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Everything posted by MishaCantu

  1. Another duel return. I wonder if they'll both lose their battle barks like Corso and Risha? And no, not talking about the mouths not moving or the planetary comments and such, I'm talking about their little quips while fighting with us. Healing, tanking, dps, Corso and Risha are mute as a tomb.
  2. Memory lane isn't quite the same when seen through someone else's eyes: Lovely chapter and more insights and a surprise too. Wonderful work.
  3. Ya know? I wasn't expecting that. Brilliant chapter, bringing closure to one thing and opening up many avenues going forward. Very much wanting to see where this goes.
  4. Reality sets in and is a harsh mistress: Wonderful job in touching on what's happening on many fronts. Definitely looking forward to seeing where this all ends up.
  5. The boy who would be king: Great chapter with some interesting angles, and an extra bit to read before Thursday. So many possibilities await.
  6. Interesting insights: Great chapter leading to many different paths to take. Eagerly awaiting the next.
  7. Well, I wasn't expecting that... Lovely chapter, another zinger, what's not to love. Can't wait for the next.
  8. They have been so hush hush about Theron's ultimate fate that I doubt they'll give us anything just to avoid the backlash from both camps. We'll see, but I don't expect anything at all, and actually, I hope there isn't one.
  9. During that whole Scorpio/Iokath arc, wasn't the Infinite Engine mentioned in connection to the Eternal Fleet and such? If, Vitiate had stored away a fragment of the Infinite Engine in his vault, I suppose that could be a catalyst for this old world growth on Nathama. It was a shard of this that Revan used to create a fleet during the Civil War. I don't know if anything was ever mentioned about what happened to this splinter, and not much mentioned at all except that one quest on Nar Shaddaa which was just a seed. So perhaps it's all tied together with the Infinite Engine somehow.
  10. The quickening of life from a dark place seldom ends well: Very much looking forward to seeing where all this will lead.
  11. A delightful bite out of time for two of my favorite guys. I love the way that Thorns recognizes the tomb exactly for what it is, the final resting place of a 'once important man,' and expecting only the ghostly trappings of the special effects of a holo vid. His little homage to Ce'na and Ciner's acknowledgment of her contribution was a nice touch. Smart of Thorns to stay outside, just in case. And perhaps they would have been friends in another time and place. I snickered a bit at the ending, farms and hay fever and missing Tatooine for its lack of flora and pollen. I'm always happy to see you post. Well done.
  12. I agree with you. SOR was much more enjoyable, to me, than the long, drawn-out chapters where I couldn't even choose what companion to use. Although chapters were story heavy, and I do love story, they weren't my character's story so much as being a bit player in keeping up with the Valkorians. Way too much face time for Arcann and Vaylinn. I actually didn't care much for the ROTHC expansion, but it served its purpose. As long as everything is repeatable, I'm ok with SOR type story telling.
  13. Too late for my main characters, but, I won't be taking any alts through for sure. In fact, my alts haven't been touched in ages, and this is definitely a deterrent for taking them any further story wise. Bioware constantly says how they are aware of how important our companions are to us, but this is just further proof that they really don't. Or, they just don't care.
  14. I don't do any GSF but that would seem creepy to be talking to yourself. I still have to assume that code is being deleted which makes me wonder just who is working in that department and what kind of QA, if any, is being done. Not much, evidently. As for the cutscenes, I have also experienced the rubber banding of characters as well as having duplicates show up, the Rishi safehouse is particularly bad about this as well as Ziost. It does often feel that the game is falling apart one strand at a time. They break so many things that should have never been touched in the first place.
  15. I'm not speaking of their mouths not moving when you right click on them. That is a problem with ALL the companions whether it was a solo return or not. I'm talking about the little things they say when running around with you: like Quinn says, 'didn't lose you', Andronikus says 'it's not your time', Vector says, 'enabling combat pheromones', etc. and so forth. Corso and Risha say Nothing. They are completely mute no matter what stance they are in, and they were the only ones in a dual return to date. I just wanted to make that clear as I know people label them pod people just for the fact that their mouths don't move anymore.
  16. It was a stellar interview Vulkk and I truly appreciate your straightforward approach to the questions asked. No waffling from you at all which is very refreshing. You were organized, very professional and asked what you could considering no answers could be expected for some of the viewer questions. I've always enjoyed your patch notes updates, and today is a big plus. Kudos to you.
  17. I agree about the constant babble being annoying also, but having them mute is very odd too. If the problem is tied exclusively to Dual Return companions, then future returns may suffer as well. Middle ground really does not exist for Bioware, does it? Too much or nothing at all with a gaping chasm in between.
  18. Yes, I feel a bit better, but there is still no guarantee that he will be seen in future content. A lovely return is very nice to look forward to, but not if he's to be bricked. I will try to hold some positive outlook though. It is a waiting game after all.
  19. Corso and Risha no longer have their battle barks since their return. Every other returned companion is working fine. 1. Right click works even if the mouth doesn't move but that affects all companions. 2. They speak if summoned or dismissed 3. They NO LONGER make a sound when running as a companion. Corso does not say: Yeeha, I've had enough, or Now you're dumb, ugly, and dead. He is totally mute. Same for Risha. I have the feeling that this is related to the dual return, perhaps some deleted code or trigger. If this is so, will Mako and Akaavi have the same issue when they come back? Or Scourge and Kira? It is immersion breaking to have Corso and Risha be completely silent. Please return their battle barks. PLEASE! Yes, I did create a bug report.
  20. Interesting... So well done. Definitely looking forward to the next.
  21. Nice work from one end of the galaxy to the other: Great read, as always and looking forward to the next.
  22. The JC was my first ever toon in SWTOR and I fell in love with Zenith. The voice didn't hurt, but I really appreciated his sense of devotion to Balmorra and going to any lengths to do what needed to be done. It was a nice counterpart to the JC more diplomatic side and they played off each other nicely. And I really liked his battle bark: 'who do you want dead?' He should have been a LI for sure.
  23. I'd say late 2018 or January or February of 2019. 5.10 is still to come, maybe summer, say July or August. As for 6.0, I don't hold out much hope for story content being significant. Lots of killing mobs in a flashpoint or two, then a cutscene or two at best. I am really hoping for something replayable and halfway enjoyable like with SOR, and with a small class specific quest, but who knows. I'm not getting my hopes up.
  24. Me, cliff, hanging again... Interesting and exciting with little reveals along the way. Anxious to see where this goes next.
  25. As they say, it would be a boring world if we all thought the same. I like to read different takes as long as a writer doesn't go so far around the bend that I can't follow. Some stories about Theron and Quinn and even others make me cringe. Some are quite well written even though I may not agree with their take on a character. I try to keep an open mind unless a writer does something so incredibly crazy that no stretch of the imagination can take me there. One of my pet peeves is when someone makes Theron a weeping ninny or so shattered he can't even function. Nope, he is stronger than that, regardless of his familial background.
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