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Everything posted by Anvil

  1. Honestly i see posts like this all the time usually not long after a new MMO launches and I boggle at the presumption of the poster what askes if the game in question can be saved. Frankly I do not believe swtor is in need of "saving" as the game is not dying nor is it about to close down, run out of players, or suddenly collapse. We have hit the normal lull that all A grade MMO's experiance after the initial rush of interest settles and the casual players start looking for the next new thing to play. Server merges will arrive, which is also normal and not a bad thing as any MMO of this calibre will have added additional servers to cater for the intiial flood of new players at release. None of this is unexpected, most of us have seen it before and we will see it again. We will see it with all large scale MMO launches as there is an intrinsic number of MMO players who have little or no interest in the IP of the game and will go from MMO to MMO looking to ride the new release thrill over and over again. There are still well in excess of a million subscribers to swtor which in and of itself defines the game as a commercial success. Cartainly the game doesnt need saving. Yes it needs work, yes it needs content, more polish and bug fixes ect.. ect.. but once again this is normal for any MMO. None of this signifies a game in need of saving. It simply indicates that despite the hype pre-release and the size of the project, swtor is still a MMO like other MMO's subject to the same issues that plague all MMO's. So in answer to your question, can SWTOR be saved? I would say no, it isnt in need of saving. Because no matter how many haters, doomsayers or players with a gripe say so the game is very much alive and kicking and there are more than enough lovers of the IP to ensure it remains so for a very long time indeed. For better or worse. Only you can decide.
  2. Well I decided last week to actually try my hand at PvP gameplay, especially now I am on Dalborra PvE Server where the population is high and quite active. Normally i shun PvP and stay strictly PvE. But as i am still enjoying swtor (despite some of it's issues) I thought I would step outside of my comfort zone and have a go. In short i did find the experiance both vexing and exhilerating, vexing in that I had to make the natural mental adjustments to my toons build and my playstyle, which after a day of getting thrashed i did and found my enjoyment increasing as i adapted to the changes in play. It's been a week or so since i dipped my toe in the waters of PvP and I find I am treating PvP in the same way I treat Space missions, I do a few missions each day as a break between leveling my toons via the usual PvE questing. What i have found though is the decided lack of PvP maps is quite dissapointing. I am honestly appauled that some of these hard core PvP players have leveled toons to 50 via PvP. Seriously I would go nuts doing this from the sheer boredom of playing the same scenarios over and over. As a PvE player I pretty much dismiss the complaints of the PvP community, not because i dont care about thier state of play, but because usually it doesnt involve me. My lack of experiance in PvP doesnt really qualify me to wade into thier disscussions and offer my n00b opinion. But having pocked my virtual nose into thier world for the first time this week and seen first hand how little they get from swtor I must say, I feel for them. It hasnt been two weeks and i cringe when huttball loads, im amazed i cant filter the maps i play on and have to cop this random selection of matches that loads. Please BW give a little love to our PvP Brethren, cause they are starving from the lack of choices. I am one PvE player who wont assume that thier complaints are 'irrelivant' any more. They really do have some serious issues with this game and the lack of content. I feel for them. I must add though, with the exception if HuttBall, I have enjoyed the pvp game play, but damned if i could ever make it my main stay. The lack of variety would drive me mad.
  3. Dac (Mon Calamari) as i feel there is a decided lack of Ocean oriented worlds in SWTOR. I desire to see underwater game play and swimming properly implamented into the game. 2nd preferance is for Gamorr, yea i love the swine muhaha...
  4. I must agree, Bioware have promoted the concept of the Legacy system as being a server wide system for your "family" of characters. Making any aspect of legacy unlocks only for a single chatacter goes completely against the whole concept of Legacy.
  5. Thanks Bioware! Logging on last night on Dalborra, being able to sort out all of my character names and have all my toons united on the same server, which is a server based in my own country, where i can play on good ping and enjoy excellent server population is a new and very enjoyable experiance. Going from being one of 2 players on the fleet to one of over two hundred was freaking awesom. Thankyou for facilitating the transfers and providing us Asia Pacific players with real servers. I no longer feel 2nd class. Cheers! I look forward to seeing what the future brings. Anvil Earthshaker.
  6. My Characters transferred to Dalborra either last night or early this morning AU time. Which is great, however be warned folks, if you have to rename any of your toons it's very very easy to get confused by the random alphabetical names the system gives these toons and accidently give your toons the wrong name. Make sure you double check wich one your naming before you press the ok button. Just a heads up. Cheers Anvil.
  7. I agree that it's probably way off before we will see a real expansion, like others i would like to see more content, i would like a level cap increase, 50 is just too low imo, guess im old school, in that regard, max level sghould be 80 ot 100, but it seems most new mmo's go for the 50, i dont know why. But for an expansion i would like to see a significant number of playable non-human races, at least half a dozen, hopefully more, and new playable classes. I doubt we would get the latter, but the races are a must. I am so sick of playing red,green,blue,cyber humans when there are so many non human races in star wars. BW needs to embrace the diversity that is starwars!
  8. Yawn... just another mmo competition excluding a whole bunch of people. I want to see a competition posted here that isnt open to US residents. That would make me smile
  9. Hi, With the Asia Pacific release players in these regions were advised that they would be eligable for free server transfers in April, possibly late April. Okay so i know it's not late April yet. However given that there is demonstrated low populations across numerous servers and the community as a whole is screaming for server transfers, and if BW's announcments are to be trusted then the Asia Pacific players are going to be the first players to have transfers available, a little news on the progress of this would be appreciated. If you think server population is low during US and/or EU times you wanna try playing on a US server during AU times. Last night i was one of three players on Alderaan... I actually saw another player once and had to resist the urge to stalk him cause i was feeling lonley and needed a virtual hug. C'mon now Bioware, I need the emotional support of my virtual comrades, that friendly buff, the occasional ninja, the looney bouncing about the fleet in his new speeder, i never thought i would miss them but I do... So how are we going with those promised transfers for Asia Pacific's? I don't want to jump on the local server and accumulate legacy levels which will only get wiped once my primary characters get transfered over. Can you let us know how things are going? Are you going to implament the transferers before 1.2? Please an update would be nice
  10. One thing that is iconic about the Star Wars universe is the diversity of beings that fill it. Most of us are familiar with the famous scene in the original Star Wars (a new hope) where the camera pans across the Mos Eisly cantina filled with a huge variety of life forms in all shapes and sizes. And this is in a back water cantina on a insignificant planet that is a long way from the centre of the galaxy. So it was with some dissapointment when I first logged into SWTOR to discover the very small number of very similair playable races that we have to choose from. I know I am not the first, and will probably not be the last person to bemoan the complete lack of playable races available in what is an otherwise outstanding game. There are threads posted calling on this race and that, everyone has a favourite it seems. Some obscure, and many so obvious it seems hard to believe they have not been included. I understand some of the technical limitations regarding voice acting, and many other issues that are being bandied about as possible reasons as to why BW hasn't included more 'starting' racial options in the game. However it seems when ever someone corners a developer long enough to ask this question we get some sort of evasive answer or reference to the legecy system. Let me make it clear that much as I applaud many of the inovations the Legacy system claims to make the philosophy surrounding the idea of unlocking a racial option by playing that racial option on an existing character is fundamentally flawed. Yes we can purchase the race eventually, thank goodness. But does this mean that any future expansion of new races not currently available will now be released as part of the legacy system and not as a standard starting race? I hope very much this is not the case. BW when you finally do consider giving us some real racial choices (ie not more psudo-humans) please respect your player base enough to not force them to unlock them when really they should have been in the game from the beginning. Players should not be punished by having to unlock new content that in all fairness should have been in the game at release, they have already demonstrated thier loyalty to your product, they purchased the game and pay a subscription. Likewise, BW need to permit a once only full respec of race and apprearance for all those players who have leveled alt's which for all intents and purposes might have been another race had legacy been in the game from the beginning. Anyway, i am sure you have heard it before, but i felt it needed to be reiterated.
  11. Yes I will keep my subscription up, why? Because it's star wars and it's fun to play.
  12. Additional playable races that are playable from level 1 and NOT unlocked via legacy. That doesn't mean more Humans, Humans with implants, Humans with blindfolds or green/blue skinned humans, but proper races akin to those we regularly interact with as NPC's. So far Bioware have utterly failed to represent the racial diversity of the Star Wars Universe in swtor and it has been my biggest disappointment. I know the issues that are there, but given the proliferation of huttese as a language, subtitles, and voice modulators in both the game and the IP Lore there is no reason why we can not have dozens of races in this game which is how it should be if swtor is going to represent the true Star Wars universe. And forcing players to level one character of a given race to 50, so they can unlock the same race they just leveled, and in all likleyhood may not desire to roll again is not practical. Players want choices, we want the racial choice from the get go, at level one when we are inventing the character we want to take to level 50. Not after the fact. So for me, it's Racial options, swtor needs more racial diversity!
  13. Don't get us all wrong matey, I am very gratefull for the Au servers, but a little forward thinking on behalf of Bioware would not go astray. None of this would have happened in the first place if BW had released here when they did everywhere else, they can release in non english speaking zones in Eu but left us hanging out to dry, now they are doing it again with those players who already bought the game. There is nothing selfish in wanting to be treated decently by the company we are paying to provide a service. I am stoked about the servers, but to make transfers wait till late April is madness. It makes me feel like I am being punished for stepping out of line and getting the game before the official 'late' release.
  14. Here i was logging in to thank BW for giving us Physical servers located here in Australia which I feel is pretty epic of them. But i see we will have to wait till late April for transfers which is a very big change from the week or two we were originally advised. ....sigh.... this is VERY dissapointing, talk about a shambles, do i now consider the charachters ive been leveling and loving to play as nothng more than practice and abandon them, must i now power level a toon to reserve my legacy name? looks like I am going to have to. Seriously Bioware, you knew how many Asia Pacific players you have subscribed, you have that data from our billing information, you knew from the bruhaha that occured when you failed to include is on launch day how many of us were out there, you know from active server populations during our time zones how many of us are active. It's pretty clear that the Asia Pacific players community is supporting your product, that you have implamented local servers is a great step and one you should be congratulated on taking. But then you guys go and undermine all your hard work by making poor decisions like this. It's one step forward and two steps back, every time. Come on fella's your tearing apart the Asia Pacific Community. You side lined us all by not releasing here when you did in other non-english speaking parts of the world, you made it up to us by giving us servers, now your sidelining us again. I shake my head in wonder at whoever made this decision, do they not have any idea about how such things effect us and effect how we feel about the game and you? Or do you just not care? I find it hard to beleive this could be the case given the steps you have taken, somone please change this, or explain why you were not prepared in advance of launch for this? it's not like you didnt know!
  15. If your a PvE player with no interest whatsoever in PvP and your PvE quest line takes you into a PvE area then quite simply the mechanics of the game should give you an option to lock yourself as PvE and NOT ever be flagged for PvP. They can do it in Rift and it works fine, there is no reason why PvE players who are forced to quest in mixed PvE/PvP area's should be tricked into getting flagged for PvP. The mechanic that allows this is just bad coding and it's lazy. If the story arc forces PvE players into shared zones then the game mechanic should give you an option to preserve your PvE status. No If's buts or maybe's about it. PvE players should not have to concern themselves about PvP stuff on a PvE server while pursuing a PvE quest. Get your act together Bioware, if Trion can manage it why can't you?
  16. I am pleased to hear the team is continuing with plans to make new content. I hope this new content doesn't become centered on war-zones flashpoints and endgame content. These things are important of course, but the galaxy should be expanded for everyone not just guilds and pvp. Please don't forget the little groups and duo/solo players in your quest to expand this fabulous game. I'd be happy to see some more playable starting races, the handful we have for each side is very small for such a big galaxy of beings.
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