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Everything posted by Blavatsky

  1. I hate television and i'm too lazy for a more meaningful hobby
  2. is this the philosophy you've adopted as a way to compromise. did someone ask you to log off and raise you children?
  3. Once every 2 weeks or so . Might log in later tonight, mayb
  4. no one mentioned Vanguard? They may have had it first
  5. Try Everquest , its free to play now. If you're 50 and completed the class quest, then you are done here. Gratz you beat the game.
  6. less general chat is a good thing. you are not missing much. Unless you enjoy watching the great unwashed exchange cliches. BW could script zone chat dialogue for each area , say about 8 hours worth all based off chat logs from other games and you Would Not know the difference. It would satisfy your need to observe innane banter. In fact, what most of you are doing in game is reiterating the same dialogue over and over and over. Easiest way to observe this is to pay attention to the repeating patterns of discourse in pvp. I've watched the same conversation in chat occur ad naseum in pvp areas in multiple games ( here , WoW , elsewhere) The average player , most of you , are only capable of so much originality , very little really. Most of what you believe is communication is actually people repeating common cliches based on certain triggers. You are awaiting the appropriate moment to interject your " Derp " comment and so is everyone else. This is the video game discourse you are missing
  7. When their 4th quarter report is released, I predict... That faux analysts will post in video game forums pretending to understand business and economics.
  8. i dont hold any game dear. i know what the subscription fee covers. You are the one who requires some further reason to keep paying. I know what I am paying for , you do not
  9. No one has any Rights The idea of rights pre-supposes the existence of some power structure that ensures you are granted these rights so its given that they arent inherent and its also given that the only rights you have are rights someone else allows. Unless of course God is granting you your rights, certainly he doesnt enforce them. The OPs $15 a month gets him access to the game, nothing else. He's not getting an invite to the next board meeting to review expenditures. Access to the game, nothing more. Dont like it? dont pay
  10. YES YOU benny do not question why YOU spend money. You purchased the game, you agreed to pay the sub fee and now... Months later you begin to wonder and ask. YES you have paid first without asking why and only bothered to wonder why months later.
  11. 2020? What do you imagine will be here in 2020 that resembles the world you know now?
  12. Got a revelation for you. Video Games are not epic.
  13. Decent game , liked the story part. Overall it lasted about 2 months for me. Back to Everquest. swtor will hold the same place in my MMO library that is occupied by Rift, Lotro,WoW. Worth a try and may poke in again every now and then. Ultimately nothing special.
  14. is WoW your only frame of reference.
  15. Look at it this way , in either scenario you have something to complain about. If you knock them off the bridge but dont get XP , you get to complain that you dont get XP. If you knock them off the bridge and receive XP, you get to complain about exploits , easymode leveling blah blah blah. Gratz
  16. try remapping it, i dont use the default tab, and I have no issues. Also , try mapping a new key as cycle nearest player character . See if that key gives you different results.
  17. Problems of the First World. "My Video Game Dev implements improvements to my gaming experience in a clandestine manner , this is costing me virtual money "
  18. saw a toon named Johnstamos. f'ing lame. pick up on a dumb cliche and make it worse...
  19. I dont think any game will, the market will continue to divide and stabilize across a few big MMO's and several smaller ones. Though clearly the market overall is still growing.
  20. or , if you wana do something really special . Make him a nice home cooked meal , probly cheaper than the 60 card. just a thought.
  21. Panda Pokemon and the Great Unwashed . Gona be an epic expansion.
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