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Everything posted by Rooks_THX

  1. If the costs aren't this high, how will the gold farmers feed their families? They work hard all day spamming fleet and mail with advertisements, and you want to shut down their markets. Won't you please think of the little gold farmer children?
  2. As people said, all this will do is make people leave PvP. The only people playing will be the few hardcore, and that isn't enough to justify any significant amount of resoured being invested by the devs in PvP. So PvP stagnates, gets shoved off into the corner and then the hardcore complain "there's no PvP". People wion't play just to get crushed over and over with no chance of ever gearing up. If there aren't significant rewards for simply showing up and trying, people will just stop whowing up and trying, and PvP will be dead.
  3. They're not doing it to retain subscribers. They're doing it to pad the numbers for the shareholders report. They know the ship is sinking, and instead of actually trying to fix it, they're telling the passengers everything is fine, just to remain in their cabins, while the captain and crew run for the lifeboats.
  4. They're putting all the removed speeders and the Whie Lightsaber crystals back in at 1/2 price for Sith players because Sith are more loyal customers than Republic players.
  5. Those businesses are rewarding people that spend money. We all pay the same amount regardless of play time. Why should someone taht spent the time in-game leveling ONE character be rewarded more than someone that paid the same, just leveled more characters, leveled slowly, was RPing, was socializing, etc.? Oh, right they shouldn't, because in many cases they may have actually spent LESS money on the game than someone who isn't getting rewarded.
  6. False analogy. They did not tell anyone beforehand that there would be a special reward for getting to 50 within a certain amount of time. It's complete bull that some players are denied a reward when they had no advance notice that there would be a reward like this. I guarantee that if this reward were given out to only Sith or Republic players, all of the smug responses like this from people that only played the side not getting rewarded would disappear. and I'll emphasize again: For anyone upset about this, the ONLY message that BW will listen to is to cancel. It doesn't mean you won't get to play, it doesn't mean you will lose your characters. If you're upset enough to post about it, it's only another few mouse clicks to send a message that they will actually listen to.
  7. Yes, and when you have those numbers, I'm sure you'll do your best to put a positive spin on them. I've been a supporter of the game and was generally positive about it until this latest fiasco, and now I've moved to the other side of the fence. The funny thing is, a lot of the issues don't even affect me personally. But I'm not the type of person that sits around and says "I got mine, too bad for you." Unfortunately too many people on these forums are exactly like that, and anyone that doesn't support BW 100% is labeled "Entitled" or a "whiner". Anyhow, none of this matters anyhow. The only thing that does is clicking the "Unsubscribe" button, which I've already done (After posting yesterday about how I intended to sub for at least a year)
  8. Again, the problem with people saying "you could have made it to 50" are missing the point. The point is, that there's a completely random reward being given out based on criteria that people didn't know about. It's about as fair as saying "Everyone that made a name starting with the letter J gets a free month, and no, you can't make one now and get the free month, too late!" It's arbitrary, capricious and treats a large segment of the player base as if they are worthless.
  9. Basic economics? Every business is out to maximize profits. They also don't have unlimited capital. So they need to put their capital towards projects that will make them the most amount of money. When you spend big, you're expected to earn big. Two different scenarios: Person A spends 1000 dollars ofthe company's money and make 100,000 in profit. Person B spends 10,000 dollars of the company's money and makes 200,000 in profit. Person B clearly made more money...but Person A is going to be the next VP with a corner office, because he knows how to maximize investments and turn a little into a lot. Business isn't about making money...it's about making profit. Projects can make money and still be deemed failures, because the opportunity cost is simply too high...and the more you spend, the higher that opportunity cost is. There's a reason they're giving away free time, trials and basically scrambling like they're being shot at right now in spite of the fact that the game is clearly making money. It's because it isn't making enough money. Expectations were extremely high for this game...not just from the fans, but from the suits and investors. People were sitting around really believing that the game would burst out of the gate and be right up there with WoW. It's not, and the pressure to get it there must be enormous. Additionally, there's the LA factor to consider. Given the huge debacle that was SWG from start to finish, LA was really looking at this game to wipe away the stink from that failure...but instead, it's only further contributing to the perception that SW games are just not that good. LA wanted a home run here, and what they got was a ground ball to second. All in all, there really can't be any doubt that the higher ups and investors are not satisfied with the current state of the game's profits. And it doesn't seem like marketing or the devs can get their acts together in a way that's going to offer them any relief whatsoever.
  10. They're doing it to pad their sub numbers which they have to release to their investors. So when they release the sub numbers and they're still at 1.7 million and the fanboys start crowing, you can remind them that maybe half of those are free months for 50s. I'm sure when they next time to release sub numbers comes around, they'll come up with some other scam to pad them and hide the fact that they've probably dropped under a million subs.
  11. They didn't spend hundreds of millions of dollars to be a distant second. They didn't take one one of the most respected names in gaming and one of the world's most popular IPs to do "Ok". Businesses are out to make the MOST money off of their investments, not just turn a minimal profit. You can be sure right now that heads are rolling at the corporate offices, not because the game isn't making a profit, but because the money used to make the game could have gone to other projects that would have made more money.
  12. Actually the only thing that really matters is unsubbing. If you're upset about this, the only message they will listen to is the one you type in when you unsub. Even if you just do it to send them a message...unsub, type in the reason why, and then resub in a week or two or whatever before your time runs out. Remember, if you unsub you still have access to the game, the forum and nothing will happen to your characters. The only inconvenience will be that you have to click back through a few pages to reactivate your sub. So for those of you that got the message from BW that you are not a valued customer, go ahead and send them a message right back.
  13. The funniest part about this mess is that it really won't keep anyone that was already bored from quitting. That extra month is not going to take someone who was on the edge of quitting and suddenly make them say "WoW BW really values me, I will now stay subbed!" (in b4 fanboi comes in pretending that he did exactly this) However, it already has clearly alienated a large number of people who will quit and never come back. The people that got the free month will quickly forget and soon will be back to "What have you done for me lately" and quitting...the ones that are angry won't forget and will not return, and may avoid future BW products as well.
  14. That may have been true until they angered everyone. 26 Hours ago, I posted a message about how I intended to stay subbed for at least a year. As of this moment I am unsubbed. What changed? BW spit in my face, that's what.
  15. What you fail to understand is that most people do not want to PvP. They dislike it because they're not good at it, they don't get anything from it, so they just don't do it. Before, you would get more people involved in PvP because they got something even if they weren't good at it. They got something just for playing. Now, those people just won't play. Q times will get longer, PvP will have fewer players, and it will get pushed to the side in favor of PvE in terms of Dev time. Things like this hurt PvP far more than they help. All it does it push PvP into the corner for it to be ignored.
  16. The way it was before, people that normally ignore PvP were getting in there and playing, because it wasn't a waste of time. I'm not a PvPer, I'm not going to win much at PvP, but I didn't really mind going and playing some since it was a change of pace and not waste of my time since I got rewarded. All this does is drive people like me away from PvP (well not me specifically since I already cancelled for other reasons) but I forsee Q's getting longer and longer ad the casual person that might have given PvP a shot just drifts away. PvP will end up like it is in every other game...just a niche side-game that most people avoid.
  17. Patch day always spikes population. I've never seen it actually cause any significant retention, pops will return to their normal stabilization point in a few days. And with BW working like mad to anger its player base, expect pops to drop even more.
  18. Because they didn't know there would be a reward, so they just chose to go more slowly. It's not that it would have been difficult...getting to 50 is not an achievement. But having BW suddenly pull this out of its *** and make a tangible reward for it is ridiculous. as another thread said, it's no different than suddenly giving a reward for Empire players or Republic players only. Or a free month for having a female main character, or for doing all the bonus quest lines on each planet. There's no logical connection between the criteria (level 50) and what they say it represents (loyalty). If they were giving this to everyone that has been subbed since release, and there were people that subbed late complaining, then I would agree they are whining. Or if it had been announced a month ago that this would happen. But pulling it out of nowhere like this is BS. And to say it doesn't affect the people that don't get the free time is BS. BW still has to pay its costs...salaries, bandwidth, taxes, etc. Guess who's paying those this month? The people that didn't another to level to 50. That's right...the non-50s are now paying for the 50s game time for a month. It's more than a slap in the face, it's a kick in the balls. And all I can do about it is unsub, so that's what Ive done.
  19. I'm pretty sure I don't want any more BW games at all. I gave them a chance after merging with EA, but as I feared it's turned them from a good company into pretty much garbage. For me, it's back to the smaller dev studios that actually care about the quality of the games they make.
  20. Exactly. They shouldn't be giving away surprise freebies based on choices within the game and leaving others out in the cold. Whether the choice was which side to play, which class, race, gender or how fast you chose to level, it's basically a F-U to everyone that made a different decision.
  21. It would be one thing if they had announced ahead of time. But "surprise! You didn't make it to 50 so you lose out, lolol" is basically what they're doing here. So F them. I'm out.
  22. Nope, just another BW failure. Basically you're stuck with just 3 if you want to save one to scroll between a PvE and PvP bar.
  23. I was cool with PvP before. I'm not really much of a PvPer, but didn't mind helping fill up the Q so others got to play, and IO still got some decent rewards. now I'll ignore it just like I ignore the space game. It doesn't really affect me, since I'm jsut as content to do strictly PvE, but it's just one less person to Q for warzones now, so the only ones who lose out are the ones that can't get the Q to pop since not enough people will be joining. I suppose I'd look at it again if it were returned to how it was, or at least if a system was made so that premades can only fight other premades, but I'm not going to pug into a group of experienced, coordinated PvPers just to lose and get nothing, again, especially since I don't much care for PvP in the first place.
  24. /Unsub Sorry, but clearly BW isn't interested in my business. I'll just move on then.
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