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Everything posted by Xanikk

  1. Has anyone tried this, just as a challenge? Can it be done? I would like to see someone level to 50 as a sith inquisitor without choosing an advanced class going solo. I bet it would be hard.
  2. Hey I played FFXI and waiting was similar in that game and so were the penalties. I'm just saying why put up with unneeded machanics that are only a hassle and don't add any value to gameplay? Can you give me a reason why the elevator delay is needed?
  3. Well who posts on a forum to give praise? It's all about discussing issues. Just sayin..
  4. I only used missile blast before I got tracer missile (I'm a merc). I have never since needed to use it except on the rare occasion I was very low on heat and moving a great deal during an operation. Otherwise I don't even see the need for it to be on my bars, So my question is do powertechs use missile blast more at 50? Or is this ability almost useless for everyone?
  5. Really? You don't have your priorities straight in my opinion if that's your thinking.
  6. I only used missile blast before I got tracer missile (I'm a merc). I have never since needed to use it except on the rare occasion I was very low on heat and moving a great deal during an operation. Otherwise I don't even see the need for it to be on my bars, So my question is do powertechs use missile blast more at 50? Or is this ability almost useless for everyone?
  7. It doesn't bother me too much really. Just thought I would make my point known by posting this. I hardly see it as needed at all. Just give us the push button elevators.
  8. I hate waiting for elevators. Is this a necessary game design? I don't think it has to be. There are elevators where you click a button and it takes you to the top/bottom instantly as well. Why can't all elevators in the game be like that? The worst ones are the ones in one of the bases in hoth and the one for the wraith box daily for the empire on belsavis. Nobody enjoys waiting for the elevators. Or am I wrong? What the communities thoughtson this?
  9. I would consider it a bug as well on HM. If they didnt intend to reward you with points then the option would be removed on HM. If not it's piss poor design.
  10. We wont see anymore star wars movies in our lifetime. There will be more eventually though. We just have to wait for the copyright to expire. Star Wars will become public domain 70 years after George Lucas dies. So don't expect another movie before 2100!
  11. I took the survey. I am happy to help out! I found it quite interesting. Very good topic for a research paper!
  12. Nice hyperbole. That's not at all what I was asking if you read the thread. I just want it to be a little more believable and not just my-t00n-is-immune-to-evrything-cause-hes-a-hero!!!11 Maybe let me get infected with a 8 hour timer to get it cleansed. If not I turn into a rakhghoul and some npc walks up and shoots me. After that I could spawn at a med center and continue playing as normal back to my old self. Make sense?
  13. Nice, but you didn't show us his gut.
  14. Btw I find it a little amusing that so many people have already assumed I am fat. No I am not. I weigh 160 pounds and I am 5"9.
  15. Were you born yesterday? If you have a standard keyboard you should notice that the t is right next to the r. So with a bit of common sense you could assume that was a typo, which it was.
  16. Yes prove it. Show me a screenshot because I doubt it's all muscle like you say.
  17. Hmm not sure I understand you. No offense but maybe you should put whatever you are trying to say through google translate. I know it's horrible but it will still come out better than whatever you just typed.
  18. I guess your definition of fat is different from mine and the rest of the general publics then.
  19. I would call 4 for females just really tall not fat.
  20. Why does everyone on every internet forum feel the need to be contrarian no matter what the OP has posted. I swear I could state an undeniable fact and still get deniers.
  21. Oh please. The fat cheeks and the lack of a neck on body size 4 didn't give it away for you? They are most certainly fat.
  22. Yeah but why not give us the option. Allowing the option for a minority of players cant hurt anyone. I'm sure the code for it already exists or is easy to modify since there are fat males.
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