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Everything posted by Xanikk

  1. While immature I really think you have an incredibly soft skin if this bothered you. Really?
  2. Xanikk

    Ilum is unplayable

    Even if Ilum performed flawlessly with the hero engine (which it doesnt!) I can't understand how anyone can defend this novice experiment. With faction imbalances and the fact there is little incentive to do anything other than your daily, on some servers it can be difficult to get those kills needed.
  3. Yeah I know. I still don't get why we signed the peace treaty at all if we were winning though.
  4. You must be lucky to be stuck playing against bad marauder's then. Marauders simply have more ways to keep up with you then you have to get away. It's not arguable. It's simply a fact. Compare the abilities and cooldowns yourself.
  5. Why do we care if you arent quitting? Are you guys overly sensitive when someone quits after pointing out broken mechanics, outstanding bugs that don't get attention, and obvious gameplay flaws? I don't need to be told you are happy with your mediocre product. Hopefully when patch 1.2 comes around it will be worth playing.
  6. I don't know. If there is no new tier of gear and raid in the next content patch or it's cleared too easily I know many PVE'ers won't be sticking around for a half baked end game. The game just isn't rewarding enough at level cap right now.
  7. ITT: Uninformed idiots claiming that add-ons and macros play the game for you rather than streamline and enhance the experience.
  8. She says peace is a lie. I don't believe her however, because if that were true then why did we sign a peace treaty with the republic when we were winning the war?
  9. That's one idea... I have actually never heard of. Very creative! I think you should only be able to rent entry level gear though, and even that should have a minimum gear requirement. Just enough though not to trivialize gear progression and raid barriers. I think this game is easy enough. It would be ok for normals I guess.
  10. If you can't counter a merc playing incorrectly by spamming one button then i really think you should stop pvping because you are obviously a liability for whatever team you are on.
  11. Ok so here is the deal. I just finished all my class quests on Balmorra and was sent to my ship hangar where I talked with Malavai Quinn who supposedly wants to join me. Fair enough. However after finishing the conversation my quest log doesnt update.. at all. I can even re-initiate the conversation over and over again getting infinite affection points with Vette, assuming this never ending loop actually updates my quest log at some point. And no I did not hit escape at all during the conversation. Is this normal? Or am I bugged?
  12. I consider myself a Europhile but this is one thing I just can't accept. I don't care if the rest of the world uses commas as we use decimal points, I cant get used to it.
  13. First of all let me say I am a lvl 50 merc who has done several HM flashpoints and inbetween now and when I first got them I have been very dissapointed with blizz and skadge. My blizz even with good gear and half epics dies incredibly fast. I find it just better to use torian or mako with full epics while doing ilum dailys or w/e. Torian with an epic techstaff that I crafted just tears **** up. Skadge on the other hand just dies too fast and I have to spend more downtime waiting for them to heal up while I never have much down time with torian or mako. Anyone else have any thoughts on our "tank" companions? They just seem to make downtime during trash pulls in dailys/quests take longer to me.
  14. I know in beta tests and PTR's on blizzard games, practically every bug imaginable does indeed get reported. The problem is probably not the beta testers but the companies refusal or outright laziness in fixing the bugs that do get reported.
  15. These type of topics should be banned. If I had a dollar for every time this thread topic was started on any mmo forum I would be a billionaire.
  16. Because SWTOR is an inferior game. Apparently they couldn't learn anything from the long development time or the MMO's that came before it. (I know your post was sarcasm)
  17. This basically means I am unable to RP with my character and fully develop him/her. I will have to reroll all my toons and choose stupid one sided options. Why? Why should we be forced into being completely evil or completely good? It makes no sense. People aren't like that. Nobody is. This kills any sense of role playing in this game. Not a cool thing for bio-ware to do.
  18. This is ridiculous. I totally agree with the poster. Why do I have to be a bloodthirsty black heart barbarian or a perfect goody two shoes to fully develop my character? Very poor design choice and unpractical. Apparently george lucas only sees the world through black and white lenses. People are not 100% good or 100% evil in reality. Nobody is. Why should we be penalized if we arent.
  19. Totally agree with your post. Star wars lore is really black and white in this regard. Why can't I be a neutral character and be powerful? It doesn't make sense that the only people in star wars are those who are bloodthirsty serial killers or sinless perfect human beings.
  20. Sadly, this man speaks the truth. EA is the perfect example of a heartless company that would kick its customers into the dirt if it meant slightly more money in the short term.
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