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Everything posted by OklahomaSooner

  1. People saying Mercs can be viable simply using Tracer Missile against competent (LEVEL 50) opponents are the same people who say that Operatives STILL kill them in 3 seconds. Lets get real, seriously.
  2. We don't have that capability. I realize you are still living the past when buff stacking was still allowed and there weren't 50 brackets, but we fixed those problems.
  3. Exactly. The nerf should be as follows. Hidden Strike damage reduced by 20% Jarring strike reduced to 2 seconds knockdown. That is it, nothing else. The vast majority of the QQ about Operatives was from buff stacking, and that is no longer possible.
  4. :rolleyes:No guaiz we must nerf operatives moar he backstab me x4 in 3 seconds.
  5. They are going to release neutral rewards - this is not needed.
  6. Its really as simple as this. Hidden Strike nerf was needed - it was the main proponent of our burst and needed to be toned down. 20% sounds like a good number, but could be overdone. Acid Blade nerf is..entirely nonsensical. I have no idea what Bioware was thinking when they thought this up. This will RUIN us even more in PVE, and it wasn't the the reason people were crying about us in PVP. This should be removed entirely from the notes. The Jarring Strike nerf was on the right track, but too much for this reason. The GCD is 1.5 seconds, and the knockdown would be 1.5 seconds in the patch notes, rendering this talent effectively useless. It needs to be toned down to knockdown for 2 seconds minimum so we can actually get another ability off before we start getting kited and ********* because we have no gap closer. I really do hope Bioware doesn't release the Operative nerf in its current state. Its entirely overdone, and not nearly thought over enough. Buff stacking was removed, Biochem was nerfed slightly, and now we have level 50 brackets.
  7. OklahomaSooner


    Comparing a class of SWTOR to a class in WoW renders your entire argument invalid. Did you forget about all that added utility on your Assassin? How can we do Backstab x3, by the way? You do realize that ability has this thing...its called a cooldown?
  8. OklahomaSooner


    This is the person you are balancing for with the Operative nerf in its current state, Bioware.
  9. OklahomaSooner


    I see a 12 year old Sage who wants his only counter nerfed to oblivion...cry more.
  10. OklahomaSooner


    Never thought I'd see one of these threads...just wow. Hidden Strike nerf was GOOD, 20% is a good number for it. Acid Blade nerf makes NO sense, and should never even been considered. Jarring nerf was on the right track, but it needs to be a 2 second knockdown instead of 1.5 as it is useless in its current nerfed state because the GCD is 1.5. Baddies will continue to whine even if they go through with this entirely over-the-top nerf, that's just how it is.
  11. Please don't take away the delay on Project - its such a unique feature and I love it. The .4 second window means nothing, and only adds flavor to the class.
  12. If the population or win percentage is within 5-10%, its irrelevant.
  13. He is ENTIRELY correct, though. EA did push this game to be released by Christmas time, which was a couple months too early at least. Same thing happened to WAR, except WAR didn't fix it - their game is dead now. Its up to Bioware to fix it now, and I will probably not renew for next month if they haven't fixed the performance issues.
  14. Guys, I heard Onyxia deep breaths way more since last patch... I heard muzzle fluting might the the culprit.
  15. Total ********. I can't believe he made himself look like a complete fool. Acid Blade nerf makes no *********** sense, Jarring is useless at 1.5 - needs to be 2s. Hidden Strike damage nerf is the only one they got right - they went WAY *********** overboard, and I don't need to test it to see that.
  16. I love her because I loved Jack in ME2, and its obvious she is based off of her.
  17. People need to stop saying that the Empire would be fine without the Sith. I openly defy the Sith most of the time unless its one with half a brain that isn't blinded by their silly religion, but lets not act like the Republic would OBLITERATE the Empire without them. Who wins? Empire with just Soldiers, or Republic with Soldiers AND Jedi. Republicans win.
  18. Excellent points, but it looks like Bioware is only really interested in catering to all the whiners and just nerfing Concealment into uselessness.
  19. Tracer Missile needs to be reworked entirely...It just looks idiotic to shoot the imaginary rocket out of the flesh of your back.... I play Pyrotech right now because I can't STAND Tracer Missile spam - I prefer Arsenal overall because of the certain talents and Heatseekers, but Tracer Missile just ruins the whole feel for me.
  20. I love her because I absolutely felt for and related to Jack from Mass Effect 2. I won't go into me personally, but Kaliyo is obviously inspired from Jack and that just makes the whole character for me.
  21. Acid blade nerf is moronic - shouldn't have been done. Hidden Strike nerf was justified and correct. Jarring nerf was on the right track, just too much. Needs to be 2 seconds as a 1.5 second Knockdown that fills resolve makes no sense as the GCD is 1.5. Just sloppy balancing by Bioware to please the whiners, pretty much it.
  22. OklahomaSooner


    The kid is also dyslexic..not a joke, he said it in a different thread. Just move on, nothing to see here.
  23. The people saying that this nerf was correct is just a moron, to be frank. The HS damage nerf was correct - that did too much damage. The Acid Blade nerf from 50% to 30% makes ZERO sense, and just gimps us completely in PVP and PVE. I have no idea what Bioware was thinking. The Jarring nerf was on the right track, but it should be a 2 second knockdown so we can get off that backstab/shiv before they get up - 1.5 seconds is useless due to the GCD being 1.5 seconds. If you aren't blind, you can see this. Operatives were NEVER overpowered, the only thing that needed tweaking was possibly the HS damage. The real problem was Biochem stacking, but people just keep crying and crying.
  24. Not a priority, not a big deal. If you are better than them, you will still win.
  25. How do these people obtain money to purchase this game?
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