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Posts posted by FoxNemhauser

  1. a lot of people pvp for all the wrong reasons



    1) warzones - mainly to finish their daily/weekly and grab some valor/commendations as a bonus


    2) ilum - kill 30/150 to finish off their daily/weekly. if they stay longer it's mainly for the valor



    it's sad that pvping needs incentive different than the fun of pvping.


    it's just a pure gear grind for many (and then they complain that there is nothing to do... well if you pvped to battlemaster and it was like a work, did you really think that when you get battlemaster - it will suddenly become fun to you?)





    a real pvper would never have a "gentleman agreement" so he could pick up armaments in peace... he would tear up those enemies or died trying

  2. I never understood why people find ganking to be so horrid, and that it "stops them from doing their missions/dailies". Why are you even playing a multiplayer game? Half the fun when going out into a zone, is the chance that you will be jumped by the enemy faction.



    Because most of the time the ganking is performed by a lvl 50 person/people.

    My first open world pvp experience was being ganked by a lvl 50 guy. My second experience was the same.


    I think it was at the end of Aldeeran where I could finally gank and be ganked by people of the same/similar level.


    And ganking rarely stops anyone from doing their dailies as long as you are smart. Gankers want their victims to fight back or run away. If you just stop moving and wait for them to kill you off - they will get bored quite fast.



    Anyways, I like open world pvp, just yesterday me (lvl29) and my friend (also lvl29) were looking near the imperial base on tatooine (oh yeah, we are rep) for victims - there were some in level range of 27-32. Guess what happend after few kills - a bunch of lvl50s came for us :-)



    You actually do have a chance to get out when you've had enough - seeing as how you're getting 12+ stealth time after ressurecting in PvP combat while questing.


    tell that to those lvl50 stealthers that wait for you to respawn and then kill you again :-)




    And yeah, GW2 is overhyped - I'm steering clear as I love Open World PvP.


    i think the idea of open world in GW2 is much better than in any other game that is 2-faction based


    granted, the open area will be limited but it won't be a small one (it will be bigger than ilum/belsavis-lvl50 combined, which is where lvl50s should pvp in the open world)

  3. I've heard so much about how Angral was a tough one but I managed to interrupt his skills and the whole fight was a piece of cake (as a sentinel).



    With the Emperor one must remember that interrupting his cast during the third wave is paramount, he can one shot you even if you are full health.

  4. (e.g. Apprentice Loell, Sabotage the Gormak, Marcovic, Valis, etc) Bosses like this need to be "toned down" a little so that it is possible to continue and complete quest at its specified level.



    I would only agree with the "Apprentice Loell" but since it's not in the class quest line I won't.

    If I recall correctly it's not even a normal quest, it's just a bonus stage from a quest.


    Nothing bad will happen if you skip that boss, you will lose a small amount of experience and credits, that is all.


    I'm glad that there are bosses that require something more than just pressing random attack buttons. You might also need to have better gear and/or switch to a different companion.


    I duo'ed that quest, not because it was hard but someone was near that boss waiting for help. I'm not sure if I could solo it but I know that my friend who plays a tank did.




    I also remember the "Sabotage the Gormak", I did it with a healing companion, I think I had to pop a med kit too, but overall I did the quest without dying. And again, it's not a class quest so I'm fine with it.



    I had no idea who Marcovic and Valis were so I googled/youtubed them - I do know that i've soloed them and since I don't recall them then they were not problematic (I guess I could have died, it happened to me before, but I was certainly not wiping on them constantly).




    If I was to nit pick on the difficulty: the jedi knight class quest on Hoth, the one that has entrance around those mini volcanos. When you go inside, there is a gold elite on the left side (after you take the elevator down) and once you start fighting with that elite - another gold elite shows up. I was unable to finish them off, my healer could not handle the damage dealt and I was unable to burn any of those elites fast enough, even when I was a couple levels above them. Fortunatelly they were not on the way to the main quest so I eventually skipped them. I tried it with Kira but to no avail and my t7 was not geared so I did not bother with him. A tank was probably needed there (main or companion). I was still fine with them being there.





    One more thing - what kind of quality is your gear? Since early 15 I always made sure to wear at least blue on level gear (there were lots of purples on the way) - for myself and for the companions I played with (kira/doc).


    I'm asking that because I saw some players dying frequently and after inspecting their gear - I always knew why - they were wearing green gear that was couple levels behinds, sometimes even without relics/implants.

  5. This is not going to be fun, since we're all quest completionists. We are possibly going to be questing on planets that went grey before we even arrived, if this keeps up. Whee. It's no fun when it's absolutely zero challenge, and it's going to be near zero challenge for much of our leveling, it seems.



    those quests have minimal challenge when you DUO them on level, so with four people they are around zero challenge, just saying :)



    if you want a challenge i would suggest doing only the main story quests for every person from your group and skip all the normal ones; you should be underleveled so those class quests will be challenging for the four of you (and if they become too challenging, you could always finish a couple of normal quests, but try to stay under level of the quests you are doing)


    it's not idea, but right now there is no other option to keep it challenging (and even with the "stop exp" button you would still need to keep yourself under level if you want to have a challenge as a full group, except the heroic quests)

  6. How does tuning numbers to balance pvp, have a 'negative effect' on pve?


    You have zero damage meters, and no combat log. Your energy management effectively stays the same.



    Without access to a combat log, any and all arguments of this nature are invalid.



    it's really simple...


    having a stun on a monster in PVE that lasts 60 seconds is completely fine, having a stun on an enemy compation that lasts 60 seconds is quite frankly ridiculous.



    other example - rakata biochem goodies were OK for pve, but were seriously OP for pvp... what was the result? nerf of those goodies for PVP and PVE (and the nerf was only needed for PVE).




    just look at those two different mentalities:


    LotrO is mostly a PvE game (well, there is some dueling and the monsterplay but the main content is pve) and when some character is buffed then people playing other characters would say: "cool, you are more efficient now, this helps our fellowship/raid a lot"


    but in games where pvp is heavy (rift, wow, swtor) people just scream "nerf the other classes!!!"

  7. One more Suggestion that I just thought of for PVP


    Allow only top 5 to get MVP. I know it sounds alittle unfair. But coming from where I see often. Alot of bad players get voted over good players. Like one I saw this morning. 3 votes for being 1-15? And all he would do is run in, no gear and type a dance emote with them. I'm more confused why people vote that way, or why he did it frankly!


    if you go as a group, then you will (usually) give a vote to someone from that group instead of someone who actually contributed most to the win


    which brings to another issue: medals, this is the criteria of being in the top or at the bottom, which quite frankly does not translate well to the win contribution



    i get votes for mvp when i'm playing for medals (crit heals and 75k medal for healing done? ok, now switching to dps) and i do not get votes when i try to win the match [capping a point with score 15:15 should win you at least one vote, right? or planting 3 bombs and downloading the data very fast should win you some votes as well, right? well it ain't unless you've dealt tons of damage, had nice crits, killed lots of folk and assasinated someone as well....]

  8. It doesn't take long to get to 50 (especially if you done it once already) but apart from the class quests (assuming you would pick different class but the same side) the quests are quite frankly not repetition friendly.


    As for the main issue, it's not the servers, it's the client - the engine can't handle lots of people in your vicinity (rep/imp stations or ilum are clear examples).


    Even if you had merged multiple servers you will just get more instances and the worlds will still feel empty. I've seen 60 people on tatooine and it was already split between two instances. Adding twice as many people would just most likely double the amount of instances.

  9. some people pvp from lvl10 to lvl50 exclusively and therefore have a big valor rank


    some start pvping at lvl50 therefore their valor is non existent (my alt that i play from time to time has more valor than lot's of 50's on the republic side).


    so that is a bad value for bracketing


    the other one would be gear (expertise rating) but the algorithm would need to check how many different armor slot items a user has (and can wear) otherwise people would cheat by going into WZ with pve gear and then switching to pvp gear - overall, too much trouble?

  10. i welcome any change that solves this annoyance


    i've seen some other nice suggestions how to solve it:


    1) drop the orbital stations entirely (so it would be starport -> ship -> starport)


    2) add an one hour cooldown teleport from current location to any starport (it would be impliet that your ship picks you up from current location)

  11. from what you describe it looks like someone has an alt parked on a chest and checks it from time to time.


    so, don't assume maphack if you are not sure.



    actually i'm surprised that very few people park their characters on a chest while doing multiple warzones... it's a nice bonus money in between the warzones.





    i agree that some chests could be randomly placed but some are guarded by a pack of mobs - that would require moving the mobs along with the chest which is not ideal

  12. Has anyone played the whole game as a duo, trio or full party and clicked though all the conversations together?


    Just wondering if you can get to max social doing so (i would assume that would be true, but i've rarely groupped while questing and as a result I was at social ~400).




    But I agree, that the socials should be reworked, especially the finishing of quests and handing them over.


    There should be some bonus social reward the moment you complete the quest together (or when you help your mate with his bonus, right now you are getting the additional experience when he finishes the bonus [that you've already done or are not eligible for] so why not give some socials as well?)


    The same with flashpoints/operations - almost everytime people get those quests on their own and also return on their own. Finishing FP/OPS should grant you some socials.

  13. The feature to stop gaining experience could be a good one.



    However the amount of quests and the exp rewards are perfectly fine now. It's just that there are too many quests and if you do all of them then you will get ahead in levels.


    But do you really need to do all of them?



    Just remember that with future expansions there might be some new planets for low levels so people can have more variery during their Nth alt character. Doesn't mean you will need to do all the quests - it just means you have an option to do some and skip others.




    But, I think a better solution to "stop xp" would be to "stop xp from quests that are lower level than me" - that would keep you on-level and you would be able to enjoy all the content and don't worry if you are getting exp or not, as you would be getting it when needed.

  14. 2 guaranteed pieces per week with a chance at more imo. That still takes 2 months to gear out.


    You mean the centurion pieces that you could get with centurion tokens?


    That would be fine if you could rollback all the random gear that dropped from the bags but somehow I doubt that this would make people happy.


    The damage is done - there are too many people running with champion sets and they will be running for quite some time while new people will be waiting 2 months to get geared in crappy centurion sets.




    A solution to this would be making the current gear easier to get and make the next tier in a proper way.

  15. BW's point is that you should NOT be relying on the possibility of random gear to gear yourself.


    So the newcomers will be running in centurion gear till valor60 (and then for some more till they start getting the champion pieces) ?


    I'm ok with making the gear progression not random, but their change breaks more than it fixes.



    I was almost full champion set, except the weapons, at valor level 30. Without the randomness I would need to wait another 30 valor levels for it. New people will actually need to do that. Me and many others didn't, how is that fair to the new guys?



    This is what they should do: remove the randomness from the upcoming tiers. If they want to remove randomness from the existing tiers then they should make it accessible easier instead of harder.

  16. The problem was with randomness, not with the drop rate. And your solution is to decrease the droprate, makes sense... not.


    If you decrease the droprate then at least make it into a generic token so the lucky guy that finally gets it can pick whatever he wants without the fear of getting a duplicate.

  17. devs are playing imperial side so they don't even notice that half of their 20 wins did not count each day...



    seriously, if you're on the side that is losing mostly on your server then it really breaks the spirit when you finally win and it does not count towards the daily/weekly

  18. for some reason the ones who defend last always win, even if the losing team may have busted down the same number of doors faster than the winners.


    we defended last but we still lost so that might not be the case


    someone above stated that most kills win in that case, unfortunatelly i have no screenshot so i can't verify if that was the case here (it seemed to me that we were dropping them like crazy in our defense round)

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