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Everything posted by Cleev

  1. Yes, the nerf to stats and companions made the general gameplay enjoyable for me again and I have infact renewed the sub for another month after years of barely subbing
  2. Uh. It's my opinion. Companions are part of the appeal of swtor and it can't be the solution to constantly dismiss them or put them on passive. If you like being OP you can just use your skills on your action bar and get a higher baseline of skill. Or group up. It's an MMO. Everyone else can play the game just fine. I still tear through all the heroics with barely any effort, and no I'm not a super elitist player. Rest of your post is just silly ramblings that I won't address.
  3. Companions HAVE been fixed. They were completely broken OP and should never have been able to completely heal all of the incoming damage and negate any chance of failure. Companions being useless is straight up a disingenuous lie, they still do their job, just now they can't carry you anymore. It's back to YOU to play the game
  4. I have no problems doing weeklies and heroics with my commando, though the sustained dps is still the lowest of all dps
  5. @Raansu just want to say a quick thanks for keeping up the resistance against making comps OP again gameplay is much more enjoyable now
  6. I really like the mount, but the idle sound is too loud and irritating after a while, for example when you stand at the GTN or your cargo hold.
  7. Yeah as I said, I'm convinced people like you are legit trolls. Seriously? Datacrons? Did you forget that stats are capped below 80? Even if you collect all of them that's at best an additional item slot. Leveling guardian doesn't have anything special that other classes don't have, you are just making things up and act like it's a fact. Even the stereotypically """squishy""" classes like Sage still have their damage bubble, self heals, AoE knockbacks, sprint, and I know this even without playing Sage. Bah I'm done wasting my time debating trolls, I'm back to playing the game.
  8. They matter at 80. Other people can play the game just fine with capped stats. There is nothing to be fixed.
  9. Then become experienced. No you don't need to become a no lifer for that. Edit: I read it wrong. But I made a new guardian and aside from more incoming damage, I haven't noticed a lot of difference. The main point is, that you have to actually use some of your skills now that there is even a chance to die.
  10. No problems here. I just use a mix of line of sight, CC, heal stims, AoE CC e.g. death from above etc. and I don't spam basic attack. Completely normal gameplay. And I am also a casual. And actually, half the "heroic missions" are still a complete pushover as before. Outside of Ops the game was utterly braindead easy for almost a decade. This is much better. And as a side note, you won't see a lot praise on the forums for the power level nerf, because most are just playing and enjoying the game instead of complaining here. It's gotten to a point where I firmly believe that people are trolling when they complain about solo content difficulties. They want to set their comp to heal and spam basic attack forever, which actually worked.
  11. 4X will just stand still when he uses the Charge ability, then uses his AoE which of course doesn't hit anything around him.
  12. Powertech got their channeled Flamethrower back, where's our Ravage?
  13. Sincere thank you for nerfing companions and increasing the difficulty in other ways. You actually have to use your brain sometimes and have to learn to not just spam basic attacks with a heal comp keeping you at 100%. Combat is much more enjoyable now. Don't revert it back because of whiners. People usually come here to hate, not love.
  14. The game was way too easy before, and companions were the actual main characters with how op they were. You could just spam your standard attack with your comp set to heal, that's just pathetic. Story bosses were built up as terrifying fights only to die in 3 seconds, making those parts of the story utterly ridiculous. """Heroic""" missions were not heroic or harder than normal missions in any way. FPs were complete jokes, and they still mostly are, but it's a bit better. You can still easily blast your way through them. People seem to forget that this is the start of a new expansion and you will get better gear soon, completely negating any difficulties again Now you have to use your brain a tiny bit, and the game is more enjoyable for it. So yes, thank you Bioware, even if many here cry about not being gods anymore (you still are), people like me still exist.
  15. It actually got worse? http://ixparse.com/rating/?boss=&mode=HM&size=8M&type=DPS&class=&order=rating&dir=d Gunnery is my favorite spec and I would really like to play it without having to break my back to be "okay"
  16. So has anyone found the vendor yet? Found the vendor, in the supply section with the title "Cosmetic Armor and Weapons" After all these years, joy! Happy farming
  17. Yeah I really don't know what to tell you, except this has to be an oversight. I don't believe people can be this stupid to think that not putting in low level FPs in the rotation was fine. Just hope that they fix this. Enjoy the stories though, as a new player you have a mountain of story content ahead of you. Tip: Check the "Show Exploration Missions" in the bottom-left of the world map for more smaller side missions.
  18. bump Jesus, bioware, this is a reason for an EMERGENCY MAINTENANCE
  19. It really feels like the end. For the 10th Anniversary, as a big celebration we get 2 hours of story content, changes that are almost universally hated by the players and the blatantly obviousness that the dev team is less than a skeleton crew with dev fatigue working on tiny budgets. I'll give my respect for their dedication to the game still. I'll also give my respect to the whales that pump enough money into the cartel market for their barbies to keep the game going for so long. As another poster said, this is almost the exact same way as when SWG went down. An update that went into history as the worst game patch ever, 25% of the playerbase instantly quit and the devs trying to bring back the core game aspects that they "improved" out, up until the shut down. I just hope there will be something similar to SWGEmu, so a SWTOR emulator, because the stories are still the things that make me come back. I'm fine with no multiplayer stuff, if I can do the stories from A to Z.
  20. But it's so clean and modern and up-to-date by modern standards!!!! Take of your rose tinted nostalgia glasses!!!!!
  21. Imagine being a new player. So you go to the fleet for the first time and there's this terminal directly infront of you when you come out of the elevator. It gives you among other introductions the introduction to group finder mission. It says click on the group finder button and complete a random FP with the group finder. You do as you are told and all you get is You are currently ineligible for this activity. Bravo, Bioware.
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