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Everything posted by pahbi

  1. On my server, Keetael, which on average, has 12-14 level 50's online at night, and I'm NOT exaggerating! 12-14 level 50's is the average. Basically has no server economy. And we're losing players daily due to folks getting tired of playing what amounts to a single player version of SWTOR. - P
  2. The DPS check boss can and should have an enrage timer. All other bosses should feature a type of ramping up soft enrage type of timer. The only reason every boss has a hard on/off type of enrage timer is the devs simply were to lazy to come up with creative soft enrage timers. Its pretty much just that simple. - P
  3. I appreciate the response, but I've already switched over to biochem, and I'm nothing but unhappy at the gobs and gobs of credits I have lost to synthweaving. Frankly, I don't ever see synthweaving as being useful to jedi, no matter what you do to it. Its a endgame skill (barely), and the codex should be updated to reflect that, so new folks don't fall into the same mistakes I did. - Pahbi
  4. The reusable grenades are terribad. Seriously, they are horrible, aweful, pitiful terribad. I mean, they actually do some damage or croud control or whatever the description says they will do. The problem is the 5 minute cooldown on them. 5 minutes?!?! Really?!?! Pfft, gimme a reusable stimpack instead. In terms of cybertech, here is how things work: Levels 1-50 you take cybertech so you can make mods and keep you and your companions armor up to date. At 50, you make yourself and companion a set of epic mods, make yourself all of the epic starship upgrades. Then you drop cybertech and pick up biochem so you can make reusable stimpacks to keep yourself buffed while in flashpoints or ops. Synthweaving, armortech, armstech? Don't bother. I know the fanbois are drooling over patch 1.2 thats supposed to make the currently less than useless crew skills super duper awsesome and amazing. But biochem works, and its not likeyl to be nerfed anymore, so just go with what works, you'll be glad you did. And if some other crew skill is awemazing, then make yourself a good supply of stims and go pick up the crew skill that you want. It only takes a few days to learn a crew skill to max. - Pahbi
  5. Words cannot adequately describe how frustrating the current loot system is. Our guild is on a light server, only within the last 3 weeks have we gotten enough geared folks together to do Ops. But the loot system is just completely bumming us out. On many many occasions, when multiple people are eligible for a columi token, the game will just auto award the token to someone who doesn't need it. We have 3 guildies that would be fully decked out in columi gear if the game would just let us need/greed on loot. But the game doesn't do that. The game just sorta auto decides who gets what loot, based on who knows what kind of system, and the system just flat out doesn't work. Its horrible horrible horrible. How in the world can a "next gen' mmo have a system this aweful? I mean really, its embarrassingly aweful. Freakin DIKU muds 20 years ago had a better loot system than this game. Am I really supposed to believe that a next gen MMO can't at least have a /roll command?!?! I mean... REALLY?!?! And we as a guild can't just need/greed or be adult enough to just decide amongst ourselves who will roll and who will not roll and get loot? We tried setting the loot system to master looter. That didn't seem to do anything differently. We're scared to set the system to free for all, for fear that a single person could accidently just loot an entire boss. REALLY BIOWARE?!?! When I read the other week that Bioware was interested in prioritizing bug fixes and improvements to things that effected a lot of people, well, your horrible terribad frankly disgusting loot system seems like a GREAT CANDIDATE for some improvements! :mad: - P
  6. Same thing happened to my group on Esseles. We killed the final boss, but 2 of the group got killed at the enrage timer. Not realizing it would be a problem, they released and tried to run back into the instance only to find themselves locked out and unable to get any loot Judging by the response you got from BW, we can pretty much expect nothing beyond a polite "up yours" type of response. - P
  7. Enrage timers are just over used and lazy design. Fights get reduced to frantic dps races instead of being more about strategy. I'd rather have a 5 minute fight that is interested and fun, than a 2 minute nuke fest to beat the enrage timer. - P
  8. As you do the fight more, the mechanics will become a lot more familiar and the overall group dps will increase because of that. More specifically, there isn't much to do except interupt force blast, and use your break out ability when he CC's you. - P
  9. For leveling purposes, cybernetics will help you the most, as you can make mods for orange moddable armor. Once your done leveling, go bio-chem. The reusable packs are freakin awesome. Beyond that, no other crew skill is worth the paper it was designed on. - P
  10. Its difficult to believe that in this day and age, the technology to pick out a columni (or other type) token based on the 4 people in the group, doesn't yet exist. We have players in the guild who's companions have 2-3 pieces of columni, but they don't have a single one. Its stupid. - P
  11. Sadly, no matter what the class, there are just two crew skill options. From 1-50 cybernetics, scavaging, underworld trading is great. They will allow you to make mods for your moddable armor and your companions moddable armor, so your armor is always up to date. At 50 make all the epic mods you need to fill out your armor and your companions armor, then drop cybernetics like a rock and pick up the only other viable crew skill in the game. Biochem, bioanalysis and diplomacy. The re-usable stim packs and health packs will be invaluable to you as you head into flashpoints and eventually ops and beyond. The implants will fetch great credits on the AH. All other tradeskills aren't worth the paper they are written on. - P
  12. The RE system in SWTOR is the worst system ever foisted into a MMO. Its hard to believe such an amazing game would include a system so horrible. - P
  13. In the last week with 400 skill in underworld trading, and sending a companion with max affection, I failed 3 different purple underworld trading missions. The whole idea that companions affection has some effect on missions is a bunch of hooey. 12k down the drain. What a useless waste. - P
  14. Your dps in the group should always have a kill order. Preferably, weak adds first, then strong then finally the elites. If they do that it shouldn't be to big a problem. The dps can pretty much tank weak adds with just a bit of healing even if they get agro and by the time they get to the strong / elites you will have lots and lots of threat on them. - P
  15. Cybertech The you can make armor / mods / ears for your alts orange moddable gear and gear for your alts robots if they have any. - P
  16. Why would I be sarcastic about such an amazing system? Everytime I RE something, the sun shines, angels sing, and sweet ambrosia flows freely from mount olympus. I hope Bioware never changes the current RE system, as perfection simply cannot be improved upon. - P
  17. Its awesome when I'm playing my republic character, and I get patterns for Sith or other empire toons. - P
  18. Thats just so freakin awesome Bioware! I mean, seriously, the ability to spend days and days and days and tens of thousands of credits on mats to RE a blue into a purple, and when the RNG gods finally bless you with a good roll, you find out that you already knew that schematic. How could a system possibly be any more awesome?!?! Whoever came up with that, should grab a nice big cigar, pat themselves on the back, take a week off, and bask in the wonderfulness of such an amazing and rewarding RE system. Once again, great job Bioware, I won't say anything that will in anyway diminish how wonderful, artful, joyful, beautiful and just flat out amazing the current RE system is. I mean, can anything even come close to comparing how insanely awesome the RE system is? I can't possibly think of anything. The RE system is like being in heaven, with a glass of absinthe, on a beach, looking into the most amazing sunset ever. You know, they say the Grand Canyon took like millions of years to become what it is today, and even the awesomeness of that does hold a candle to the current amazing RE system that Bioware has blessed us with. Sometimes, during the day, I just have to stop whatever I'm doing and just admire the elegance and beauty of this amazing system. Once again, great job Bioware! And I mean that from the bottom of my ever greatful heart. Not enough praise can be said about this system. - P
  19. There's no way this isn't a troll. 6 levels over and can't take 3 regulars + 1 strong? - P
  20. What reverse engineering really demonstrates in a tangible way is that while Bioware is freakin amazing at making really large and really awesome single player RP games. Designing systems, which is what a mmo is, really isn't their strong point. And its painfully obvious when you play the game. The cities and planets look awesome. The dialogue and quests and companions and such are just out of this world fun. But stuff that is a system, like crafting, is very rough around the edges. - P
  21. We accept in MMOs that stuff is done via random rolls. However... Its also a tenet, and an integral part of MMOs, that players are given ways and means to tip the odds into their favor. The current RE system is missing part of the equation, it is literally, nothing more than a RNG system with nothing players can do to help improve their odds. And that is what I believe makes RE a huge stinken pile of penquin piddle. There is no amount of scorn, disgust and overall awefulness that can adequately describe how truly aweful the current RE system is. - P
  22. While leveling - Cybertech hands down, so you can make your own mods for moddable armor. After your done leveling, drop cybertech like a bad habit and pick up bio-chem. Seriously, as sad as that sounds, those are literally, the only two useful tradeskills available. Every other trade is just a money sink that will make you wonder if gounging out your eyes with a spork would be less painful. - P
  23. Given the amount of time it takes to farm mats, do crew missions, and actually make stims, health packs etc, I feel like bio-chems earn the right to have re-usable packs. If the requirements and time sinks required to make stuff with biochem were greatly reduced, then it might be feasible to do away with re-usable packs. But until that happens, I say no way. - P
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