that don't want appearance tab, how is this hurting crafing, exactly?

  10. The choices DO matter because the STORY matters, and I have an interest in how it turns out.


    But those aren't choices, just illusions of choices.


    Yes, you can pick light or dark version in some quests and you get a different response/reaction but in the end both lead to the same outcome.


    You can decide about fate of some characters, but in all cases so far - you are deciding the fate of characters that you won't face again, so the different choices have no meaning.



    The class quest line should be branching out based on your choices but instead it's linear. So, what those choices exactly did do, only gave you more light/dark points for your character?





    and to the main topic, i think that the OP wants to do in the "end game" something that he hasn't done in any MMO yet, something fresh


    i can't blame him for wanting that

  11. Why? You can strafe with A/D if youre holding RMB anyway. Unless youre the keyboard turning type (i dont hope so) its perfect that way imo


    i turn my character with my mouse exclusively, that's why i would never use a/d to do it


    if i had to use RMB to strafe then i would not be able to use my mouse for any other function while strafing (so: no clicking on any slot in my skillbars, no inventory management while runningn and so on...)


    in my normal play the turn left/turn right is not used at all. (and turning that way is too slow)




    p.s. i've just checked the settings, turn left/right is still bound to arrows so i could use that for the colocoid if needed

  12. You don't have to play exclusively for warzones in order to end up playing a lot of warzones at 50. Most of the other things available for 50s to do on demand are tedious and far less efficient at producing quality gear than warzones.


    10 commendations per day, when upgrades cost 100+ commendations? It'd take something like 24 hours of playing time, spread over 10-12 real life days to get one piece - and that piece isn't a massive upgrade, just typical next tier gear.


    On the other hand, 3 successful warzones a day for 4 real life days is likely to result in at least two similar upgrades for PvE. And yes, that gear also has Expertise on it, improving PvP as well.


    A 50 can craft - except that the companion system doesn't require much player time spent crafting. Even a casual crafter probably hit 400 skill before making it to level 50. They can grind reverse engineering - but the companion system means the only time spent is clicking 15-20 times every 30-60 minutes.


    The PvP daily/weekly on Ilum is quite efficient when available, but it requires the other faction to have come in and taken objectives of their own before you can capture them back. If the other faction just doesn't bother, it's possible to spend hours unable to progress the quest as your faction controls all the objectives. This is being adjusted in 1.1, so hopefully will be better.


    The hard mode flashpoint difficulty is set assuming at least some 50+ gear ... and by far the best way to get that gear is warzones. They are also multiple hour commits, which is good for the weekend - not so great other times.


    I'll put it to you this way. I have never PvP'd in an MMO - ever - before hitting 50 on SWTOR. Now it's about 75% of my time. It's not because I want to faceroll people, it's because I've upgraded 5 gear slots to post-50 purples in 4 days.



    Well, I can only reply with this - I've played once already with the gear grind in mind and I say to myself now - never again.


    I'm now playing for the fun of playing and not because I need certain amount of badges/tokes/commendations for my next epic piece of gear (that will be made useless in the next big update anyway).


    If I get some commendations while playing my way - great - but I'm not gonna make it a second work :)


    But I do understand where you are coming from (as I was on the same mindset once) with this.

  13. you picked a bad word


    hardcore - unswervingly committed; uncompromising; dedicated



    what you wanted to use is most likely: min-max


    personally i do not care for addons, if someone ever said to me that i need to improve my rotation to maximize dps or get a gear piece that is 0.5-1% better than what i'm having i would gladly put that person on ignore list and move on.

  14. Voice acting the root of RPGs?


    I lolled.


    you missed his point


    STORY is the root of RPGs, and what voice acting does is make it more accessible.



    I, for one, have never bothered reading two pages of the text that NPCs throw at me, but I do read/listen to the couple lines of dialogue and even though the quest itself might be boring (kill ten rats) the visible attitude to the quest made by my character makes up for it in some way.

  15. The voice acting is worth it; even though I do not listen to every quest I like that I have an ability to do so if I'm in the mood.


    I listen to all the class quests and the main planet storyline or to the voiced character that seems interesting enough.



    However I spacebarl all the droid and alien language stuff - if they won't bother to talk to me I won't bother listening (or rather, reading) :-)



    But I regret that they did not remove 10-20-30 quests and just made way more responses to the companions. "Eat lightsaber, jerk" is great, but gets a bit stale after I hear it hundred times over.

  16. The hell I didn't. Just because I'm better at my time online then you are doesn't mean I didn't level that quickly. It's not hard.


    better by what standards?


    i could imagine storming through the game as a group to max level in those 42 hours (most likely with skipping all that voice acting and not doing the flashpoints on-level) but for the life of me i can't imagine one thing... WHY would you do that.



    you got to the "end game" which you will enjoy till the next big expansion which won't be soon; was it really worth getting there so quick? the journey to the end was not good enough that you could just stop for a moment and enjoy it instead of getting to the next quest hub?


    i'm seeing that kind of attitude more and more, sadly. (just yesterday i asked someone if he would like to kill an elite with me, he asked for which quest it was; i said - no quest, just for fun... and then there was silence)



    i guess if you could get max level (and max gear?) during character creation - you would go for it, right?

  17. I never understood (and still don't) people that play those kind of MMOs (SWTOR, Rift, WoW) exclusively for their warzones/warfronts/battlegrounds.


    i do play those warfronts, of course, and i still enjoy them, but if that was the only activity in the game that i could participate in - i would immediately unsub.


    if you are looking for a purely pvp game why not try LoL/HoN/Dota2? or maybe you are killing time in a big wait for GW2 which will have warzones that actually could be played exclusively (as they will be BALANCED, and there will be no gear/commendation grind attached to them)



    but like i said - i don't understand it, maybe there is something that i'm missing out :-)



    but i do have a solution for you - reroll on a pvp server, you got to max lvl in 42 hours, clearly you could do that again, easily :-)

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